He was socially awkward and struggled with learning disabilities. He was known for supernaturally levitating during prayer. He worked so many miracles that his critics accused him of witchcraft. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith", where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 10/13/22
She was raised without her family. She had visions of Jesus in Heaven. She was able to speak with the souls of the dead from the afterlife. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith", where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 10/06/22
She was raised in an impoverished and dysfunctional family. She was excommunicated by a misled bishop.  She is the only canonized Australian saint. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith", where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 09/28/22
He became a Christian even though his father was a pagan priest. He won people over by the beautiful music he wrote. He fought false teachers who were trying to mix occult practices with Christianity. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith", where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 09/22/22
He served as a deacon at a time when it was dangerous to be a Christian. He outsmarted a greedy magistrate who had put him on trial. He made jokes, even while his enemies were torturing him. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith", where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 09/15/22
She was addicted to sex and alcohol. She worked as a prostitute after running away from home. She decided to change her life after having a powerful encounter with the Virgin Mother of God. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith", where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves! WARNING: This show contains mature themes that could be inappropriate for some listeners.
Published 09/08/22
He lived a life of luxury and political privilege before undergoing a deeper conversion. He stood up to the bullying of the king of England when most others bishops were compromised. He defended the Church at the risk of his own life. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 08/29/22
Jesus often stayed with her family when he traveled through her town. Her brother was brought back to life after being dead for four days. She was one of Jesus' best friends, and she wasn't afraid to speak bluntly to him. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 08/25/22
His whole family was Buddhist before converting to Christianity. He lived in a country where it was illegal to be Catholic. He preached about Jesus even up to the moment of his execution. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 08/17/22
A prophecy was made about her future when she was just a child. She saved her people from the attacks of barbarian armies. She was known for her powerful prophetic gifts. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!"
Published 08/11/22
He was an altar server when it was illegal to be a Christian. He volunteered to bring Holy Communion to imprisoned Christians. He defended the Eucharist from a hostile mob. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 08/01/22
He was one of the best preachers in the history of the Church. He used the gift of tongues so that everyone could understand him. People still ask him for help in finding lost things. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 07/30/22
She was possessed by seven demons. Her mysterious life has led to many different theories and rumours. She was the first recorded eye-witness of the Resurrection of Jesus. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!"
Published 07/20/22
He rescued thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. He called the Second Vatican Council. He was known for his witty sense of humour. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!"
Published 07/14/22
He left his home in France to be a missionary to the Indigenous peoples of North America. He was named a "Living Martyr" by the Pope. He bravely returned to live among the people who had enslaved and tortured him. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 07/07/22
She mystically experienced the suffering of Jesus every single Friday. She would engage in wrestling matches with the Devil. She was known to bargain years of her life away in order to win back sinners. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 06/22/22
He spent his life searching for what was really true. He studied ancient prophecies that foretold the coming of Jesus. He risked his life to defend Christianity from those who lied about it. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 06/18/22
He went forty days without eating or drinking. God spoke to him in a dream when he fell asleep during prayer. He lived on the top of a pillar for thirty-six years. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 06/08/22
She was born into slavery. She was a skilled beer brewer. She joined in St. Patrick's mission to spread Christianity throughout Ireland. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 04/21/22
He made a high stakes bargain with God during a terrible storm at sea. He was made a bishop even though he didn't want the job. He defended the Christian truth that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 04/14/22
He is the first Filipino saint. He had to flee the country after being falsely accused of murder. He was brutally tortured for being Catholic. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 04/06/22
She was born blind, hunchbacked, and a dwarf. She was cruelly isolated from others due to her condition. She visited prisons to minister to criminals. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 03/31/22
He was a family man and adoptive father. He was pressured to abandon the Church but never caved. He was known for his sarcastic sense of humour, which he showed even up to the point of his death. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 03/24/22
He was the messenger of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He helped end a religious culture of human sacrifice. He is the first Indigenous American man to be recognized as a saint. Who is he? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 03/17/22
She is the first Colombian to be canonized a saint. She overcame childhood abandonment and rejection. She fought systemic racism in her country by serving the Indigenous tribes. Who is she? Find out more on "Heroes of the Faith" where we are inspired by the lives of the saints, so that we can become saints ourselves!
Published 03/03/22