Who doesn’t want to look younger? While most of us would love to turn back the clock, a recent survey by Realself.com found that only one in five of us would actually consider having plastic surgery. Well, if you want to take off the years but aren’t sure about going under the knife, I’ve got great news for you. There are a plethora of non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can take years off your face. But how is one to know when surgery or non-surgical treatments are your best option? I’ve...
Published 07/12/17
Welcome to Part 2 ... Can foods really help you look longer? Can a simple food "switch" make a difference in your appearance? Here's the completion of our two-part series on superfood switches to look younger. Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 07/08/17
Kefir. Kim Chi. Sauerhkraut. Kombucha. These and other fermented foods have become a hot topic among nutritionists and naturopathic physicians. We are learning that these types of foods can play integral part of our paths to health and wellness. But unfortunately, our standard American diet has all but eliminated these probiotic-abundant foods from our plates. Why has this happened? How can fermented foods improve the health of your gut, your microbiome, your energy levels, and even your...
Published 07/05/17
Can foods really help you look longer? Can a simple food "switch" make a difference in your appearance? Here's the first of a two-part series on superfood switches to look younger. Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 07/01/17
What is the first thing you notice about someone you meet? For me, and for I assume a lot of you, it’s their smile. Every year Americans spend billions of dollars on cosmetic dental treatments to whiten, straighten, and even out our teeth. It’s a massive industry, and likely one that you have contributed to. So on this episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by arguably the country’s most famous cosmetic dentist. We’ll answer such questions as: what’s the most effective way...
Published 06/28/17
Topic: Breast implants and ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphonma). What do we know about it / what can we do about it / where do we go from here? Take a quick look at this important topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 06/24/17
In plastic surgery, innovation is the key to getting better results with less scarring and downtime. Although plastic surgeons around the country are advancing these trends, there is no place more influential on the field of cosmetic surgery than Beverly Hills, California. There are more plastic surgeons per capita in Beverly Hills than in any other part of the United States. So the competition is extremely fierce. This competition has driven their plastic surgeons to push the limits of...
Published 06/21/17
Want better skin? Want to look younger or "turn back the clock?" What if you could do it in just a few minutes a day? Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 06/17/17
One of the most fascinating trends in plastic surgery today is regenerative treatments, or using a patient's own tissues, in the form of platelet rich plasma or stem cells, to turn back the clock. More and more patients are benefiting from the amazing rejuvenative effects of these holistic procedures. Tens of thousands of patients are not just having their wrinkles smoothed, but they are also seeing improvements in incontinence and even their private relations. But, unfortunately, not all of...
Published 06/14/17
Second part of the two-part series. What are the best deals in plastic surgery? What are the worst? Dr. Anthony Youn, America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon, offers the 7 best options - and warns you about 3 you might want to steer clear of.   Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 06/10/17
Have you ever wanted to change the shape of your breasts? According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, last year over half a million Americans had their breasts enlarged, lifted, or reduced. Although it seems like just about every female celebrity in Hollywood has undergone a breast augmentation, there’s a lot more to breast enhancement than most people realize. Did you know that smoking can make your nipples fall off? Or that the scars from a breast lift are permanent...
Published 06/07/17
What are the best deals in plastic surgery? What are the worst? Dr. Anthony Youn, America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon, offers the 7 best options - and warns you about 3 you might want to steer clear of.   Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 06/03/17
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One out of every 4 deaths every year, over 600,000 men and women, are attributed to this deadly condition.  In our culture, we’ve been conditioned to blame heart attacks, hypertension, and coronary artery disease on genetics, or aging, or not seeing the doctor and taking the right medications. It’s all a load of hooey. You are causing your heart disease by not getting enough sleep, stressing too much, not exercising, and...
Published 05/31/17
Good fats?  Bad fats?  What's the difference? Why does it matter? Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 05/27/17
There are many myths surrounding plastic surgery. Is it true that if you have liposuction, the fat that is removed will just come back somewhere else? Maybe you’ve heard that if a plastic surgeon puts in the stitches there won’t be a scar. Or that you should always go bigger if you’re getting breast implants. There is a ton of misinformation out there about plastic surgery, and this episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show is dedicated to correcting these plastic surgery myths. We’ll...
Published 05/24/17
Are instant change products worth your time and money? Take a quick look at this trend and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 05/20/17
Have you heard of the term ‘leaky gut?’ This is one of the hottest topics in health and medicine today, and many forward-thinking physicians believe that the health of your gut can have profound impacts on your overall health. Do you have issues with persistent weight gain, fatigue, seasonal allergies, and fibromyalgia? Or maybe you are one of the millions of people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS? Or maybe you are realizing that the foods you have become accustomed to...
Published 05/17/17
Are matcha and kombucha the super drinks everyone is claiming them to be?   Take a quick look at these two popular drinks in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 05/13/17
Have you ever thought about having a nose job? If so, you’re not alone. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2016 there were almost 150,000 rhinoplasty surgeries performed in the US. It was the 6th most popular cosmetic surgery overall. But there is a lot more to getting a nose job than meets the eye. Even though the nose is composed of just a couple bones and pieces of cartilage, it’s the most difficult and technically demanding facial cosmetic operation that...
Published 05/10/17
Would your plastic surgeon ever use leeches? This is just one of the surprising secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 05/06/17
Have you discovered that your mind isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be? Are you forgetting things that maybe you shouldn’t? Or maybe you’re finding that learning new concepts is getting progressively more difficult? Or you might feel like your mind is in a perpetual fog. Well, if this sounds like you, then you may have developed the dreaded Brain Fog. But don’t worry, there is a fix. You can sharpen your mind, improve your intellectual functioning, and clear that fog away. And, the...
Published 05/03/17
Is brow tweezing really as effective as a brow lift? This is just one of the surprising secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD. More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 04/29/17
Have you ever thought about making your own skin care products? Well, why would you do that when it’s so easy to just buy your skin care products at the drugstore like most other people? Well, if you take a look at the list of ingredients of your favorite creams, you might be surprised at just how many ingredients are used to make up something as simple as a moisturizer for your hands. Ingredients like methylparabens, aluminum silicate, and even fragrances can actually be unhealthy for your...
Published 04/26/17
Is your olive oil fake?  This is just one of the surprising food secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.   More at http://DrYoun.com
Published 04/22/17
Dr. Shulman explains in detail innovative procedures in Body Contouring that he has been skillfully practicing in the past 10 years in his practice in New York City. Have you ever heard of a Brazilian Butt Lift or a Mommy Makeover?  Find out in this show, simple explanations for these and other procedures in plastic surgery. Dr. Shulman is also known for educating patients throuPodcast Episode 11: State-of-the-Art Body Contouring with Dr. Matthew Schulman Have you ever wanted to change the...
Published 04/19/17