Jeremy’s Legacy and Implications for Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention on Campus Part I
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Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! Today’s episode is the first of a two-part conversation hosted by Dr. Kenneth Hale, clinical professor with the Ohio State College of Pharmacy, co-director of the Generation RX Initiative, and associate director of the Higher Ed Center. Dr. Hale’s guest is Dr. Janie Kritzman, a clinical and developmental psychologist currently in private practice in Medford, Massachusetts. Dr. Kritzman is a clinical and developmental psychologist currently working in private practice. She has a very interesting academic training background, including baccalaureate studies at the University of Wisconsin, and graduate work at Columbia and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Kritzman’s son, Jeremy, tragically died from an unintentional drug overdose in 2007 when he was an undergraduate college student, and she has subsequently spent a great deal of time learning about the chemical culture on our campuses and how we might change that culture to keep our students safe. In 2008, Janie and her husband, Lawrence, along with a founding committee including individuals involved in healthcare, social work, academics, alcohol and drug education, and student services, established the Jeremy S. Kritzman Initiative to challenge cultural assumptions relating to the use of drugs and alcohol by young people as a recreational rite of passage. Please join Dr. Hale and Dr. Kritzman as they discuss the life of her son Jeremy, prescription medication, and a variety of topics that address the growing opioid epidemic in the nation. Podcast Guest: Dr. Janie Kritzman
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Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Sarah Nerad,...
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Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Connie Boehm,...
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