Last week as part of the context related to the development of suffrage in nations influenced by the English parliamentary system, we delved into the related history of gynocentrism, by discussing the difference between gynocentrism, and gynocentric culture, reading an article on the subject from Peter Wright’s reference site, gynocentrism.com. We’ll continue that discussion this week with a look at his article, Timeline of Gynocentric Culture.
Published 04/30/24
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at the absolute state of the wammen reaction to the shift happening among men represented by people who don't really understand it.
Published 04/30/24
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the latest with MLB all-star Trevor Bauer, Title IX has changed in ways women don't like, another man self immolates in protest, and more!
Published 04/30/24
Join us on a special weekend show which is part Beatsaber, Part Fundraiser and all lulz. In addition, we have some cringe/funny stories and articles to talk about to help ease your pain!
Published 04/30/24
Join us on the show where we talk about a recent video from Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad entitled "Is there a place for women on the right?"
Published 04/30/24
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with researcher and streamer Becca, AKA Bx. We will be talking about some things that might get us in trouble with YouTube, Facebook and Twitch, so the stream WILL move to Rumble and X after it starts.
Published 04/20/24
Last week we discussed how biologically different women were from women today in ancient times when we didn’t have the luxury of tools to do all of our hard manual labor around the home. We learned that physical evidence in the bones of men and women indicated that historically, women’s arms endured much more mechanical loading than women of today, and the average woman likely had arms stronger than today’s female athletes. We learned that there while it was far from universal, there was...
Published 04/20/24
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Youtuber, streamer and political commentator FabianLiberty. Fabian once claimed that the manosphere is basically the mirror of feminism. Something we've heard many times before. He did agree to talk with us, so let's do it.
Published 04/18/24
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss a woman who was driven to a murderous craze caused by the eclipse, the recent spate of random women being punched in NYC, Hillary Clinton produced a Broadway musical about the suffrage movement, and more!
Published 04/18/24
Join us on a special as we respond to a special request reaction where old head of the internet Jordan Owen spergs on Gamergate 2, Donald Trump and the desire to destroy democracy! Prepare your spines and wallets!
Published 04/18/24
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at the absolute state of the "manosphere" represented by people who don't really understand it.
Published 04/18/24
In discussing the history of male suffrage and its link to the history of male military obligation, I realized there’s an aspect of this history we’re not talking about. In today’s political debates we’re told that historically, patriarchal attitudes kept women out of military service and many other harsh realities of life; dirty jobs like coal mining, dangerous work like hunting, because they have always been the fairer, weaker sex. The story history tells is not so patriarchal… not so...
Published 04/18/24
Join us on Badgerpod GamerGate as we talk with you on X Spaces and discuss the news including boycotts, community managers, entryism and more!
Published 04/18/24
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we have 5 stories that are so shocking you won't believe it! News regarding the Scotland Hate Crime Law, gender affirming care for children, women in STEM, and more!
Published 04/18/24
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at a growing movement of men and what they are up to.
Published 04/18/24
Join us on the rantzerker where women hating men hating women hating men is the new normal
Published 04/06/24
Last week, we learned quite a bit about how voting rights came to exist under English common law, and how that history intrinsically connects them with civic duty and military obligation, but that only brings us to the point where 1%-3% of the population even had voting rights. We learned some things that contradict conventional “knowledge” about the franchise and who had it. We’re going to continue to do that in this episode.
Published 04/06/24
Join us on Badgerpod GamerGate as we meet with Savvy Artist. Savvy has been doing a lot of great work on twitter/X revealing the little woman behind the curtain. We are hopefully going to be looking at some of what's going on behind the scenes.
Published 04/06/24
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the gains made by Argentina preident Javier Milei, Trudeau passes a new anti free speech bill, Amber Heard stan Charlotte Prudman faces a potential suspension or fine, and more!
Published 04/06/24
Join us on this special show where we will be reacting to the recent drama involving Steven Crowder and his messy divorce. What can we learn from this?
Published 03/30/24
How can we talk about women’s history in English-influenced western law without talking about voting rights? Well, sorry ladies. If we’re going to talk about voting rights, we’re going back a bit further than the suffragettes. The practice predates women’s interest in it by a few hundred years. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but until we do, we’re going to be talking about men, darling.
Published 03/30/24
Join us either here or on X/Twitter as we talk about the newest developments in GamerGate2 with special guest Problematic White Guy.
Published 03/30/24
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the latest regarding Kyle Rittenhouse, Google changes the definition of the word "bloodbath", and more!
Published 03/30/24
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at the absolute state of South Korea and woke AI.
Published 03/30/24
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at something a little different. Are we experiencing the end of the internet?
Published 03/30/24