Level 5-Day 30.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (3)
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词汇提示 1.comrades 同志战友 2.paramilitary 准军事的 3.blatantly 公然的 4.tabloids 通俗小报 5.dissemination 传播 原文 Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (3) Not satisfied however with the most vicious anti-union legislation in the world, the Tories are currently introducing new measures which are so draconian they have staggered and brought forth opposition even from some traditional enemies of the trade-union movement. The steps taken against British trade unionism can probably only be compared with those taken against our German comrades by Hitler in the 1930s. If this new Tory legislation is left unchallenged, then civil liberties and human rights in Britain are in danger of being wiped out... As life in Britain becomes harder, as frustrations and tensions rise, the State must bring into play all the elements of its machinery in order to suppress any attempts to throw off its power. The police are used increasingly in paramilitary fashion. The judiciary use greater ruthlessness against any trade union that attempts to stand by its rules and constitution as the experience of the National Union of Mine workers over the past four years proves. The courts have dealt just as savagely with the Lambeth and Liverpool councillors who refused to betray the commitments made to their communities. Meanwhile the media, now quite openly under the control of international capitalists such as Murdoch and Maxwell, become even more blatantly the mouthpiece of Toryphilosophy. The British capitalist press can make no claim to either objectivity or integrity, whether through the gutter journalism of the tabloids, or the more restrained style of the so-called 'quality' papers; they both play a key role in the daily dissemination of lies and misinformation to the public. This is but an outline of the situation which today faces the British Labour and trade - union movement. The terrible irony about it is that whilst throughout our movement there is general agreement on the ravages of the Tory attack and agreement that it should be stopped – we have not united in an effective force to combat those ravages and challenge the system which has forced them on to our class. On the contrary! Rather than uniting to fight our common enemy, our movement has been diverted time and time again by internal attacks: attacks aimed,disgracefully, at the very sections which have fought so bravely to carry out Labour Party and TUC policies by battling to save jobs, industries, communities and services. Margaret Thatcher has been absolutely clear in recognizing her enemy - it is socialism and she has openly declared her intention of wiping it off the British agenda. 翻译 阿瑟·斯卡吉尔:“对保守党政策的批评”(3)然而,托利党对世界上最恶毒的反工会立法并不满意,他们目前正在引入新的严厉措施,这些措施令人震惊,甚至引起了工会运动的一些传统敌人的反对。对付英国工会主义的措施,大概只能与希特勒在20世纪30年代对付我们德国同志的措施相比。如果保守党的这项新立法不受挑战,那么英国的公民自由和人权就有被消灭的危险。随着英国人的生活变得越来越艰难,随着挫折和紧张局势的加剧,国家必须调动其机器的所有要素,以镇压任何推翻其权力的企图。警察越来越多地用于准军事用途。司法部门对任何试图遵守其规则和宪法的工会都更加无情,正如全国矿工工会过去四年的经验所证明的那样。法院对拒绝违背对社区承诺的兰贝斯和利物浦议员也同样粗暴。与此同时,媒体现在完全公开地受到默多克和麦克斯韦尔等国际资本家的控制,它们甚至更加公然地成为保守党哲学的喉舌。英国资本主义新闻界无论是通过小报的下流新闻,还是通过所谓的“优质”报纸的更克制的风格,都不能声称客观性或完整性;他们都
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