英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part5(story9)
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Tales From The Thousand And One Nights 词汇提示 1.wiles 诡计 2.inscription 题词 3.pockmarked 长麻子的 4.stingy 小气的 5.veiled 戴面纱的 6.furious 狂怒的 7.predicament 困境 8.gypsies 吉普赛人 9.blacksmith 铁匠 原文 Story 9: Women's Wiles There once was a young and handsome, son of a merchant in Baghdad. He had a shop in the city where he bought, and sold goods. One day, a charming young woman passed by his shop. She looked up an saw the inscription written above the shop door and it made her upset 'Men's wits exceed women's wiles.' She was determined to do something about it. The next day, she went back to the store dressed in her most expensive clothes. She went into the store pretending to shop and while talking with the merchant she said, "Look at the shape of my body, how could anyone say that I have a hunchback." She leaned forward so that he could see part of her breasts. Then she said, "And how can they say my arms are pockmarked, and that I'm one-eyed." She showed him her smooth white forearms, and let him see her face. The merchant said that of course, she was none of these things and asked why she had these ideas. The young lady told the merchant that her father said all of these horrible things. She said her father was the Chief Kazi of the city and turned away all her suitors, he telling them that she was deformed and she would never marry. She said, "My father is stingy and doesn't want to spend money. He says, I am like the slave girls and shouldn't wear elegant clothing and that I will be single forever." The merchant was so charmed by her beauty and suffering that he begged for her to stop crying and vowed to marry her himself. The woman warned him that her father would try to discourage the match. The merchant assured her that he wouldn't believe the Kazi's lies. He went to the Kazi's palace to ask to marry the Kazi's daughter. The Kazi said that they were not a good match. Insisting that he didn't care, the contracts were signed and a grand wedding was made. The daughter was heavily veiled and was brought to the merchant's house. He discovered to his horror that she was indeed hunchbacked,covered in pockmarks, and had only one eye, just as the Kazi said. He realized the beautiful young woman who came to his store had tricked him. The next morning, she dressed herself with even more expensive clothes that showed her perfect shape. The furious merchant to know why she played such a tricks on him, saying,"What did I do to harm you? I don't understand." The girl pointed to his sign and said that the sign over his door made her angry and displeased. She said to him, "If you change your sign to say the opposite I will get you out of your predicament." He agreed to change the sign. She told him to hire all the gypsies, dancers and beggars in the city to come and sing the next morning, exactly at the time when he will be having coffee with his new father-in-law. The next day, the crowd came to the merchant and the Kazi. The Kazi was shocked and demanded to know what was going on. The merchant said what the young woman had told him to say, "These are my relatives,I am the son of their uncle. They have come to wish me congratulations on my new marriage." The Kazi was sad that he had married his daughter into such a low-class family and divorced from the wanted his daughter merchant. After the divorce was processed, the merchant ordered a new sign for his shop. The sign said, "Women's wiles exceed men's wits." In the end, he persuaded a young lady, who was a blacksmith's daughter, to marry him and they lived happily through the rest of their days. 翻译 故事九:女人的诡计从前,巴格达有一个年轻英俊的商人的儿子。他在城里开了一家商店,在那里买卖货物。一天,一位迷人的年轻女子经过他的商店。她抬头一看,看到店门上写着这样一句话,她很不高兴:“男人的智慧胜过女人的诡计。”她决心要做点什
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