conceptually compelling structurally unbearable
i think i mightve written a review for this show already but i don’t remember what i did with it. im not going to argue for why this podcast is objectively bad because i dont think it is, but i’ll tell you some of the things i personally disliked about it. the analysis of homestuck this podcast offers is primarily plot driven rather than character driven. it’s an analysis of larger story movements and a literary analysis of how the story is presented, while the inner worlds of the characters and the dynamics between them are largely ignored, on the basis of cmrn just not really liking them and of michael taking no interest. fair enough for them to feel that way, but i’d argue homestuck becomes progressively more character driven over time and to ignore that aspect leaves a lot to be desired in any retrospective review of it on a similar note, i found the analytic detachment towards the then and current fans to be grating and mildly condescending? the attitude this podcast takes towards the forum posters is one thats very disparaging without ever really justifying it. i don’t understand the air of superiority that gets picked up towards the old fans. maybe i’m misreading it but it rubs me the wrong way to hear about all the ways the hosts insist old fans were engaging with the story wrong or less productively than they are. not understanding the appeal behind bloodswaps or shipping. the constant hampering on that one teenage dave cosplayer who said this was a bad podcast and taking that as an endorsement. why establish such a hostile relationship with the fans? holding disdain for them while simultaneously using them as a subject in your study is a very creepy combination, actually. it’s not kind. it’s unsettling and uncharitable and you implicitly place yourself in a position of authority over them. why do that? it’s weird. i just don’t think a podcast that’s ostensibly an analysis of homestuck’s fandom history has any real reason to be prissy or to avoid getting their hands dirty, so to speak. its comes across as if you think you’re above it. why think you’re above it? you take issue with the edginess, you take issue with the YA aspects, you take issue with the in-universe and narrative structures Hussie establishes, to the point where i wonder what you’re even getting out of this if nearly every aspect of the story hits the wrong notes for you. at the end of the day it’s perfectly fine to not enjoy homestuck. i especially can’t fault cmrn for not liking something he went into blind and he’s entitled to all the opinions he holds. i just think that as a homestuck fan, this podcast is largely detached from what i personally enjoyed about homestuck and i got very little out of it. having said that, i did listen to every episode. i can’t say if that’s because the show redeems itself in other aspects or because i just really like homestuck and will hear any perspectives on it. i wish i liked this podcast more! ok end review -
mylittleleviathan via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/13/23
More reviews of Homestuck Made This World
I haven’t even listened yet but I know this is going to be an amazing ride. Homestuck got me through high school and I can’t wait to revisit it alongside y’all, through all its ups and downs.
Kelsey White via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/13/21
This podcast is almost as convoluted as the webcomic its based on - we love it! Topics covered include game mechanics, visual storytelling, and Andrew Hussie being a complete nutjob. It also baffles me every time I realize things I thought were mysteries were actually literally explained to me...Read full review »
AnxiousAquarius via Apple Podcasts · Netherlands · 04/08/22
I remember hearing of Homestuck first in high school, when one guy, with generally dodgy views, kept telling me this was the greatest thing in the world. Over and over I tried reading it, but could barely get into act 2. The more I listen to this podcast, the more I know the most valuable thing...Read full review »
Creamy Demon via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 06/22/22
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