#25 EN - Your Body has a Message for You - From Pain to Purpose, An opportunity to embrace your True Self, Heal and reach a New Stage in your life
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Your body has a message for you!Every pain, disease, illness is your body's way of communicating a message, urging you to reach a new stage in your life, your next level of consciousness and wellness When you are in pain, your body is telling you that you are not using your power, living in other rules and lives, not in tune with your Design. Your body is gonna force you to listen to your fears, change an old pattern that doesn’t serve you. Ex : Generator acting like Manifestor Generator - burning outEx : Extreme anxiety from working in a job that you hate while dreaming to another life Each Center in your Design represents Chakras.  Each one carries its own energy. Understanding the meaning of each of your energy Centers is giving you insights into your needs. Each one is here to serve your body, mind and soul Each Center is linked to your organs. Here are a few examples :. Sacral center, life and work force energy, is connected to the ovaries and testes. Ego Center, your will power, self esteem, is connected with your heart, your stomach, your gallbladder. Solar Plexus, emotional center, is connected with your kidney, bladder, pancreas. Spleen Center , survival and intuitive center, carries your lymphatic system While mapping your energy Centers, Gates and Channels, to your Unique Design and their energetic meaning and therefore your organs, you can heal your body, your mind and your soul. Client transformation : my Client came to me with adrenal fatigue.Adrenal glands are located in the Root Center, pressure & stress Centre affecting your immune system. The Root center is linked to the 1st chakra, it links to family, beliefs patterns. My client still has unfinished business with family members and some of them still have authority over her. We brought her power back by looking how to release that pressure according to her Gates in her Root Center. Controversial opinion : If you can create your disease you can decreate it too. I am not a doctor, I am here to bring awareness and practical knowledge you can implement easily in your life, by looking inside yourself, by looking at the root cause. If that resonates, please reach out, I would love to connect and explore your Design with you.Enjoy the episode. Lots of love. Sarah
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