AD-FREE BONUS: Heart Coherence
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Hey, it’s Katie and I want to welcome you to this special bonus episode. It’ll be here for you completely ad-free for the next week so you can get a feel of what it’s like to be a PREMIUM member. If you’d like an easy ad-free experience for all of our podcasts - that’s over 200 episodes each month, then JOIN PREMIUM today at Heart coherence or quick coherence refers to a state of synchronization and harmony between the heart….mind….and emotions. This technique is about connecting to the center of the heart and visualizing and feeling the heart breathe….coordinating the breath with the heartbeat. This allows the heartbeat to slow down and become regulated creating relaxation and peace. The intention of today’s healing meditation is to create a balanced and optimal feeling originating from the heart for inner peace…emotional stability and mental clarity…. Lets begin…calling forth your Spirit, Spirit guides and Angels…to support and surround you….for the highest and greatest good…. Creating a symphony of inner peace and balance………begin to focus on your heart center…in the middle of your chest….. Position yourself lying down……….allowing your body to relax and your breath to deepen…… Close down your eyes…….., turning your focus inward……..where the rhythm of your heart resides………… Feel the gentle throb……..the steady pulse…….the lifeforce flowing through you……….PAUSE In the space of your heart………… there lies a profound wisdom……. a knowing beyond words……….a sanctuary of pure awareness……..PAUSE With each inhale………..imagine breathing in connecting with your heartbeat…... .light and love…….filling every cell of your being with radiant energy………… With each exhale…….. release any tension…….any worry……..any resistance…….letting go into the spaciousness within…….PAUSE As you continue to breathe………. feel the coherence between your heart and mind……. like two dancers moving in perfect synchrony…………  Notice how your thoughts soften………your emotions stabilize…….. as you sink deeper into the stillness of your being………. Now bring your attention to your heart……….think of someone you love deeply… deeply….a child… a partner…parent or pet……..PAUSE Feel this love swell in your heart… is so big so pure and so amazing…….. The gratitude filling you is overwhelming……….PAUSE Let gratitude arise within you…….. for the miracle of life pulsating through your veins……for the gift of awareness that allows you to experience this moment fully……  Let compassion flow freely……for yourself…… for all beings…….knowing that we are all interconnected in the tapestry of existence………LONG PAUSE In this state of heart coherence……… there is no past……. no future…….only the present moment…….where all possibilities converge………  Here……you are whole……you are complete…… are connected to the vast web of existence……..PAUSE With each heartbeat…….connected to the breath……..affirm your intention to live from the heart…… act from a place of love……. to embody the principles of compassion……. kindness…… and empathy in all that you do…… The music will play ... .continue to feel your heartbeat and your breath in a state of unconditional love and profound peace. I will leave you here until you hear my voice again….LONG PAUSE And as you gently open your eyes, carry this sense of heart coherence with you, allowing it to infuse every aspect of your life………transforming challenges into opportunities………obstacles into stepping stones on your journey of growth and evolution….PAUSE May you walk in alignment with the rhythm of your heart……..and in harmony with the universe…… Healing Blessings~ Namaste  💗
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