The Bible is the most important book ever written in history. And what could be more important than teaching kids to read the Bible? Teaching kids the Bible is the single most important experience in guaranteeing your kids are successful. Today my guest Erin Davis will be talking about helping children fall in love with the Bible. Erin shares that to create a passion in your kids for the Bible, moms have to incorporate it as part of our everyday life and model it. As moms, we need to first...
Published 07/26/21
Disability is a subject which is confounding and difficult to reconcile. If you live with a disability you often think why did God allow this in my life. If you have children with disabilities, it can be even more gut-wrenching trying to safeguard your child and at the same time trying to make sense of it all. Each circumstance comes with its distinct challenge, and neither is easier than the other, yet no matter what the situation is there are things you can do to lighten the load you might...
Published 07/19/21
There are great spiritual lessons from God’s Word about the concept of a lasting legacy. For many of us, we know that if we don't intentionally pass along our beliefs and values to our children, it will be filled by our culture’s beliefs and values instead. Today we’re going to be talking with mother-daughter duo, Teresa Conlon and Kate Hughes about Family Legacies. They both share examples of traditions and legacy inherited from their own parents which have made tremendous differences in how...
Published 07/12/21
When people become parents planning for the future becomes a priority and requires a greater level of accountability, responsibility and wisdom. Today we’re going to be talking with mother-daughter Chrystal Evans Hurst and Kariss Farris about Leaving a Legacy that will Outlast You. Coming from a family with an incredible legacy, they both share examples of traditions and legacy inherited from their own parents and grandparents which have made tremendous differences in how they have raised...
Published 06/07/21
Kids are very different, the world and culture are extremely different and normal Christian parenting isn’t getting the job done. As Christians parents, we need to start thinking outside the box about our parental role. My guest Denise Mira discusses Revolutionary Parenting and what it means. To be revolutionary means to take drastic and far reaching steps to effectuate change. If we look at what’s happening all around us, its high time for a revolution. We need to have a revolution in...
Published 06/01/21
Kids are very different, the world and culture are extremely different and normal Christian parenting isn’t getting the job done. As Christians parents, we need to start thinking outside the box about our parental role. My guest Denise Mira discusses Revolutionary Parenting and what it means. To be revolutionary means to take drastic and far reaching steps to effectuate change. If we look at what’s happening all around us, its high time for a revolution. We need to have a revolution in...
Published 05/31/21
Kids seem to be in constant transition so much these days. And parents are just trying their best to keep up. Sometimes it’s really difficult to tell how a child is doing, especially if we’re not being extra aware of what is happening in their lives. My guest Michelle Nietert talks to us today about the warning signs to look for to ensure our kids are okay. “Talk to your children about small things and ask them good questions.” Michelle recalled when she asked her daughter, during a...
Published 05/24/21
This world has a completely different point of view about gender identity than the Christian worldview. This difference causes hesitancy in many when the subject is broached. To be honest, it is such a difficult topic to talk about with adults, now think about how difficult it is to talk about it with our children. My guest Denise Shick addresses the issue of gender identity speaking about Understanding Gender Confusion. Denise shares her personal story on how her father told her he wanted...
Published 05/17/21
Motherhood is one of the most fulfilling journeys life offers, but it is exhausting. Add work outside the house to the mix, and you may find yourself stretched very thin. Today my guest Lila Rose shares her experience balancing her career with motherhood. Lila shares how intense a career can be routinely, yet when you add the wrinkles, like events, conferences and travel it becomes very challenging. She personally realized when she became a mother that she would have to adjust her career to...
Published 05/10/21
As mothers we all struggle one way or another because the juggle is real! Today my guest Jill Savage will be talking about no more being perfect. What we chat about The pressures of needing to be the perfect mom The comparison game How does the pressure affect children emotionally and mentally Expectations vs realistic hope
Published 05/03/21
In this week’s podcast, my guest Melissa Vande Kieft shares her story about eagerly waiting on God while coping with infertility. Infertility is not an easy situation; you feel social pressure to have kids and you feel judged by well-meaning friends, family members, or even strangers. It is a journey, even if it is lonely and grounded in fear. “This whole process of navigating infertility was something I wasn’t prepared for and shook who I was.” Melissa’s journey dealing with infertility was...
Published 04/26/21
In this week’s podcast, my guest Mo Isom Aiken shares about the secret of having true intimacy with our first love based on her third book, Fully Known. A mom’s job is hard and important work. And the only way we can perform this work is through God’s spirit and His love. His spirit is already poured out for us to receive. And His love is a function of His sacrifice on the Cross. These truths act as reminders that being a mom and wife is a beautiful thing, and are to be cherished and...
Published 04/19/21
In this week’s podcast, my guest Ruth Graham shares about the miracle of forgiveness. When we live with unresolved anger or hurt, the result is nearly always bitterness, broken relationships, and unhealthy behaviors. Unforgiveness if left unresolved can sabotage our entire life from the spiritual to the mental to the physical. Ruth Graham shares her personal journey to finding forgiveness in her heart for individuals who hurt her. God is about forgiveness. However, we often can’t imagine the...
Published 04/12/21
The Bible is the most important book in history. In this week’s episode, Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright talks about how to make the Bible come alive to our children. She shares how she presented her daughter with the Gospel from the moment she was born and talks about Bible stories with her children at all times. “I try to always tell them stories. I wanted it to be relevant all the time and not just reading it during one set time.” Playing fun games to focus children on Bible stories and...
Published 04/05/21
There are so many incredible moms in the Bible. Yet, there is one mother who rarely grabs any acclaim — that’s Moses’s mom, Jochebed. In this week’s episode, Maria Durso talks about empowering moms by using Jochebed’s life as an example. Jochobed lived in dark and challenging times. Pharaoh wanted to kill every Jewish boy two years and younger. Yet, Moses’s mother had a plan. She had an anointed eye, a gift of foresight. The moment she saw her baby, she was determined to fight for his...
Published 03/29/21
Today’s episode seems more critically important today than ever before. The role of mothers is slowly eroding blocked out by competing interests and societal priorities, yet it doesn’t mean a mother’s value has changed. In this episode, Mo Isom Aiken shares her heart on the importance of a mother using the example of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mo points to Mary’s perseverance, tenacity, and above all her humility, as the mother of Jesus to make her point about mother’s privilege. “When I...
Published 03/22/21
Postpartum depression is something seldom discussed, but which affects many people. Mental health can mean different things to different people, depending on individual experiences. In this week’s podcast, my guest Carly Graham shares her postpartum depression story. Carly speaks about the different signs of postpartum from loss of interest of things to decrease mood to trouble sleeping or sleeping too much to eating habits. "When you have postpartum depression it’s hard to see into the...
Published 03/15/21
In this https://gemsofmotherhood.com/podcast/ (podcast) episode, Nancy touches on a very important subject matter. It’s important to teach our children to love their bodies. If we don’t, they may pick up misperceptions and wrong teaching from the culture. Issues, like homosexuality and transgenderism, are infiltrating school curriculums starting as young as preschool. As Christians we need to stay on top of these hot topics and equip our children with knowledge about their body to be able to...
Published 03/08/21
Beauty… a subject matter that is hardly addressed especially when it comes to motherhood. Anytime moms are around something that delights our senses it reveals what captivates to our soul. This is further proof of God’s vast array of images and what is true beauty. Abbie defines true beauty as something that awakens us to God. “The message of beauty comes from the stamping of God’s image from the beginning and the continual attraction that draws us back to His beauty” Abbie shares that the...
Published 03/01/21
The rate of depression and suicides continues to climb. And anxiety is now considered an epidemic in children. My guest Sissy Goff tackles this topic in How to Help Kids Handle their Emotions. Sissy shares that there is a tremendous difference in how children of different sexes deal with anxiety. While girls experience anxiety twice as much as boys, boys are more likely to be taken to therapy. “I have never seen girls face as much pressure as they do now. I think they are feeling pressures...
Published 02/22/21
Do you find yourself threatening, repeating your instructions or raising your voice in an attempt to get your children to obey? We’re glad you’re joining us today as Ginger Hubbard talks about 6 Discipline Mistakes Parents Make. Her talk encourages us to take a more biblical, heart-oriented approach to training our children. “Children should be taught to obey because it’s right and it pleases God.” We must remember our goal is not merely get our children to outwardly obey, but to reach their...
Published 02/15/21
Being a mother is no easy task since we are natural caregivers. And balancing marriage, motherhood, and ministry is no small task. In this podcast, Esther Ibanga will speak to us about Balancing Motherhood. “It wasn’t easy. A lot of times, I found myself torn between my family and ministry.” Pastor Ibanga shares about her calling and how she has had to navigate it between her family and ministry. While she has always been a church leader, she made sure that she honored her husband by...
Published 02/08/21
Adversity! We all go through them. Naghmeh Panahi has experienced many storms in her life from persecution to abuse, yet she always knew God was with her. In this week’s podcast, Naghmeh talks about keeping close to Jesus during the storms of life. She shares that problems may persist, turmoil might worsen over time, but God is in control working in the midst of the storms! When Naghmeh first had her children, her biggest fear was raising them by herself. Her struggle with this persistent...
Published 02/01/21
Now we all want well behaved children, but kids often misbehave. Having difficult conversations with children is hard. Yet, In today’s podcast, Stacy Bellward talks about The Power of Questions. She shares concerning the importance of asking questions. The opposite of asking is telling. And telling does not work. We often get into these patterns in our homes where we just tell… and telling turns into nagging and sometimes even into yelling. And sometimes it’s almost like a tug of war. “If...
Published 01/25/21
Most parents think that their strong-willed child may be deliberately driving them crazy. Sometimes disciplining them can become a challenge. However, having a strong willed child may not necessarily be a bad thing. Karen Stubbs shares her experience with a strong-willed child and provides some positive ways to discipline them. She encourages moms to teach their children how to be good leaders, not dictators. “It especially helps when you give a strong-willed child choices. All your...
Published 01/18/21