单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day50(491-500)
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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 50 491. Connection n.关系,联系;连接,接通;人际关系,人脉 He can't do his job without an internet connection. 没有互联网连接他就无法完成工作。 There is a connection between smoking and lung cancer. 吸烟和肺癌之间有联系。 492. Consequence n.结果,后果;重要性,价值 It's the consequence of your laziness. 这是你懒惰的结果。 He takes the consequence of not studying hard. 他承担了不努力学习的后果。 493. Conservative adj.保守的;守旧的;n.保守者,因循守旧者 I'm not as conservative as I used to be. 我不像以前那样保守。 Old people are usually more conservative than young people. 老年人通常比年轻人更保守。 494. Consider v.考虑,斟酌;认为,视为;探讨,讨论 We must consider all options. 我们必须考虑所有选项。 I think it's time for me to consider going on a diet. 我想是时候考虑节食了。 What do you consider your greatest achievement? 你认为你最大的成就是什么? 495. Considerable adj.相当大的,相当重要的;显要的,值得尊敬的 We've saved a considerable amount of money. 我们已经存了一大笔钱。 That was a considerable distance. 那是相当长的距离。 He is under considerable stress. 他承受着相当大的压力。 496. Consideration n.考虑,斟酌;考虑因素;体贴,关心;报酬,酬金 The problem is not worth consideration. 这个问题不值得考虑。 We'll take that into consideration. 我们会考虑这一点。 The proposals are still under consideration. 这些提案仍在审议之中。 497. Constant adj.持续不断的,经常发生的;恒定的;忠诚的 n.常数 I couldn't walk to school because of the constant rain. 因为持续下雨,我无法步行去学校。 He is my constant supporter. 他是我一贯的支持者。 This entrance is in constant use. 这个入口一直在使用。 498. Constantly adv.总是,经常地,不断地 He is constantly provoking me. 他一直在挑衅我。 He constantly criticizes other people. 他经常批评别人。 The world is constantly changing. 世界在不断变化。 499. Construct v.建造,修建;组成,创立 I wonder when this building was constructed? 我想知道这栋楼是什么时候建的? They'reconstructing a bridge over the river. 他们正在河上建一座桥。 500. Construction n.建造,建筑;构造,结构;建筑物 The construction blocked the entrance to the street. 建筑物封锁了街道的入口。 He has a son who is a construction worker. 他有一个儿子是建筑工人。 The railway is still under construction. 铁路仍在建设中。
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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 52 511. Contrast n.差异,对比;对照物;v.对比,对照 There is a contrast between light and dark. 明暗之间存在对比。 His actions contrast with his words. 他的行为与他的话形成鲜明对比。 512. Contribute v.捐赠,捐助;(为......)做贡献;投稿 Would...
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