I often end up being the dressiest person in the room. It’s not because I’m so fancy…Okay, it might be that a little bit. But it’s really because I LOVE wearing dresses and skirts. I’m much more comfortable in a dress, especially in the spring and summer when I don’t want to put on shorts. I think there’s almost nothing worse than your legs melting into a hot metal chair and getting stuck. No, thank you. I’ll take a light, airy skirt any day of the week, especially in summer.   It also...
Published 03/21/24
For someone who is not about chasing trends, I really do enjoy putting together my bi-annual Trend Reports for you! I love browsing the larger-than-life looks from the runways, keeping my eyes peeled for recurring themes — some of which I’ve already heard about from my go-to sources like Vogue, WWD, and Pantone — some of which I spot all on my own. And this season, I have to tell you how excited I am about what’s trending! There are dozens of pretty and practical options. I bet you might even...
Published 03/18/24
Friend, I feel like we’ve been solving so many common style dilemmas here on the podcast lately. I mean, I guess that’s the purpose of the whole show and it’s what I’m always striving to do! But I love the questions you’ve been submitting. We’ve been getting down to a lot of the big roadblocks like makeup color matching, developing your personal style, dressing in ways that flatter you, and today’s Q&A Thursday episode is no different.   I received a fantastic question from our friend,...
Published 03/14/24
Hey there! We are going back to the basics today, my friend! I want to revisit the topic of defining your signature style. This is the most critical first step in building a wardrobe you love. It’s also an aspect of getting dressed that I see a lot of women struggling with.   Rather than taking the time to self-reflect and figure out how we want our wardrobes to look and feel, it seems easier to copy everyone else’s style. Or you might love so many different types of outfits and brands that...
Published 03/11/24
Spring is on its way! Can you feel it? Easter and Mother’s Day are just around the corner, flowers will be blooming soon, and there are about to be way more opportunities to get out in the fresh air and take advantage of some beautiful photo ops. This might be the perfect time to start planning your next family photoshoot. But…   WHAT should you wear?! And not just you! If you’re planning a photoshoot for your whole family, you want to coordinate everyone’s outfits without being too matchy...
Published 03/07/24
I’m going to venture to guess that there are some fashion risks you are not willing to take. Maybe it’s an outdated faux pas like wearing white after Labor Day. (We already addressed my thoughts on this in episode #101, by the way.) But I want to empower you to feel confident in putting your outfits and colors together, to wear what you like, and to let go of the rules you don’t even know why you’re following in the first place!   So today, we’re diving into my favorite topic: color! And...
Published 03/04/24
I’ve been chomping at the bit to answer today’s Q&A Thursday question since it came in. It is SO, so good! Our friend, Therese, reached out to ask about the difference between having a signature silhouette (or style) and simply dressing the same all the time. And I think this is the most brilliant question.   What IS the difference? How can you strike that delicate balance between having a dialed-in look and letting your look become played out? How do you stick to your style but still...
Published 02/29/24
Alright, are you ready for this? Today’s episode is going to be one of those rare gems where I don’t discuss trends or give you any tactical style tips. I’m not sharing my color expertise or helping you build a better wardrobe today. The conversation we’re about to have digs a bit deeper and feels necessary to make space for on HER Style Podcast from time to time.   You might know that I’m on a mission to help you feel more confident in your clothes. My goal is to empower you with all the...
Published 02/26/24
Are you ready for this? I’m about to do something I very rarely do on the podcast. But when you ask, I deliver! So today, you can thank our friend, Evelyn. Because I’m sharing more than 30 of the best brands to shop for staple pieces at every price point!!   I don’t often share specific store recommendations, for reasons I’ll briefly touch on as well, but I can’t say no to your Q&A Thursday requests! And I know if you’re on the hunt for some good wardrobe basics, it’s incredibly helpful...
Published 02/22/24
Wondering whether you really need a wardrobe shopping list? The short answer is YES.   In today’s episode, I’m breaking down why this is a non-negotiable if you want to be a more intentional shopper. Not only that, I’m sharing the 5 things you need to put on your shopping list. You know I don’t usually dole out generic advice or subscribe to any wardrobe must-haves, but this checklist will ensure you have the most complete and well-rounded wardrobe possible.   If it’s important for you to...
Published 02/19/24
Hey friend! I’m back with another Q&A Thursday episode… and it’s funny. When I first came up with the idea for these bonus episodes each week, where I answer your questions, I thought they’d be shorter, 10-minute and under episodes. But they’ve actually been some of the longest! Today might be different.   I received a quick question from our girl, Kara, over on Instagram. She has a common problem with several pieces in her closet — they generate a whole lot of static! I know nobody...
Published 02/15/24
When it comes to styling outfits, one of the MOST IMPORTANT things is to make sure your undergarments are working to flatter your figure, optimize your silhouette, and give you the smoothest line possible.   I know lingerie is often an afterthought. It has been for me, too. Nearly a decade ago, I counted more than 30 cocktail dresses in my closet… and at the same time, I didn't have a properly fitting bra! I know! I’ve learned better as a reformed impulse shopper and recovering shopaholic. ...
Published 02/12/24
Happy Thursday, my dear! Welcome back to another episode of HER Style Podcast. I love having you here with me! Today, we’re tackling another listener question –actually TWO listener questions!   Our friend, Maddy, reached out to me recently on Instagram and asked me to address a couple of challenges she’s having. First, she wants to build a collection of loungewear that feels comfortable and looks stylish at the same time. So I’m going to help you do exactly that with a simple framework you...
Published 02/08/24
Friend, I have a treat for you today!! We have a very special guest on the podcast. Syeda Neary, is a phenomenal dating coach and you might’ve already heard me tease on the show over the past week or two that she and I are teaming up this month to bring you a FREE Girls’ Night In event where we’re sharing simple strategies to help you date and dress with confidence.   On this episode, Sy opens up about her past dating debacles, what she sees single women struggling with the most when it...
Published 02/05/24
It’s Q&A Thursday and we’re continuing this week’s color theme with a fabulous question from our friend, Cindy! She wrote in and asked me to explain which colors compliment one another so she can expand the color combinations she puts together for her outfits. I love this question so much, because you know I am ALL ABOUT bringing more color and life into your wardrobe. But we always want to do it in a way that’s visually appealing for others and flattering for you.   So today, I’m...
Published 02/01/24
Happy Monday! Or should I say, happy “makeup” Monday? Because friend, it’s about time we demystify your skin tone type, figure out which lipstick colors are right for you, and uncover the art of color matching your makeup.   If you want to enhance your natural beauty without looking orange, washed out, or worrying about wearing the wrong cosmetics colors, then stick around. This episode is for you!   FREE 5-MIN PERSONAL STYLE QUIZ: https://herstylellc.com/quiz HER STYLE BLOG:...
Published 01/29/24
Alright, we are picking back up with our Q&A Thursday “Suzanne series”… That’s right, several weeks ago, my dear friend, Suzanne, rapid-fired a whole handful of style questions to fill the post-holiday Q&A void around here. And today, I’m addressing the last of her questions.   You’ve also stepped up big time since then and I have questions and topics plugged into the calendar all the way through February. So thank you if you’ve sent in a question this month!! Don’t let that be a...
Published 01/25/24
Happy Monday! I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet because we have a lot to cover today. If you struggle to put your outfits together in a way that feels flattering, stylish, and dare I say, creative? –then this episode is for you, my friend. I rounded up 6 expert styling tricks you need to try. And I can confidently say that if you test out even one of these tips the next time you get dressed, you’ll feel a million times better and more at home in your outfits. I want you to step out...
Published 01/22/24
Let’s play a quick round of true or false with the following statement: Every woman should own a Little Black Dress…?   I guess the answer depends on who you’re asking. But if you’ve been in my little corner of the fashion world for more than a few HER Style Podcast episodes, you know I believe the #1 key to building a wardrobe you LOVE is personalization. (And intentionality... Okay, maybe they’re tied for the #1 spot. 😉)   Either way, the only articles of clothing I think every woman...
Published 01/18/24
Let me guess… You want to build a capsule wardrobe, but you have no idea where to start. How many and which pieces should you include? Which colors should you incorporate? Is it better to plan for one season at a time or to build a year-round base capsule? Is it possible to have a capsule wardrobe without going minimalist or sticking to classic, neutral styles?   Friend, I think it’s about time we take an even bigger deep dive into the capsule wardrobe concept. So today, I’m going to point...
Published 01/15/24
Decisions, decisions… We’re faced with a LOT of them in a day, aren’t we? If you’re working to build a better quality wardrobe you love, you might be feeling pressured with all the decisions you need to make when it comes to shopping and getting dressed.   That’s the boat our friend, Alena, is in right now, too. She reached out to me recently, because she wants to focus on bringing in better quality pieces for her wardrobe. And that means being more selective about the best fabrics for her...
Published 01/11/24
Struggling to find dress pants that fit you perfectly? Are your jeans just a little too long? Do all of your dress shirts have a boxy feel when you prefer a fitted silhouette? Maybe you never know what to wear underneath sheer tops and skirts? Do you wish you could have your pieces taken in, let out, shortened, lengthened, or even custom-made to your exact measurements?   Guess what, friend! You can! Alterations are the secret weapon to looking flawless in everything you own. And I’d bet...
Published 01/08/24
Hey friend! Are you ready for another Q&A Thursday episode? We’re going to call this part II of the Suzanne series. Because you might remember that last week, I didn’t have any questions in the queue and my sweet friend, Suzanne, came to the rescue and sent in a handful of style questions to keep us going for a few more weeks.   Even though the other ladies in our group text were very eager for me to answer the question I addressed in last week’s episode of how to wear white in the...
Published 01/04/24
Happy New Year! I feel like I should’ve plugged in one of those cute little kazoo sound effects, so at least imagine me throwing a handful of confetti your way! It feels a little bittersweet that time seems to be flying by faster and faster, but I still love turning the calendar to a new year, fresh with possibility! There’s nothing like cracking open a crisp paper planner, full of white space just waiting to have your dreams and intentions scribbled all over it. And let’s not forget the...
Published 01/01/24
Whew! This was a close one, friend! I wasn’t sure if I was going to get a Q&A Thursday episode out to you today. I normally like to record my podcast episodes in advance, but I didn’t have any questions in the queue. Something almost always comes in, but not this week. So I sent out an S.O.S. to a couple of friends. Stepping up to the plate, my sweet friend, Suzanne, rapid-fired a handful of really incredible style questions and gave me enough topics to cover for an entire month, should I...
Published 12/28/23