EP276: Avinash Kaushik, Chief Strategy Officer, Croud
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Avinash is the global Chief Strategy Officer of Croud, a leading full-service marketing Agency. His prior professional experience includes a sixteen-year stint at Google, and roles at Intuit, DirecTV, Silicon Graphics in the US & DHL in Saudi Arabia. Through his newsletter “The Marketing Analytics Intersect”, his blog “Occam's Razor,” and his best-selling books “Web Analytics: An Hour A Day” and “Web Analytics 2.0,” Avinash has become recognized as an authoritative voice on how marketers, executives' teams and industry leaders can leverage data to fundamentally reinvent their digital existence. Avinash puts a common-sense framework around the often-frenetic world of web analytics and combines that with the philosophy that investing in talented analysts is the key to long-term success. He passionately advocates customer centricity and leveraging bleeding edge competitive intelligence techniques. Avinash has received rave reviews for bringing his energetic, inspiring, and practical insights to companies like Unilever, Dell, Time Warner, Vanguard, Porsche, and IBM. He has delivered keynotes at a variety of global conferences, including Ad-Tech, Monaco Media Forum, Search Engine Strategies, JMP Innovators' Summit, The Art of Marketing and Web 2.0. Acting on his passion for teaching, Avinash has lectured at major universities such as Stanford University, University of Virginia, University of California - Los Angeles and University of Utah. Among the awards Avinash has received are Statistical Advocate of the Year from the American Statistical Association, Most Influential Industry Contributor from the Web Analytics Association, and Founder's Award from Google.