Responsible Hospitality
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Welcome to the HECAOD podcast! Today’s episode is hosted by Barbara Ryan, President and Editorial Director of the Silvergate Group, with guest, Marian Novak, Project Director of the Responsible Hospitality Coalition. Please join Ms. Ryan and Ms. Novak as they discuss responsible hospitality and its impact on communities and college campuses. Podcast Guest: Marian Novak
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Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Sarah Nerad,...
Published 06/05/17
Published 06/05/17
Disclaimer: This podcast does not necessarily represent the views, positions or opinions of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery or The Ohio State University. Welcome to the latest edition of the HECAOD podcast! This episode is hosted by Connie Boehm,...
Published 02/23/17