Set point is a term used to describe the ideal weight or body composition that the body strives to maintain. This is usually determined by a combination of genetics and lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. It is important to note that the set point can change over time, and it is possible to influence it through lifestyle changes. Can you figure out your set point? Kind of but it's not a specific formula - listen to today's episode to learn...
Published 01/16/23
In today's episode - I'm walking you through the mindset wobbles that happen when I step outside my comfort zone and show you how I use my mindset muscle to keep going even when I don't want to. If you're ready to finally tackle those fears that pop up - then this is an episode that you don't want to miss!  If you're ready to tackle your mindset but need a little support- book a JOYFUL EATING call here: https://cathyrichardsrdworkwithme.as.me/JOYFULEATING
Published 01/09/23
As an intuitive eater, I am still an emotional eater. I just have a lot more awareness around it. In this episode I'm sharing with you one of the most popular strategies from the "change buffet" in the emotional eating program that I've been running for over 10 years. If you want a copy of the distraction techniques - head over to IG and send me a DM.  https://www.instagram.com/healthymompreneursgetwealthy/
Published 01/04/23
December can feeling overwhelming so in this short episode I'm walking you through 3 easy ways to reduce the overwhelm so that you can enjoy the holidays!  First let's stop and do 4 box breathes to get us back into our bodies. Then consider - unconditional permission to eat, getting as much sleep as you possibly can and also moving your body for a minimum of 5 minutes per day. Yes - it can be that easy. Tune into the episode to learn why. You've got this and if you're ready to ditch diets...
Published 12/18/22
Inspired by a client call and a super soul podcast episode I'm sharing the power of words in todays episode.  https://cathyrichardsrd.com/positive-affirmations-healthier-living/
Published 11/07/22
A year and a half ago I set out to share via this podcast exactly how I walk my clients through their journeys to being their healthiest and ultimately their wealthiest. Partway through this journey I surprised myself by shifting my practice to better encompass my own personal values and really support the science around why diets don't work. Intuitive eating has lead me to so much freedom and a few surprising lessons on the way.  Learn how to get started with intuitive eating with my FREE...
Published 10/29/22
In this short but powerful episode I'll be sharing with you how I actually used the lesson that I share with my clients daily to get myself through a challenging situation. Numerous conditions lead to this day - deflated airmatresses, cramped quarters and tired kids but in the end I did realize that everything is always working out for me and it is for you too.  Ditch the Binge tool: https://cathyrichardsrd.com/ditch-the-binge/ How to become an intuitive eater in 3 easy steps:...
Published 10/10/22
Many of the clients that I work with (myself included) weren't taught how to actually sit with our feelings. In today's episode I'll be walking you through 2 simple strategies to help you get comfortable with sitting with and feeling the feelings. Though it may sound scary it's actually how we can take our power back and learn to be intuitive eaters while loving our bodies.  For the type of hunger training: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ci-jf0FM3np/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link For the...
Published 09/26/22
If you'd asked me 3 years ago - I would have assumed that all would be smooth sailing as a single parent (co-parenting) by now. Yet challenges (I think kids are constantly changing - which makes sense) continue to pop up. Here's why self care is key to thriving as a single parent and not just surviving. 
Published 09/25/22
Many of us are accustomed to avoiding feelings or denying that we have them. Feelings can cover a whole range of emotions that you're feeling. In this episode we'll look at where you're feeling an emotion in your body and how identifying how you cope with feelings can help overcome emotional eating. Healing emotional eating is part of the intuitive eating journey and as you likely know by now it's not always a linear process. 
Published 09/19/22
Eating doesn't occur in a void. For many of us food has emotional associations learned over years and years. Emotional eating isn't wrong but can feel problematic. In today's episode we'll explore the pro's and con's of emotional eating and get curious about stealth deprivation.  Find yourself still coming from diet mentality? You may want to visit episode 25 on Making Peace with Food: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/4n9dhiNnitb Still experiencing challenges due to the food police?...
Published 09/13/22
Studies show that dieters have an increased risk of using food to cope with their emotions. Yes food may distract us for a short time but you can find ways to comfort, nurture or distract yourself and resolve issues without using food. In this episode I’m going to share how a lack of self care can lead to more emotional eating and walk you through the first 4 things to focus on to overcome emotional eating. Previous episode links: Episode 24# Honour your Hunger...
Published 08/31/22
What's your experience of meal times? Serene, enjoyable and pleasureful or is it a battleground? In this episode in my intutitive eating series I'll be exploring the emotional atmosphere and how it impacts your mealtime satisfaction. If meals feel less satisfying due to lack of preparation or meal ideas - grab my meal planning bundle now. https://cathyrichardsrd.com/product/meal-planning-made-easy/ Looking for more high touch support with like minded females? Then my group program...
Published 06/20/22
You may be surprised to learn just how much our eating environment can play at role in our satisfaction with our meal in addition to the body's digestive process. The environment where we have our meals can play a big part in our intuitive eating journey. Tune into today's episode to learn how to set your eating environment up to best support your health. 
Published 06/14/22
Life is busy and that never ending to-do list can make it hard to focus on eating. In today's episode, I'll walk you through a simple practice to move past distracted thoughts and refocus on the act of intuitively eating. And if you've ever wondered how many bites it really takes to get the full satisfaction from a food- I'll be answering this as well.  If you haven't already done the iEat scripted activity, pause this, go back and listen to episode 40#. 
Published 05/13/22
What exactly happens in group coaching for intuitive eating? That was a question that one of my IG followers sent to me last week. So on this episode I'm walking you through what group coaching looks like, why I've built the expansion program and what makes me the best one to lead YOU on this journey! 
Published 04/13/22
In this short episode, I'm walking you through the iEAT Scripted Activity. This is a guided eating activity to help cultivate your awareness and experience of the many sensory nuances of eating, which will ultimately contribute to your satisfaction in eating. Once you've completed this exercise, I would encourage you to take a few moments and journal on the experience and perhaps plan your next iEAT activity. As usual all the information that I am sharing comes from the Intuitive Eating...
Published 03/29/22
Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity - Voltaire.  If you regularly settle for an unsatisfying food or an unappetizing eating experience, satisfaction will not be the outcome; rather, you are likely to continue searching for a satisfying food, event though you are no longer hungry. Building on the first 5 principles, this episode focuses on the Intuitive Eating: Principle six: Discover the Satisfaction Factor. As...
Published 03/25/22
Many of my clients come to me with new medical diagnoses which require altering their intake. So this begs the question can intuitive eating be combined with medical nutrition therapy and I'm happy to tell you that it most certainly can!  Healthy Habits Tracker: https://cathyrichardsrd.com/healthy-habits-tracker/ Hunger and Fullness Scale: https://cathyrichardsrd.com/how-to-use-the-hunger-scale-for-mindful-and-intuitive-eating/
Published 03/10/22
In this episode I'm sharing 3-5 easy ways to keep your energy, mood and spirits up when things feel heavy. If you feel like you need a few easy wins to focus on grab my healthy habits tracker here: https://cathyrichardsrd.com/healthy-habits-tracker/
Published 02/17/22
In February 2021 I started this podcast in hopes of walking you through my self love journey back to health after years of stress and challenges. In today's episode I'm giving you the update on what the past year has looked like. To be perfectly honest my focus was a lot less on nutrition that I had assumed it would be. Tune in to find out what I've been focusing on to get to the best version of me.  Curious about intuitive eating? Join 5 days to Food Freedom - my FREE challenge to learn...
Published 01/30/22
To become really aware of your fullness, it takes a lot of practice. By using the fullness discover scale you'll gain more understanding of the meals that keep you full longer and the meals that have you looking for more food an hour later. Paying attention to your fullness and practicing awareness around it  - you'll learn how to get to your endpoint of eating - aka the last bite threshold. It's the point where you notice that just one more bite of food will likely be your stopping point for...
Published 12/07/21
Have you every noticed that after you eat chinese food you find yourself searching for food within an hour or 2? You're not alone. If the balance of protein, fat, carbohydrate (fiber) are different in meals it will influence how full you feel and how long that fullness stays. In today's episode - I'll walk you through a couple or easy experiments that can increase your awareness around what foods keep you full longer. It's also a great time to practice your ability to pay attention to your...
Published 12/07/21
Intuitive Eating is a compassionate, self-care eating framework that treats all bodies with dignity and respect. It helps us to relearn the process of listening to our bodies - hunger and fullness cues and eating in response to those vs outside factors. So you may be wondering how emotional eating fits into the intuitive eating process. In this episode I explain where emotional eating fits in the intuitive eating journey. And I'm sharing some big news too! So listen to the end and than save...
Published 11/24/21
In todays client series - I am walking you through a real life client example. In this short episode I'll explain why the initial low FODMAP approach didn't work and how the clients symptoms have improved 99%.  To learn more about the low FODMAP dietary approach read my blog post here: https://cathyrichardsrd.com/the-fodmap-diet-to-easily-manage-irritable-bowel-syndrome/  or listen to my podcast episode about FODMAPs: https://anchor.fm/cathy-richards--rd/episodes/What-are-FODMAPs-er79jr
Published 11/04/21