Good Sunday Morning with Father André - Oct 22, 2023
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SUNDAY October 22- 2023- YEAR 2- Episode# 85 Good Sunday Morning with Fr Andre on KNUS 710 am: Israel and Palestine - (Psalm 55)Against a friend proved traitor   APPEAL FOR HELP: Mission of Hope and Mercy has been asked to assist people in the South of Lebanon. Some major Christian towns are in need for immediate help and assistance. Food, medication, back packs in case of having to escape, winter clothing and some emergency kits are needed.    We appeal to you all for your help. We are planning to assist a minimum of 300 families in the South of Lebanon with food and medications.  Please visit our website for donations at  You may also send us donations at out physical address in Lakewood Colorado  at 2459 South Chase Lane, Lakewood Colorado, 80227 You may email us at info@missionofhopeandmercy to know more how you can help.    God bless you    Fr Andre and the Mission of Hope and Mercy teams in the US and Lebanon.    ON THIS SHOW:    Good Holy Sunday Morning my dear friends, dear listeners, my dear American people in whose hands God has entrusted a lot and from us He will demand a lot.    Unfortunately This Sunday, we have to mourn. We have to mourn finding out that Hamas and its affiliate really wanted to annihilate the Jewish people from the face of the earth.  We have to mourn the explosion of the Baptist Hospital in Gaza; We have to mourn the stabbing to death of the Palestinian child in Illinois and his mother who is in the hospital; We have to mourn the bombing of the Orthodox Church inside Gaza, and the many home and people who died; We have to mourn most of all, the attack against the innocent people who inside Israel on October 7th, when they were celebrating the peace in Music and dance, over 1400 of them were slaughtered and killed.  We have to mourn the many hostages that Hamas still has and do not want to return; We have to mourn that many of the Palestinian people have to evacuates their homes, or are left because of Hamas under the threat of being bombed and killed, or without food and medication.    This is not God’Will. In fact, if this is the intention of Hamas or anyone else that in the name of religion or in the name of any disguised secular doctrine made of hate you want to justify evil, I have news for you: You are fighting against God. And we know in the Bible what happens to those who fight against God.    In this regard, I like to remind us of the Wisdom of a great Jewish rabbi: Gamaliel who in the Acts of the Apostles chapter 5: 38-39, when many of the Pharisees and the Jewish Rabbis were fighting agains the newly established church, rose and told the other Jewish Rabbis: “ Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”  (Acts 5:38-39)   Therefore it is good to use our common wisdom, to humble ourselves and put concrete and reachable goals to ourselves. God will oppose and will destroy every evil goal. Hamas cannot destroy Israel. This fight is not between human beings but from the devil. This fight is not between a particular nation against another nation, but it is the kingdom of satan trying to rise against the Kingdom of God. We know who wins in the End: GOD and His Kingdom.  So I am afraid my friends, that there could be a horrible and horrific evil dimension in this attack of Hamas against Israel. The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are being weaponized and we must STOP NOW and we must TRUN TO GOD NOW. This battle unless it ends up finding a way to serve the righteous cause of the Palestinians, and to accept and welcome the Jewish people and accept them in the Holy Land as their home and nation ,might end up causing major existential damages in the
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SUNDAY January 28- 2023- YEAR 2- Episode# 97 Good Sunday Morning with Fr Andre on KNUS 710 am: The Spiritual Destiny of the United States of America- Continued   (Psalm 2)   Good holy Sunday morning my dear friends of the Mission of Hope and Mercy, and listeners to the show. Let us pray and...
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