加密貨幣jiāmì huòbì - cryptocurrency 經營jīngyíng - to operate; to manage; to run 區塊鏈qūkuài liàn - blockchain 理財lǐcái - financial management; personal finance 實驗家shíyànjiā - an experimenter; a person who conducts experiments … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/cryptocurrency-investor-taiwan/ (If you need a simplified Chinese version, you can find the language switcher located at the left-bottom corner of each article on our website. This makes it convenient for...
Published 05/08/23
長輩 (zhǎng bèi) - elderly/senior 蹲 (dūn) - to squat 馬桶 (mǎ tǒng) - toilet bowl 衛生 (wèi shēng) - hygiene/sanitation 改善 (gǎi shàn) - improve/enhance 無障礙空間 (wú zhàng ài kōng jiān) - barrier-free space … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/senior-travelling-in-taiwan/                               Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : fangfang.chineselearning Tingting’s Instagram account: ting.ting.tai We hope you like our podcast today! Got...
Published 05/05/23
大同電鍋 (dàtóng diànguō) - Tatung rice cooker 耐用 (nài yòng) - durable 稀飯 (xī fàn) - rice porridge 蒸 (zhēng) - to steam 滷 (lǔ) - to braise 強 (qiáng) - powerful 燉 (dùn): to stew, to braise … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/tatung-rice-cooker/                        Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : fangfang.chineselearning Tingting’s Instagram account: ting.ting.tai We hope you like our podcast today! Got feedback? We’d love to hear...
Published 05/04/23
綁架 (bǎng jià) - kidnapping 勒贖 (lè jià) - ransom 撕票 (sī piào) - to kill the hostage 嫌犯 (xián fàn) - suspect/criminal 落網 (luò wǎng) - to be captured/arrested … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/poor-taiwanese-in-prison/                Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : fangfang.chineselearning Tingting’s Instagram account: ting.ting.tai We hope you like our podcast today! Got feedback? We’d love to hear it! Rate us or leave us a...
Published 05/03/23
漫畫 (màn huà) - comic book 精彩 (jīng cǎi) - wonderful; exciting 打撞球 (dǎ zhuàng qiú) - play pool 聯誼 (lián yì) - socializing activity (for looking for a date) 階段 (jiē duàn) - stage; phase … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwanese-at-different-stage/                  Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : fangfang.chineselearning Tingting’s Instagram account: ting.ting.tai We hope you like our podcast today! Got feedback? We’d love to...
Published 05/02/23
算命 suàn mìng - fortune telling 星座 xīng zuò - zodiac sign 姓名學 xìng míng xué / 八字姓名學 bā zì xìng míng xué - Chinese name analysis based on the eight characters of one's birth date 紫微斗數 zǐ wēi dǒu shù - Purple Star Astrology, a Chinese astrological system 看面相 kàn miàn xiàng - physiognomy, reading facial features to determine personality or fate … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/fortune-telling/          Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account :...
Published 05/01/23
氣候 qì hòu: climate 賞鳥 shǎng niǎo: birdwatching 緯度 wěi dù: latitude 生物 shēng wù: organism/biology 海拔 hǎi bá: altitude 熱帶 rè dài: tropical zone Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/birdwatching/     Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : fangfang.chineselearning Tingting’s Instagram account: ting.ting.tai We hope you like our podcast today! Got feedback? We’d love to hear it! Rate us or leave us a review! Contact Us:...
Published 04/28/23
外星人 wài xīng rén: alien 星球 xīng qiú/行星 xíng xīng: planet 宇宙 yǔ zhòu: universe 生命 shēng mìng: life 羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件 Luó sī wēi ěr fēi dié zhuì huǐ shì jiàn: Roswell UFO incident … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/roswell-UFO-incident/           Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account :⁠ ⁠fangfang.chineselearning⁠⁠ Tingting’s Instagram account:⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ting.ting.tai We hope you like our podcast today! Got feedback? We’d love to hear it! Rate us or...
Published 04/27/23
玖壹壹 Jiǔyīyī: Nine One One, a hip hop group in Taiwan 旋律 xuánlǜ: melody 喜怒哀樂 xǐ nù āiyuè: (an idiom) it refers to the range of human emotions, including happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy 下輩子 xiàbèizi: a song of Nine One One, “Next Lifetime” 副歌 fù gē: chorus Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwanese-songs/              Songs we recommended today: Nine One one - Next Lifetime - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2u9F-IT9wY  EggPlantEgg - Back Here Again -...
Published 04/26/23
管道 guǎn dào: channel; pathway 學測 xué cè: GSAT,General Scholastic Ability Test ,a standardized test for admission to colleges and universities in Taiwan 指考 zhǐ kǎo: Advanced Subjects Test, an alternative college entrance exam for admission to colleges and universities in Taiwan 公民與社會 gōng mín yǔ shè huì: Citizenship and Social Studies … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/admission-to-universities-in-Taiwan/ We also have simplified version for this episode,...
Published 04/25/23
討一口飯吃 tǎo yī kǒu fàn chī : "to earn a living", refers to doing a job to make ends meet and to support oneself and one's family 鐵飯碗 tiě fàn wǎn: "iron rice bowl", a job that provides a secure and stable income, especially a government job with benefits and job security 應考 yìng kǎo: taking an entrance exam 警專學校 jǐng zhuān xué xiào : police vocational schools … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwan-police/                     Follow us on...
Published 04/24/23
木柵動物園 Mùshān dòngwùyuán: Taipei Zoo 重點 zhòngdiǎn: key point, main point 空閒 kòngxián: free time 熱帶雨林 rè dài yǔ lín: tropical rainforest 食蟻獸 shí yǐ shòu: anteater 水豚 shuǐ tún: capybara 花豹 huā bào: clouded leopard … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwan-biggest-zoo/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/taiwan-biggest-zoo-simplified/ Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account :...
Published 04/21/23
呼吸 hūxī: to breathe 清新 qīngxīn: fresh and clean 重工業區 zhònggōngyè qū: heavy industrial area 食品加工 shípǐn jiāgōng: food processing 飼料 sìliào: (pets/animal) feed 氣味 qìwèi: odor, smell, scent 灰濛濛 huī méng méng: hazy, murky, smoggy … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/air-pollution/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/air-pollution-simplified/ Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram...
Published 04/20/23
職業籃球聯盟 Zhíyè lánqiú liánméng: National Basketball Association (NBA) 校隊 xiào duì: school’s team 高中籃球聯賽 Gāozhōng lánqiú liánsài: High School Basketball League 某 mǒu: a certain 球星 qiúxīng: sports star (ball sport) 驚艷 jīngyàn: being impressed by 戰術 zhànshù: tactics 戰略 zhànlüè: strategies … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/nba-player/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit:...
Published 04/19/23
路邊攤 lù biān tān: street vendors 相對於 xiāngduì yú: compared to 開口 kāikǒu: to open one's mouth; to begin to speak … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwanese-learn-english/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/taiwanese-learn-english-simplified/ Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : ⁠fangfang.chineselearning⁠ Tingting’s Instagram account:⁠ ⁠⁠ting.ting.tai We hope you like...
Published 04/18/23
祕魯 Mìlǔ: Peru 接觸 jiēchù: to get in touch with; to come into contact with; to get to know; to come across 零售店 língshòu diàn: retail store 偏見 piānjiàn: bias; prejudice 招 zhāo: to recruit … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/nelson-3/           We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/nelson-3-simplified/           Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account :...
Published 04/17/23
後悔 hòu huǐ: regret 清靜 qīng jìng: tranquil 幽雅 yōu yǎ: elegant and quiet 湖 hú: lake 山水畫 shān shuǐ huà: Chinese painting (landscape painting) 神仙 shénxiān: (of Daoist) immortals 仙境 xiānjìng: fairyland 凌晨 lín chén: early morning … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/sun-moon-lake/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/sun-moon-lake-simplified/ Taiwan Car Rental information: Click here! Follow...
Published 04/14/23
氣候變遷qìhòu biànqiān: climate change 往年 wǎngnián: in previous years 稱 chēng: to call 歐洲熱浪 Ōuzhōu rèlàng: heatwave in Europe 加州 Jiāzhōu: California 乾旱 gānhàn: drought 頻傳 pínchuán: frequent occurrence 極端 jíduān: extreme 豪雨成災 háoyǔ chéng zāi: heavy rainfall causing disasters … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/climate-change/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit:...
Published 04/13/23
台北女子圖鑑 Táiběi nǚzǐ tújiàn: Women in Taipei, a Taiwanese TV drama 繁華 fánhuá: bustling, busy, prosperous 職場 zhíchǎng: workplace 一帆風順 yī fán fēng shùn: to go smoothly without any obstacles or difficulties 挫折 cuòzhé: frustration; setback 渣男 zhā nán: a term used to describe a man who is unreliable, untrustworthy, or disrespectful in relationships … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/women-in-taipei/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please...
Published 04/12/23
曖昧 àimèi: flirting; in a situation that is unclear or ambiguous, particularly with regard to romantic feelings or intentions 單獨 dāndú: alone, individually 花心 huāxīn: fickle, unfaithful, promiscuous 專情 zhuān qíng: loyal, faithful, devoted 接吻 jiēwěn: to kiss 感情 gǎnqíng: romantic relationship 觀念 guānniàn: (of cultural and social) concepts or norms … Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/relationship-with-taiwanese/ We also have simplified version for this...
Published 04/11/23
敏感 mǐngǎn: sensitive 太陽花運動 Tàiyáng huā yùndòng: Sunflower Student Movement. A social movement that took place in Taiwan in 2014, a group of college and university students who opposed the passage of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) between Taiwan and China 娛樂行業 yúlè hángyè: entertainment industry 蓬勃 péngbó: flourishing 式微 shìwéi: decline; fall into disuse, it  refers to a situation in which something that was once thriving or successful, such as an industry, business, or...
Published 04/10/23
首爾 Shǒu'ěr: Seoul 奇葩 qípá: (of someone) strange or unconventional, not typical and unexpected (the term is often used in a humorous or sarcastic manner and can carry negative connotations, but it can also be used affectionately to describe someone who is unique and quirky) 想盡辦法 xiǎng jǐn bànfǎ: to try every means possible 芳芳非常奇葩,她竟然在歐洲開始學習韓文,而回到台灣後又想盡辦法要離開台灣。當時她本來打算去... Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/korea/ We also have simplified version for this...
Published 04/07/23
洋芋片 yángyù piàn: potato chips 外食 wàishí: eating out 鮭魚 guīyú: salmon 飼料 sìliào: (pets/animal) feed 莛莛不煮,因此每次去超市就是買洋芋片、餅乾和麵包等零食。而芳芳也習慣外食,但她會買些豬肉、牛肉、雞肉和鮭魚什麼的煮給她的小狗吃,去超市時也常給她的小狗買飼料。我們... Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwan-supermarket/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/taiwan-supermarket-simplified/ Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account :...
Published 04/06/23
變來變去 biàn lái biàn qù: keep changing, changing frequently 反反覆覆 fǎn fǎn fù fù: frequently change; flip-flopping; being inconsistent 完整 wánzhěng: comprehensive 以前台灣男生當兵得當一年,但芳芳大學畢業3、4年後,台灣當兵時間從1年變成了4個月,而現在台灣當兵的時間又從原本的4個月變成了1年。我們覺得台灣喜歡變來變去,政策常反反覆覆,有時政府看到別國的政策不錯想試試看,但卻常沒做好完整的... Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwan-military-service-extension/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit:...
Published 04/05/23
小費 xiǎofèi: (of money) tip 衝動 chōngdòng: impulse 收取 shōuqǔ: to charge 服務費 fúwù fèi: service fee 有些人來台灣時覺得服務生服務得很棒,有想要給小費衝動,但台灣有很多餐廳會收取10%的服務費,因此... Keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/taiwan-tip/ We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/taiwan-tip-simplified/ Follow us on Instagram! Fangfang’s Instagram account : ⁠fangfang.chineselearning⁠ Tingting’s Instagram account:⁠...
Published 04/04/23