Prepare for Global Debt Bubble Collapse - Episode 10
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  - Are we to prepare for a global Debt Bubble Collapse in 2019? - 2019 to see the political and economic uncertainty of 2018 continue and likely to deepen - Investors lulled into a false sense of security by politicians, brokers, bankers etc - Much "cheer leading" of the "economic recovery" narrative and by extension financial markets -  particularly property and stock markets - Trade wars, currency wars, Brexit, Italexit, EU contagion are real risks - Systemic risks posed by Deutsche Bank, Italian/ Irish etc banks and indeed nations such as Italy, UK, US and the global debt bubble - Risk assets and property to under perform and precious metals to outperform  - Hope for best but be prepared for the worst by increased allocations to cash and gold In the 10th Episode of The Goldnomics Podcast Mark O’Byrne and Stephen Flood are in conversation with Dave Russell as they look forward to 2019 and discuss what might be in store for financial markets if the trends from 2018 continue. (Insert Image/Embed Player here) Listen to the full episode or skip directly to one of the following discussion points: 00:57 - Mark O’Byrne: What has 2019 got in store for us and are we expecting a global debt bubble collapse? 03:41 - Stephen Flood: Rising global debt level is unsustainable and several indicators point to a potential debt bubble collapse in 2019. 05:20 - Mark O’Byrne: Interest rate outlook for the next 12 months. 08:45 - Global debt level nears a quarter of a quadrillion ($250 trillion), 320% of total world output. 10:31 - Humongous debt and associated risks: what role are central banks playing? 11:05 – The end of quantitative easing: Any implication on the stock market? 12:30 - Interest rate hike in 2019: Are big banks insulated? 13:41 - Deutsch Bank: A potential cause of another financial liquidity crisis? 17:40 - Ramifications of a no-deal Brexit. 22:32 - Stephen Flood: Will a no-deal Brexit work out well for the UK in the medium/long term? 24:27 - No-deal Brexit and Bail-Ins: Should depositors and investors be concerned? 26:30 - How likely is it that impeachment proceedings will be instituted against Donald Trump in 2019? 31:30 - How good of a strategist is Donald Trump? 32:41 - Inequality and political events in USA: A peep through the lens of The Arc of Inequality. 36:23 - Instability, inequality and The Arc of Inequality: Looking at the role of populist leaders vs central banks.