2024 is just around the corner, and with the level of exhaustion in the world at the moment, this holiday break would be the perfect time to stop and reflect about those we care about, all we have accomplished, and for everything we are grateful for.
Published 12/21/23
Don’t leave there guessing about what your values and principles are. When others know where that stand and where you stand, life becomes much more straight forward.
Published 12/14/23
Gratitude is something we all know can improve our lives, but still we struggle to be grateful. Joy is also something that can escape us if we don’t make more effort to notice and enjoy the small things around us.
Published 12/07/23
Too often we imagine ourselves doing something, but then the negative thoughts kick in and we convince ourselves that we are not good enough, smart enough, rich enough etc to actually do that thing. But we can.
Published 11/30/23
What if that thing you’ve been sitting on for years could bring hope to others? What if it just made somebody else’s life just that little bit easier? What if somebody out there needs what you have to offer but they just haven’t found it yet. Maybe now’s the time to stop sitting on that idea and start dreaming big to bring it to fruition.
Published 11/23/23
“Great ideas are born out of necessity” is what Darcy White always says. He needed a way to keep ropes properly looped and so he started inventing. Then he dragged his daughter Megan into the development stage and before too long they founded Lead n Hand.
Published 11/16/23
When we extend kindness, we are not only helping who we extend it to, we are also helping ourselves. With that being the case, why wouldn’t we make a habit of replacing judgement and expectations with genuine kindness. And how does fear impact our desire to express kindness?
Published 11/09/23
The world and all that’s in it seems to moving so much faster each century. Sometimes it feels like we can’t keep up. Imagine casually bumping into a time traveller from 200 years into the future and you could ask anything you wanted. What would you be curious about? What would you want to know that would help you make better decisions today?
Published 11/02/23
When Jan Clarke’s daughter, Bronte developed an eating disorder, Jan couldn’t find the support she needed. After relocating to Canada for 4 years, she realised what effective support actually was, and founded her own organisation to help others.
Published 10/26/23
It takes years for success to happen, and even if we have the skills and knowledge, we still need to move through the process of trial and error and blood, sweat and tears. This is the stuff most people don’t see. This is the stuff that creates success.
Published 10/12/23
When Emilia Leese and her husband Roger, decided to buy land in the Scottish highlands, they did not expect to find all the wondrous complexity of the ecosystem. Emilia blends this with her advocacy of thinking like a vegan to tackle the plethora of ethical issues that challenge humanity.
Published 10/05/23
The Polynesian concept of whakapapa instills in us a sense of belonging, and asks each of us to take ownership of the current moment in time - to be a guardian of the past, and a leader for the future.
Published 09/28/23
At 12 years old, Harry Bishop is well on his way to becoming the youngest person in Australia to build and own a reptile zoo. Harry has had a keen interest in reptiles since he was 1, and in 2021 he began his collection of amazing reptiles.
Published 09/21/23
As a speaker, it’s very common to build an expectation of the energy of a room, but how do we deal with it when the energy just isn’t there? Often we take it personally, but that’s not always the truth, which I talk about in this episode.
Published 09/14/23
We all talk about being confident, but not everybody takes the courteous action in the first place to build that confidence. It isn’t hard, it just requires willingness and practice. We can either remain paralysed by fear, or we can take action and create our own confidence, ultimately creating our own destiny.
Published 09/07/23
Most of us don’t understand the people around us, even if we want to. This causes tension and that often spirals into creating narratives about one another that just aren’t true. This episode looks at the tip of the iceberg with the DISC styles.
Published 08/31/23
Kindness costs nothing, and the rewards are exponential. In this episode I’m chatting about the fact that if we took the ‘no risk’ approach of generating and extending more kindness, we may eventually flood out the mean energy that is devastating the world at an alarming rate.
Published 08/24/23
Accessibility for people in wheelchairs, wheely walkers, and for mum’s with prams, isn’t always available, leaving people excluded. The Wheely Serious Project is tackling this issue and creating an army of shops ready to make the changes required to ensure nobody is left out.
Published 08/17/23
After leaving the bright lights of the city in 2001 to move to the bush and marry an artist, Andrea Lane fell in love with the simplicity of rural life, and started to pay close attention to the huge economic impact art could have on a community. She has since supported many communities to flourish.
Published 08/11/23
Their are too many people out their perpetuating the narrative that they are too old. Age makes no difference! Yes, ageing makes you move a little slower and things can get a little tougher, but it ’s not the end of the road and every person deserves to live the best life possible.
Published 08/05/23
From class clown to a life filled with purpose and meaning. Brock Williams always dreamed of becoming an elite athlete, but as that dream faded so did his focus. It wasn’t until Brock discovered marathon running that everything changed for him. He is now running in the hope that others will follow his lead and embrace life to the fullest.
Published 07/27/23
Drawing from her extensive experience as a teacher, school leader and education advisor to prestigious institutions, Carolyn Apostolou brings a wealth of expertise to her work as a well-regarded corporate health and wellness coach. Her multidisciplinary qualifications allow her to help staff and executives manage stress, avoid burnout, implement healthy boundaries and reclaim their vitality and productivity.
Published 07/20/23
Ian Handasyde started his career as a primary school music teacher, and soon fell in love with writing screenplays. After a little success and a big financial loss, Ian turned his hand to writing novels under the pseudonym of James Hand, and to date has published eight.
Published 07/13/23
Nathan Cassar fell in love when he went on his first cruise ship at the age of 14, but not with another human, Nathan fell in love with the world of entertainment. This transformed him from a bullied introvert to an award winning extroverted entertainer.
Published 07/06/23
As the founder of The Plantterra, focusing on the environment, and the founder of Gabisplice which focuses on education, Mridula Manasvi is committed to creating social change via digital platforms and global events. Her particular focus is on advancing gender equality.
Published 06/29/23