Isaiah 40 On today's episode of Hear the Word of God, Reverend Alexander continues to unpack the rich tapestry of Isaiah 40, where the foretelling of salvation through the coming of Christ is vividly portrayed. Isaiah reminds hearers that in relation to creation, God is unique, independent, preeminent, and sovereign. This good news should instill in us a profound sense of humility and hope in the grandeur of God's creative and redemptive power. 
Published 12/28/23
Isaiah 40 Chapter 40 of Isaiah serves as a prologue to the remainder of the book, beginning with one voice calling listeners to prepare for the coming of the Lord of Glory, and a second voice speaking out about the incomparable greatness and gentleness of our sovereign God. Listen as Rev. Alexander points to our need for a new vision of God the Creator on Hear the Word of God.
Published 12/21/23
Isaiah 40-66 Isaiah's message now turns from warnings of judgment and a call to restoration to one of deliverance and comfort. The promised Messiah, the suffering servant, will lead his people from a bondage greater than either Babylon or Egypt, because he will bear their iniquity. Listen as Reverend Alexander shares a message of comfort and hope on Hear the Word of God.
Published 12/14/23
Isaiah 39 Having been faced with opposition from the surrounding nations and his own serious health challenges, Hezekiah is now tested in an unfamiliar area in Chapter 39 of Isaiah. Unprepared for these tests, Hezekiah stumbles at tests of flattery, pride and selfishness, which lead to dire consequences for the future of Judah. Listen as Reverend Alexander emphasizes the importance of having a long-term perspective and laying everything before the Lord on Hear the Word of God. 
Published 12/11/23
Isaiah 38 Faced with the news that he will be confronting an early death, King Hezekiah pours out the anguish of his heart to the Lord in Chapter 38 of Isaiah. In His great mercy, God hears his prayer, and Hezekiah experiences the grace and power of God at work in his life. Listen as Reverend Alexander encourages believers to be prepared for days of trial by putting our hope in the Lord on Hear the Word of God.
Published 11/30/23
Isaiah 34-37 Isaiah vividly contrasts the eternal judgment of the wicked with the glorious salvation of the redeemed in Chapters 34-37. In the desert wasteland of judgment, not even a bird sings. Yet through it runs the highway of holiness where joy abounds as the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame dance. Let Reverend Alexander's teaching stir your heart to pursue preoccupation with heavenly glory and redeeming grace on Hear the Word of God.
Published 11/23/23
Isaiah 32 Isaiah's sobering words in Chapter 32 warned the people of coming judgment if they ignored God. However, his exhortation to walk in righteousness and justice were not only for his day but for all time. Likewise, his message of hope, urging the people to look expectantly for their redemption through the Messiah, is still the same for us today. Reverend Alexander encourages us to let Isaiah's timeless words awaken awe and obedience in us on Hear the Word of God.
Published 11/16/23
Isaiah 31 Isaiah understood the peoples' tendency to seek help from Egypt, so he urged them to place their trust in the Lord rather than relying on human strength and wisdom. Highlighting the frailty of human leaders versus the might of the Holy One of Israel, he called the people to reject idols, return to the Lord, and trust Him alone to judge and save. Listen as Reverend Alexander reminds believers in every age not to depend on human help but to rely fully on God's wisdom and strength on...
Published 11/09/23
Isaiah 30 In Chapter 30, the prophet Isaiah shifts from addressing the people directly to addressing the condition of spiritual stubbornness. This spirit of obstinacy is characterized by making plans while leaving God out of consideration, refusing God's wisdom and help, and being unwilling to hear what the Lord is saying. Can you relate? Reverend Alexander encourages us to put our confidence in God and His plans on Hear the Word of God.
Published 11/02/23
Isaiah 29 The people of Judah followed the rules of men closely, but their hearts were far from God, filled with pride and self-dependence. Isaiah exhorted them to humble themselves under God's mighty hand, for His wisdom and glory alone are to be exalted. Listen as Reverend Alexander encourages us to be a people whose hearts are right with the Lord and who humble ourselves rather than waiting on God to humble us on Hear the Word of God.
Published 10/26/23
Isaiah 28-33 Woe to you! In these chapters, God's faithful servant Isaiah warns the people of Judah to turn from the spiritually disastrous course they are on, for if they do not discipline themselves, God will discipline them. Listen to Hear the Word of God as Reverend Alexander reminds us that there is nothing in the world so foolish as not to put your trust and confidence in the Lord.
Published 10/19/23
Isaiah 24-27 As in the Book of Revelation, the point of the prophet's apocalyptic vision in this section of Isaiah is to remind the people of God that He has set His heart upon them and He will never leave them nor forsake them. Be encouraged as Reverend Alexander reminds us that there really is no question about God's ultimate triumph over every foe on Hear the Word of God.
Published 10/12/23
Isaiah 13-23 The people of Israel were tempted to believe that the blessings of God were intended for them alone. But the prophet Isaiah preached that the sovereignty of God extended beyond the boundaries of Israel and Judah to the ends of the earth. Listen as Reverend Alexander describes God as a universal sovereign, a universal judge, and a universal savior on Hear the Word of God.
Published 10/05/23
Isaiah 13-23 Whom do you trust? That choice touches the whole of life and affects every area of our personal lives, as well as our nation's. Tune in to Hear the Word of God as Reverend Alexander shines light on the wisdom of trusting in Jehovah, and the folly of trusting in anyone or anything else. 
Published 09/28/23
Isaiah 11-12 In Chapters 11 and 12, the prophet Isaiah's focus shifts to the day of the return of the Lord Jesus when he will establish a new heaven and a new earth, and reconcile creation and his chosen people to himself. So sure of God's faithfulness, Isaiah writes a song of praise and thanksgiving to be sung on that occasion. Listen as Reverend Alexander teaches of that glorious day on Hear the Word of God.
Published 09/21/23
Isaiah 10 What will you do on the day of reckoning when disaster comes from afar? It is this sobering question that Isaiah poses to the nation of Judah in Chapter 10, and it is one that each of us must consider. Tune in to Hear the Word of God as Rev. Eric Alexander reminds us that Jesus is the key to it all, and we need to live in the light of that truth all the time. 
Published 09/14/23
Isaiah 9 The people in Isaiah's day were walking in such dreadful darkness, feeling the effects of all the tragedy that sin had wrought. Their situation seemed hopeless, but through the prophet Isaiah, God promised that He would provide the ultimate answer to sin in the world through his only Son -- the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Listen as Rev. Eric Alexander shares of this good news which is so needed in our own dark days on Hear the Word of God.
Published 09/07/23
Isaiah 8 Where have you set your heart? This is the question that the prophet Isaiah poses to the people of Judah in Chapter 8, and it is something we all should seriously consider. Is my confidence really in God and His glory, power and grace, or have I set my heart on something else? Listen to Hear the Word of God as Reverend Alexander exhorts believers to put their trust in God, because the last word always belongs to Him.
Published 08/31/23
Isaiah 7 Faced by overwhelming circumstances, Isaiah encouraged the people of his day to place their confidence in God. When troubles are raging around us and we are gripped by fear, we must do the same. Listen to Rev. Eric Alexander's assurance that God will never leave those who stand firm in their faith on Hear the Word of God.
Published 08/24/23
Isaiah 6 Chapter 6 of Isaiah brings us to Isaiah's vision of God sitting on His throne in heaven, causing the prophet to grasp the true nature of sin, grace, worship, and Godliness. Listen to Hear the Word of God as Rev. Eric Alexander exhorts believers to consider these same qualities, that we might be a holy nation, set apart and shining with the glory of God in a dark world.
Published 08/17/23
Isaiah 5 God had high expectations of the people of Judah, planting and tending them like the owner of a vineyard, and yet the contrast between his high expectations and the heartache he actually experienced are highlighted in Chapter 5. Woe unto you, Judah! Rev. Eric Alexander explains this song of lament and God's warning of judgment on Hear the Word of God.
Published 08/10/23
Isaiah 2-4 Old Testament prophets at times seemed to be looking through a microscope to their present situation, and at other times through a telescope at the distant future. In Chapters 2 to 4, Isaiah does both, providing a contrasting picture of what Israel is called to be by God and what she has turned out to be in terms of her history, as well as what the future holds. Rev. Eric Alexander shines light on these passages on today's episode of Hear the Word of God. 
Published 08/03/23
Isaiah 1 The Book of Isaiah opens with the theme of judgment, and concludes with a message of the salvation that God purposes to bring to His people. Speaking to the people of Judah in Chapter 1, the prophet Isaiah accuses them of forsaking the Lord, despising the Holy One of Israel, and turning their backs on Him, the same language that is used of the Messiah later in the book. Listen as Rev. Eric Alexander highlights the disconnect between the outward actions of God's people with their...
Published 07/27/23
Hebrews 13:7-25 In these final verses of Chapter 13, the author of Hebrews continues to provide practical counsel for believers by exhorting them to remember. What does remembering mean in a biblical sense, and what should we remember? Tune in as Rev. Eric Alexander outlines principles to stabilize and strengthen our faith on Hear the Word of God.
Published 07/20/23
Hebrews 13:1-6 When running a marathon, the course is clearly marked to show the participants the exact limits within which the race is to be run. Likewise in Chapter 13 of Hebrews, the author lays down clear guidelines for running the Christian race. Tune in as Rev. Alexander outlines the practical counsel given for the everyday situations faced by all believers on Hear the Word of God.   
Published 07/13/23