Trauma and Stress are two concepts that hinder our brains and bodies, but we can choose to overcome them. It starts with awareness and consistency.  You are so worthy of being a better you. Thank you for taking the time to listen and choose be a better you.  Below is a link to donate to an organization that helps any and all to overcome pain.  https://helpguide.networkforgood.com/projects/105473-everyday-giving
Published 08/29/20
Fear and Wisdom are both concepts that play a huge contribution in our realities. This episode addresses the parts of the mind that include fear and wisdom. Are you understanding why you are doing the things you engage in or are you procreating chaos from the concepts you think are yours? Take a look inside your mind and step into the awareness of these concepts. Thank you for taking the time. 
Published 06/06/20
With all that is going on in the World right now, we truly must ask ourselves if we are being authentic or if we are giving in to a sickness. It is a choice to be aware, it is a choice to be honest, it is a choice to be a parasite. Gift yourself the ability to help create a reality that you believe in. Lean into faith, lean into strength, lean into being the best version of yourself possible. What are you doing with your gift of life? Thank you for taking the time and thank you for caring...
Published 03/22/20
GOOD VIBES AND GROWTH SENT TO ALL WHO THIS PODCAST REACHES!  This is the Second Official Podcast on 'HOW TO HUMAN LIKE A DEMIGOD". This episodes' intention is to raise the awareness of how to listen to the frequencies of light and love. Light and Love both have wavelengths that help us to truly connect with our reality. We each have at least, eighty years on this planet. It is our gift to our own existence to obtain the knowledge that helps us to truly step into our greatest potential.  It...
Published 02/27/20
Do you know what you value? Do you know what everything is worth to you? Do you know that the surface doesn't even matter?
Published 01/17/20
It is a trial and error epidemic to be Human. It is exhausting and exciting and all around entertaining. This is the first podcast of many and the importance of these podcasts is for the world to know you are not alone. We each have to decide what matters to us in this lifetime. With all the sports, gossip, politics, make up channels there ought to be a few other podcasts and videos that are about just knowing how to be human. We are here on this earth for the human experience. I hope this...
Published 01/17/20