Prescription Stimulants and College Students
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Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Dr. Kenneth Hale, clinical professor with the Ohio State College of Pharmacy, co-director of the Generation RX Initiative, and associate director of the Higher Ed Center. Dr. Hale’s guest is David Arnold, Director of Alcohol Abuse Prevention Initiatives at NASPA, who presented at our 2016 National Meeting! Arnold’s presentation entitled, “Preventing the Misuse and Diversion of ADHD Stimulant Prescriptions Among College Students,” is available for download here! Arnold has developed a wide variety of experience within collegiate AOD, including national experience utilizing peer education in alcohol, other drug prevention and health promotion activities. Arnold is also an experienced alcohol and other drug (AOD) prevention coordinator at the two large Texas regional institutions of higher education and one medium-sized Colorado regional institution of higher education. Please join Dr. Hale and Arnold as they discuss the work he is doing with NASPA and beyond, along with the impact of prescription stimulants on college students. Podcast Guest: David Arnold
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Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Sarah Nerad,...
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Published 06/05/17
Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Connie Boehm,...
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