HW 031: Goals and resolutions that work
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Each year in January millions of people struggle to meet their New Years resolutions. Struggle and fail. In this episode, Jon from http://happyways.com deconstructs goal setting and resolutions, and takes a different approach: Try with a theme or a direction instead of a fixed goal. Recomended on the show: The book "Goal-free living" by Stephen Shapiro: https://www.amazon.com/Goal-Free-Living-Have-Life-Want-ebook/dp/B008NC0U4S A short TEDx talk on 30-day challenges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnfBXjWm7hc Martin Seligman at TED talking about positive psychology. This is where he drops the comment that you can loose 10% of your body weigth on any diet: http://www.ted.com/talks/martin_seligman_on_the_state_of_psychology Do you have a comment or a question for Jon? Email him at: [email protected]