It appears that the Catholic Church is concerned with the veil thinning and is willing to illustrate guidelines for encounters and how to discern from apparitions, demons, and communication with divine beings such as saints and angels. An “apparition” refers to an instance in which a divine entity such as a saint, the Virgin Mary, or Jesus as they make themselves known to a person on Earth. The concept is a recurring theme in the Bible and most Christian denominations affirm the belief that...
Published 05/15/24
The past few days have demonstrated both the beauty and fury of the sun’s plasma ejections. This is just the beginning of a very violent solar cycle – perhaps it’s the very thing that could wipe out all of our advanced technology. If astrophysicists’ predictions are accurate, we are in for a long series of extreme weather events and climate changes globally over the coming decades, until about 2055. Furthermore, the magnetic health of the Earth is in trouble and one hopes that it will correct...
Published 05/14/24
Last month, President Biden rushed to sign a two-year renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). FISA allows the federal government and its intelligence agencies to spy on, collect, and monitor the data, phone calls, text messages, and emails of foreign nationals outside of the United States without a warrant. In conjunction, the Anti-Defamation League and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations also pushed Congress earlier this month to pass the...
Published 05/11/24
About a year ago, a Las Vegas teenager claimed he along with members of his family saw “nonhuman” beings in his backyard. He now claims there have been more strange occurrences in his house. The 17-year-old is saying that what he once witnessed as aliens may have been demons. Furthermore, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) said that people who have had encounters with UFOs or so-called aliens had been “harmed or injured.” There appears to...
Published 05/10/24
Weather authorities across the U.S. have reported over 100 tornadoes tearing through central and southern regions, leading to significant destruction of homes and infrastructure from Oklahoma to Nebraska and Iowa. This supercell front moving through the region may seem normal to residents in the area — the tornadic activity is in no way normal. Geoengineering the planet to get the desired catastrophe is working – people need to consider that this is why we are seeing spikes and anomalies in...
Published 05/09/24
The world is being primed for the Bird Flu crisis and it is looking more and more like COVID propaganda all over again. Historical concerns about the lethality of this avian contagion to humans have consistently proven unfounded, with no recorded deaths in the U.S. from such outbreaks, despite significant government spending and public warnings. Knowing the history of the pathogen cartel, we may have to go through the motions of another pandemic and it appears that they do not care about the...
Published 05/07/24
This morning there was a headline on the Drudge Report that looked like it could easily have been placed on a newspaper being read by someone on the TV show, FALLOUT. There was a picture of a destroyed Statue of Liberty with the headline: APOCALYPSE GOES MAINSTREAM – END OF WORLD CHATTER NEW NORMAL. Do the apocalyptic fears we read about the most actually pose the greatest danger to humanity? Some journalists have recently issued warnings that a nuclear war is more plausible than we realize....
Published 05/04/24
There has been a groundswell of riots at college campuses across America as the media attempts to reveal that most of those protesting are paid agitators. New York City officials warned of “radicalization” infiltrating the city amid ongoing pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protests at Columbia University and other educational institutions. This radicalization is spreading all over. How soon will it become a massive cause that becomes an armed and dangerous conflict? The difference between these...
Published 05/03/24
Last month, it was reported that two hunters died from the “Zombie Deer Disease” which is contagious among deer and spreads with bodily contact, bodily fluids, and contaminated environments – it can remain in the soil of an area for years after it is introduced. Experts have been warning for years that nearly 100 percent of fatal chronic wasting disease could jump from animals to humans. The wasting disease comes from a prion which is similar to Mad Cow Disease and causes rapid and severe...
Published 05/02/24
Walpurgis is the night before May Day or Beltane – it is the time of the burning festivals and the mind virus that is released is part of a spell which burns, irritates, and motivates men and women to do the most immoral things. Riotous behaviors have returned to our cities; mainly, targeting college campuses as the purge is gaining momentum into Walpurgis and it appears that it will not let up. It may not surprise many that we shall see night fires sparked by those who wish to bring...
Published 05/01/24
While we are being told there are too many people on the planet and the Malthusian elite wish to depopulate with the use of dangerous pharmaceuticals and genetically altered foods, the remainder of those on the planet will have the option to leave Earth or make transfiguration to being something more than human — or post-human through the process of transhumanism. The Sixth Mass Extinction is underway as they are now preparing us for future pandemics because of rampant viruses that are being...
Published 04/30/24
Today, it's evident the media and its biased reporting are causing much conflict and divisiveness among Americans. We are now a society so brainwashed that its ideological institutions are virtually walled against popular intrusion and thus, cannot easily establish oppositional movements. We have become so fragmented that disagreements even occur within rebellions and so it is difficult to organize anything without someone feeling as if their beliefs are being ignored. Why does it seem like...
Published 04/27/24
The BBC reported yesterday that four people were injured as 5 horses of the Household Cavalry threw off their riders and raced through London. A video of the incident showed one black horse and a white horse whose breast area was covered in a massive amount of blood, madly galloping over the cobblestone streets. The fleeing horses are just one more checkmark in the ghoulish nature of the monarchy and their penchant for medieval theater. In the Bible, the Black Horse represents famine or...
Published 04/26/24
The Bird Flu is becoming the evergreen go-to for the media to dredge up fear of a possible pandemic or epidemic, even though the threat is low. While there appears to be no danger to the public, the ongoing effort to plant seeds of panic about the bird flu continues as world powers are preparing to render the world under the hand of a medical police state. Bioterrorism, and disease outbreaks scare people into avoiding a zombie apocalypse as we can see that in the 21st century, the telltale...
Published 04/25/24
Last week, Boston Dynamics unveiled a new humanoid robot that creepily moves like no other robot has moved before. The new fully electric Atlas robot represents a path to commercialization and a new generation of robots that will leave people asking if this is the beginning of the Cyberdyne (Terminator) robot. Demand for humanoids in factories will likely erupt by the mid-2030s. This could unlock the potential for these robots infused with AI to work in the service industry or be adopted by...
Published 04/24/24
It is embarrassing to mention Earth Day in the context of a celebration because it is so hypocritical in the face of so much advanced knowledge about how we have eccentric fanatical activists pushing a climate agenda while the same unelected bearcats demand we keep sending weapons to outlying countries which are now being destroyed environmentally with bombs tipped with depleted uranium. it seems pretentious that a handful of misguided people believe they can save the planet. Lest we forget...
Published 04/23/24
Much of the new online content is not being produced by humans -- it is being created by bots and programs. It’s called the “Dead Internet” theory, and its main argument is that the organic, human-created content that powered the early web in the 1990s and 2000s has been usurped by AI-generated content, which now dominates what people see online. Furthermore, it's been spearheaded by governments and corporations and programmed by algorithms to exploit control over the public’s perception. One...
Published 04/20/24
Show sample for 4/18/24: CIVIL $ABOTAGE - FOUR CORNERS IN A ROUND ROOM W/ JOE ZANE MORGAN by Clyde Lewis
Published 04/19/24
The huge anomaly of strange magnetic energy that was supposedly stirring up 80 ft. ocean waves a few weeks ago still has many people baffled. Some scientists surmise it's connected to the South Atlantic Anomaly, whereby a powerful magnetic vortex exists. This vortex or portal contributes to stories that these are gateways for UFOs or aliens and this is why so many elites wish to visit Antarctica - a place shrouded in a mystery of its own for years now. Satellite observations of the region...
Published 04/18/24
There are proposals for what is called the Flexitarian Diet Plan which is based on reducing meat consumption and adding more plant-based food. Just weeks ago, the media managed to up the fear porn against poultry, beef, pork, eggs and dairy products by mentioning ‘diseased’ birds, cows and pigs. Recently, however, there's been silence from news outlets as the Donald Trump trial and Israel are the topics for their agenda. Weaponizing food through the promotion of agroterrorism is only part of...
Published 04/17/24
On Saturday, Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones into Israel although most of them were destroyed before hitting the ground due to the Iron Dome defense system. Congruently, Israel’s ongoing war against Palestine is conducive to the process of military escalation which as we can see, can engulf a large part of the Middle East. It is Palestine's Monster -- unleashing the Dragon of Iran. Several years ago, a leaked classified document exposed a Top Secret war games scenario known as...
Published 04/16/24
On April 9, the day after the Solar Eclipse, an ocean wave monitoring system called Ventusky registered an abrupt anomaly on its real-time map. This huge mass appeared just north of Antarctica and was growing in size, from the southwestern tip of Africa to the Northeastern side of South America. At first, some observers thought it was a glitch but then there were other strange anomalies happening at the same time this peculiar object was spreading. Could this be evidence of a dent in the...
Published 04/13/24
There is a remarkable Netflix series called "Files of the Unexplained." The producers and writers have taken the initiative to report on many popular pre-internet paranormal stories and what is so important-- they steer away from the sensationalist route and focus more on the individuals who have been affected by these events. In some of the episodes, it is their last moment to assure people that what happened to them left indelible marks on their souls. Charles Fort believed we live in a...
Published 04/12/24
What are ghosts? Well, particle accelerators are helping to explain them. An important piece of CERN’s accomplishments is the discovery of the Higgs-Boson God particle which opened the doors for exploration into other dimensions and bridging the gap from our world to the world beyond. One could say CERN has opened the doors to the uncanny world of the paranormal by beckoning the arrival of gods, aliens, demons, and ghosts. The hunt for ghost particles certainly is a breakthrough in science...
Published 04/11/24
California fast-food workers will start making a minimum wage of $20 an hour on Monday. For many, this means a 25% raise. The dramatic pay increase has also touched off a heated debate about the impact on local businesses. Smaller franchise restaurant owners warn they'll have to raise prices, reduce worker's hours, cut jobs, close down -- or bring in cheaper and effective automated services. Soon, you can order fast food from kiosks and robots. Moreover, advancements in robotics and...
Published 04/10/24