单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day45(441-450)
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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 45 441. Comfortable adj.令人舒适的;感到舒服的,安逸的;自在的; Please make yourself comfortable. 请不要拘束。 She didn't feel comfortable with my friend. 她对我的朋友感觉不舒服。 This sofa can easily be converted into a very comfortable double bed for guests. 这张沙发可以很容易地转换成一张非常舒适的双人床,供客人使用。 442. Command v.命令,下令;统率,指挥;n.命令,指示 Who gave the command? 谁下达了命令? My mother commands my presence at the party. 我母亲命令我出席聚会。 He commanded me to leave the room immediately. 他命令我立即离开房间。 443. Comment n.评论,意见;批评,指责v.评论,发表意见 Do you have any comment, Mr. President? 主席先生,你有什么意见吗? That comment is completely off topic. 该评论完全不在话题范围内。 His comment was concise and to the point. 他的评论简明扼要,直截了当。 444. Commission n.考察团,委员会;佣金,回扣;犯罪;委托,命令 How much is the commission? 佣金是多少? We charge a commission of 5%. 我们收取5%的佣金。 445. Commit v.犯(罪、错);承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺;订婚, Try it before you commit to a purchase. 在承诺购买之前先尝试一下。 They commit a serious crime. 他们犯了严重的罪行。 446. Commitment n.忠诚,献身;承诺,保证;奉献,投入;决心 I cannot make such a commitment at the moment. 我现在无法做出这样的承诺。 Are you ready to make a long-term commitment? 你准备好做出长期承诺了吗? One thing that won't change is our commitment to our customers. 有一件事不会改变,那就是我们对客户的承诺。 447. Committee n.委员会 He's the chairman of the committee. 他是委员会的主席。 The committee adopted the proposal. 委员会通过了该提案。 Are you on the committee? 你在委员会里吗? 448. Common adj.共同的;常见的,普遍的,一般的;普通的,平凡的 This sort of problem is quite common. 这种问题很常见。 Here are some common mistakes when booking a flight. 以下是预订航班时的一些常见错误。 Divorce is becoming more common nowadays. 如今,离婚变得越来越普遍。 449. Commonly adv.通常,大多数人地 She commonly arrives home late after work. 她通常下班后回家很晚。 Shift workers commonly complain of not getting enough sleep. 轮班工人通常抱怨睡眠不足。 450. Communicate v.传递信息,通讯;传达,传递;传染;传输 Pilots communicate with the airport by radio. 飞行员通过无线电与机场通信。 It's important to communicate effectively with others. 与他人进行有效的沟通非常重要。 We communicate with each other by telephone every day. 我们每天都通过电话互相沟通。
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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 47 461. Complete adj.完全的,彻底的;全部的v.使完整,使完美 She is trying to complete her homework. 她正在努力完成作业。 He is a complete stranger tome. 他对我来说是一个完全陌生的人。 The doctor advised me to take a complete...
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