Shifting realities.
Published 01/05/24
Having the trait of compassion is the makings to a heart of gold. Compassion is the act of considering someone else’s life before vainly pursuing yours. Have compassion on those you love. When appropriate, put someone else before you and indeed you will be on your way to becoming a great leader.
Published 12/30/23
The journey of Judas and his betrayal against Christ our lord and savior.
Published 12/28/23
The covenant of the Messiah has unlimited perks.
Published 12/28/23
Celebrating the LIFE of our Messiah. Christmas episode🎄
Published 12/28/23
Don’t lose sight or faith when you’re in a storm.
Published 12/28/23
Why do we love to play God? The answer may not be why you think… 🙏🏾📖2 Timothy 3🙏🏾📖
Published 12/28/23
This episode is about God given wisdom. We implore several different biblical stories where men and women express Godly authority through wisdom📚
Published 12/28/23
Being just is a non negotiable for a great leader. (Please excuse the poor audio quality)
Published 12/28/23
A teaching on the correlation between pain and demonic worship/behavior.
Published 11/14/23
Lots of emotions and good gems in this one.
Published 11/09/23
Beware of prosperity preachers and spiritualists.
Published 11/07/23
Let’s discuss what is a biblical breakthrough.
Published 11/03/23
Do I really want a relationship?
Published 10/30/23
A real life look into why we should continue to journey with God no matter how things are looking or what anyone is saying.
Published 10/29/23
Choose your partner on more than just looks. Your life depends on it.
Published 10/27/23
God is for everyone.
Published 10/25/23
This episode is about why some find it challenging to build or sustain a relationship with The Most High.
Published 10/24/23
My most recent life changing experiences as a black woman.
Published 10/21/23
Break the matrix.
Published 10/13/23
Matthew 6:14-15. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins”
Published 10/04/23
Please do not get catfished.
Published 09/28/23
God will put you back together. He will use man’s evil for His good. I love you. Stay strong.
Published 09/23/23
It is a blessing to get wet in the rain.
Published 09/23/23
Discernment is a must right now.
Published 09/23/23