C++ and Beyond 2012: Alexandrescu, Meyers, and Sutter - Ask Us Anything
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Here is the Ask Us Anything panel from C++ and Beyond 2012. Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter take questions from attendees. As expected, great questions and answers! Tune in! Table of contents (click the time codes ([xx:xx]) to hear the answers...): Message passing primitives in future versions of the standard... [00:00]Standardized unit testing framework... [02:55]std::async... [04:30]Standard modules proposal... [08:14]Keyword additions and the standard library... [09:35]Problems (and solutions) with exceptions... [12:50]Future of concepts... [22:34]std::thread and thread interruption... [23:03]When to use the auto keyword (and when not to...)... [25:03]More on auto (benefits of reduncancy, type conversion issues with bool to int?)... [29:31]const and multithreaded programming, in C++11 const means thread safe, too... [35:00]Yet more on auto (impact on rampant use and code readability/comprehension)... [42:42]Compiler type deduction information (compiler switch that prints out auto deduced type information)... [50:18]Printing out code for review that replaces auto with the actual type... [53:30]auto and dynamic memory allocation... [54:59]Useful, broadly-used concurrency libraries... [57:00]
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Published 09/10/14