Do you feel like you're getting triggered easily? You're not alone!! Let's discover how you can NOT be triggered as easily as you think you can...! It may change everything for you so, buckle up!! P.S.! Here's the link to book your FUN & FREE consultation to feel more confident and have much more fun: https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 11/07/23
We really want the people we love to feel good all the time!! It's hard to deal with someone who's feeling bad, we try everything to fix them so they don't have to feel bad...!  Let's see what you can actually do about this, it's VERY interesting!! :)  Make sure that you book your consultation HERE to create forever lasting change in your life!! :) https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 10/31/23
Someone asked me recently: “After coaching many people, how would you say is coaching really helping people?” And I thought that it may be something people might be curious about!! So, this is how I came up with 131 ways my coaching help people change their lives and have a positive impact. Don’t worry, I won’t share 131 of them! 😉 Let’s go with 16 of them!!  And if you want this for yourself, if you wish you could buy it on a shelf, book your fun and free consultation. It's EXACTLY how...
Published 10/24/23
I'm going to explain why I did not post any episode for 2 weeks and why it's relevant for you when it comes to building your self-confidence...! And here you can book your FUN & FREE consultation!!  https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket
Published 10/03/23
We are all facing at one moment or another someone who may share a comment about ourselves. There is a GREAT way to handle it and I can't wait to share it with you!! Here we go!! :) And make sure you CLICK and book your FUN & FREE consultation here: https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 09/05/23
This is so important and it may change everything for you! It may inspire you to take action and never give up! Let's have a look at this right away and let's build your confidence on the way!!  Oh and make sure you book your FREE & FUN consultation by clicking here!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 08/29/23
I want to share something I learned during my second coaching certification and I do believe that it can be so USEFUL for everyone listening! Let me tell you more about it and how it's going to be SUPER helpful when it comes to feeling more confident, no matter your situation in your everyday life! :) Click here to get coached by me!! :) https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 08/22/23
We're getting closer to September and I do have a feeling that to some people it may sound like "going back to school" having kids or not! It's kind of a New Year's resolution kind of thing!! So today, I want to help you feel less overwhelmed by asking you brilliant questions. I realized how much people LOVE when I'm sharing coaching questions (on social media, on the podcast, on my Linkedln and I have to say, in real-life conversation with friends and family!). So, let's get you some...
Published 08/15/23
If you want to accept yourself more, love yourself more, and feel more worthy on a daily basis, you HAVE TO make this decision. I know that I always say that there's no such a thing as "having to do", we never have to do anything! But this decision can definitely help you shift something when it comes to believing in yourself and loving yourself more every single day. Let's dive right in, as always!!  And make sure you click here and book your FUN & FREE consultation here:...
Published 08/08/23
You may be satisfied with your current relationships. You're okay with how are things often but you know they could be better. You know you could have much more connection with people, a genuine one! And meaningful moments together, no matter the nature of the relationship. Let's have a look at how that's 100% possible for you!! And also... I always start asking my amazing clients on a scale of 1 to 10, how much would they rate their relationships and why. If they answer something like...
Published 08/01/23
I absolutely have to share that with you!! It's amazing!! The idea comes from a book presenting 30 cognitive biases so it's 100% aligned with everything I always love talking about: Our brain offers us thoughts!! Let's have a look at it a bit closer and why it matters when it comes to feeling more confident... Click here to book your fun & free consultation: https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 07/25/23
I heard a few friends recently talking about their dating journey and how hard it is sometimes... Friends are there to support each other and that's great! Today, I want to share something that can be HELPFUL for you, so it's not exactly what you want to hear but it may HELP you in finding love... So, why not? :) Click here to book your consultation, the only thing standing between you and finding LOVE is what you're thinking!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 07/18/23
What do we have in common you and me?!  Make sure you book your FUN & FREE consultation, I cannot wait to meet you!! :) Getting coached will be the BEST THING YOU EVER DID!! :) Click here to get to my calendar and BOOK your FUN session!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 07/11/23
We're getting close to Summer in this hemisphere and from what I heard from a few people... They don't have a Summer body!! And I have so much to say about this!! So, let's talk about a change of perspective on this that will be useful for many I think :) Let's do this!! And to genuinely feel better in this body of yours, no matter the shape or size of it, get coached by me!! :) Click here to get started: https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 07/04/23
When it comes to self-improvement, we often look at it from a place of lack. As to the answer to the question: What could make me better? I'm saying today, let's look at it differently! In a way that is probably more sustainable and... For sure more FUN!! Let's do this!! Annnnd make sure you book your FUN & FREE consultation by clicking here!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket    And to book your ONE OFF LIGHTING coaching session, click here!! It's going to...
Published 06/27/23
It is a VERY COMMON thought! You probably had it once, if you did not you're a lucky one!! Let's see what to do when this thought comes up... And CLICK here to book your FUN & FREE consultation here: https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket  Do you want a one-off lightning coaching session??  Click here!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/one-off-lightning-coaching-session 
Published 06/20/23
Finally!! The last thing you'll need to read about perfectionism!! ;) Let me show you what to do when you know that this is what's stopping you! Let's not wait more (and wait for it to be perfect!) to get started, let's do this!! Click HERE to book your FUN & FREE consultation!! Let's stop that perfectionism for once and for all!! :)  https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 06/13/23
Such an amazing tool that I am so excited to share with you today!! I use it probably 3 times a day and absolutely LOVE IT!! I hope you will too! ;) Let's get you all the crunchy details!! And don't forget to GET COACHED!!  Try coaching for a ONE-OFF lighting coaching session!!  Click here to get that PROBLEM finally solved!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/one-off-lightning-coaching-session 
Published 06/06/23
Today is such a special day!! You've been asking so I've decided to give you a try!! You can now book a SINGLE COACHING session!! Let me tell you more about this and why it's an AMAZING opportunity for you!! And... Make sure you book HERE your SUPER FUN 60' coaching session!!  Let's tackle that issue/problem once and for all!!  https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/one-off-lightning-coaching-session  
Published 05/30/23
I've heard this sentence so much and this is why I'll be talking about THIS in this episode! :) No matter what you really try to do (have more time for yourself, do more sport, lose weight, be healthier, so much more...!) and you've tried everything, this episode is dedicated to YOU! Let's dive right in!! Oh and don't forget to book your FUN & FREE consultation so that together, we can GET YOU THERE!! It's going to be amazing!! :) Book it here:...
Published 05/23/23
Discover a powerful tool that I've been using for a few years now and that is really amazing... And you can start using it right now, I mean, when you'll be done listening to me/reading here!! Let's stop that suspense right now! And then, book your consultation so you can feel at PEACE on a daily basis!! What do you say about that?!  Click here!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 05/16/23
I know, what's up with this title!!  This is the only time you will want to look at the past for proof! Let me show you how to use this as an amazing way to build your confidence!! Let’s get this amazing past-proof party started!! And if you want to GET IN that really fun coaching party, book your FUN & FREE consultation by clicking here: https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket  It's going to be amazing!! :)
Published 05/09/23
We all try to find solutions, fix situations, go through our day with a lot of stress, overwhelmed and... "Seriousity"!    What if the complete opposite would be truer?  What if you can HAVE FUN while working towards your goal?!  How could you make your life much less complicated?!   Let me show you what I mean by that and how it may change everything for you!!   Let's start the FUN right now!! Book your FUN & FREE consultation here: ...
Published 05/02/23
This is a very important year for me!!    As I'm coaching more and more people on having more fun and more confidence, I'm also learning ASL, American Sign Language.   I'm going to show you how it's a great example to build my confidence while doing it!!    Have a look and use this example for your own confidence-building!!     And don't forget to book your FUN & FREE consultation to skyrocket your success and confidence!!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 04/25/23
It happens often that someone tells us something and we keep on thinking about what they said...    We wish we wouldn't care that much but that's just what's happening!!    Let me guide you when this is happening!    And then, book your FUN & FREE consultation by clicking here!! https://calendly.com/tamaraconfidencecoach/golden-ticket 
Published 04/18/23