Dylan shares about the benefits of being thankful and challenges us to 21 days of gratitude.
Published 11/25/20
Tom reminds us about the power of giving thanks, and the hope we find in joining God's mission to heal the world.
Published 11/25/20
Paul shares a hope-filled message with us about the purpose of trials in our lives and trusting God to repurpose our suffering for good.
Published 11/16/20
Wayne shares a one off message about the power of prayer and walks us through the Lord's Prayer.
Published 11/16/20
An encouraging message for our Ballito community as we head towards the end of 2020.
Published 11/16/20
A one off message from Jess encouraging us at the end of 2020 to be filled by God and emptied of self.
Published 11/16/20
A 3 week series looking at timeless truths in scripture that help us navigate life and faith in a digital age.
Published 11/09/20
For the next 2 weeks we will be looking at timeless truths in scripture that set us up to win in a digital world.
Published 11/03/20
A 3 week series looking at timeless truths in scripture that set us up to win in a digital world.
Published 10/26/20
Recorded at our Riverside Campus, today we look at the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water. An incredible message of faith and courage.
Published 10/22/20
Today we look at the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water. An incredible message of faith and courage.
Published 10/22/20
Jesus heals a blind man, so what does this story teach us? Listen in as Tom shares a message about perspective and trust.
Published 10/12/20
Part 4 of the series, and today's miracle story is about Jesus healing a blind man. Dylan shares a great message about our perspective and trusting God to work in our lives.
Published 10/12/20
In this message Mark tells the story of Jesus' encounter with a woman whose daughter is demon possessed, and the miracle that happens thereafter.
Published 10/05/20
Recorded live at Grace uMhlanga, Jess tells the story of Jesus' encounter with a woman whose daughter is demon possessed, and the miracle that happens thereafter.
Published 10/05/20
Recorded live at Grace Riverside, Paul tells the story of Jesus' encounter with a woman whose daughter is demon possessed, and the miracle that happens thereafter. 
Published 10/05/20
In this message Paul shares a message from the book of Luke, where a group of men lower a paralysed man through a roof, because their faith knew that Jesus could heal him.  This message was recorded live at Grace Riverside.
Published 09/30/20
Tom shares a message based on the man at the pool of Bathesda who is healed by Jesus. This message was recorded live at Grace uMhlanga
Published 09/30/20
We start a new series called MIRACULOUS, and through these miracle stories we learn about the power God has to change our lives.
Published 09/21/20
Marc closes off the series with a message of hope that God is enough.
Published 09/14/20
Wayne shares the story of Elijah hiding in a cave and encourages us to be still and listen for God's voice.
Published 09/07/20
Tom shares the first message in a new series about Elijah's life and how God provided for him through his hardships.
Published 08/31/20
Paul wraps up the series with a message about worry and trusting God with all of who we are.
Published 08/23/20
How do we reframe our story and our relationships? Join us for part 3 of Mastermind.
Published 08/16/20
In week 2 of our series Mastermind, Wayne shares a message about how God’s truth about who we are empowers us to train our brains.
Published 08/09/20