This is an episode I almost didn’t want to publish. I got this topic idea for another podcast and it was great cause I got to learn about that more about that person. I thought it would be a fun and different episode. It didn’t mean it was easy to hit publish. I share things […]
Published 08/13/18
When it comes to our jobs, it sometimes can be a tough decision choosing between something you love doing but odd and something that’s boring and normal. Recently I got a email from a member of the Get Busy Living community who was struggling between making a choice. She was in a job that she […]
Published 08/06/18
What got you here won’t get you there is a wake up call for me at this point in the year. I wanted to talk about what that means for me in this episode of the podcast. If you think about where you are in your life right now and the results you have, it’s […]
Published 07/20/18
Do you have a lack of motivation? Have you been procrastinating way too long? In this episode, I talk about how you can overcome that. It’s not by reading more inspirational quotes or just hoping that one day you wake up and have lots of motivation. The way you gain motivation is to start and […]
Published 05/14/18
Are you not getting the outcomes you want in life? Do you find yourself struggling? Are you in bad relationship or around people that constantly lie to you? It’s easy to overlook the real cause of the problem. The problem isn’t a matter of luck. It’s not that you are a failure. It’s not the […]
Published 04/09/18
Let’s say you have an ideas for a business. You’re working at a job that doesn’t fulfill you and you want to create something that will give you more freedom in life and make money from it. You want to be successful. One of the problem a lot of people in that position have is […]
Published 03/26/18
It’s time to shake things up in your life. If you’ve not made the progress you’ve been hoping, then it’s time to revisit what you’re doing. What you may need to do is to start doing different things. If you think about it this way, what you’ve been doing has gotten you to this point […]
Published 03/05/18
Since social media is such a big part of our lives, but if not taken care of it can get out of control. It’s like trying to grow a beautiful garden. When you start, it’s a clean slate. You plant some flowers, but over time weeds get in there. If you don’t spend time pulling […]
Published 02/13/18
Happy New Year! It’s my first time saying that on the podcast. It’s been awhile since I’ve published an episode but I’m looking forward to getting back into podcasting and giving you valuable content to make 2018 your best year. I’ve talked about morning routines before and how it’s important not only to start your […]
Published 01/29/18
We just thinking that if we achieve or change something about us that we’ll finally be happy. It’ll feel like the weight of the world is lifted off our shoulders. Once we reach that goal then we will start to exercise, eat healthy, spend more time with friends and family and travel. Chasing happiness is […]
Published 08/24/17
When I started this podcast, there were already so many self help podcasts. When I started my blog, there were already so many self help blogs. That didn’t matter to me because I wanted to start a podcast and a blog. I wanted a way to connect with people all around the world. I wanted to […]
Published 05/29/17
Raise your hand if you struggle with focus and concentration? I know I definitely do. We live in a world where instant gratification is just a click away on our phone, tablets and computers. So we’re easily distracted all the time and our brain is searching for the next new bit of info. That’s one […]
Published 05/22/17
Perfection is the killer of many dreams. Too many people try to be perfect before they start. They want to learn everything that they can before starting. Trying to learn everything you can before you start is impossible. Since it’s impossible and you know that it is you will never start. You will always feel […]
Published 05/16/17
If you have been following the news since 2017 started, you would think the future of the United States is in trouble. Majority of the people probably think that the current president is going to do a horrible job. There have been nationwide protests. People are upset and fearful about the future. I’m not worried […]
Published 03/14/17
How often have you heard the advice “Go and find your passion.” Or you will read “Start a business that you are passionate about.” I think it’s bad advice. It never worked for me. I could never figure out my passion in life. I hoped I would figure it out, but it never came to […]
Published 03/07/17
Count me in as one of those people that is frustrated by my health at the beginning of the new year. I have noticed clothes getting tighter, belly sticking out more, and an overall lack of being able to focus. Of course like most things it happens gradually over time until one day until it […]
Published 02/28/17
Do you feel like you never have any free time? You’re already busy and you can’t imagine how you have any extra time to exercise, work on a side hustle, read, or have a morning routine. Every day you feel busy, but you also feel like you’re not getting anything productive done. You just wish […]
Published 01/16/17
Are you a patient person? Are you willing to wait an hour for your dinner to be cooked and come out? Do you love sitting in traffic jams and having it take 30 minutes to get somewhere that normally takes 5 minutes? We don’t like to wait. We want to get to where we’re going […]
Published 01/09/17
Happy New Year! I hope you had a great 2016 and definitley hope you have an even better 2017. If you’re like most people you’re thinking about what you want to change and improve this year. You make a mental note of it. I used to do this, but I have stopped making New Year’s […]
Published 01/04/17
Imagine if you had a square block and you’re trying to fit it into a round hole. The size of the hole is roughly the same size of the block. You keep trying to push it in, but of course it doesn’t go in. You try to put it in from a different angle. You […]
Published 07/18/16
For most of my adult life, I have never been one to wake up early. I worked in the restaurant business which didn’t mean 9-5. For me it meant, 11-11.  So I never needed to get up early. That was one of the only things I liked about my job. When I began working for […]
Published 06/20/16
I know you are interested in personal development. That’s why you are here, but what have you done with what you have learned? Too many people fall into the trap of being fans of personal development, but they never do anything with what they learn. All they do is consume content through articles, books, and […]
Published 06/13/16
Finding motivation to consistently take action with ease would be a dream come true right? I’d love to be motivated every day, but I’m not. I’m human so there are day where I don’t want to do much but watch TV with my iPad on my lap. It’s even harder to find the motivation to do […]
Published 06/06/16
If I asked you what you truly wanted in life, you’d likely say to be happy. Plain and simple. All our lives, we have been led to believe that there is a formula for success, and that happiness is the reward. For half of my 20’s and into my early 30’s, all I wanted was […]
Published 05/24/16
Life has been, many times over, compared to a roller coaster ride; it has its ups and downs. We experience happy moments and we relish those moments. We experience disappointments and then we wallow in negativity. Unfortunately, we tend to experience more of life’s downward spiral than the glorious highs; and oftentimes, we get stuck. […]
Published 05/16/16