Steffen Hedebrandt from www.dreamdata.io shares how we can create better attribution to our organic content efforts.
Published 03/23/22
Arvid Kahl is unpacking the strategies you can implement to get your first or next 1,000 followers. These are the same methods he used to grow his own audience to over 50,000 authentic followers and get more than 300 course sales on launch from his Twitter audience.
Published 03/16/22
Eli Schwartz is sharing what people so often get WRONG when it comes to SEO. If you're wondering how to understand what makes an SEO strategy great and if SEO is even right for your type of business, then be sure to dive in now!
Published 03/09/22
The play-by-play of how Jack Rhysider grew his podcast, Darknet Diaries, from ZERO to 1.5 million downloads per MONTH. We talk: - The best growth free growth strategies - What's worked to get him over the million per month mark - How he's monetized his audience - How NFTs will impact podcasting And more...
Published 03/02/22
A lot of people are seeing their organic reach on Instagram TANK. And that narrative seems to be dominating the headlines in the marketing world. BUTTTT -- others are seeing their reach skyrocket and our guest today, Josh Ryan is one of those people. Get ready to take notes if you want to grow on Instagram!
Published 02/23/22
In the content marketing world, most of the attention is on video, YouTube, Instagram Reels, TikTok, etc. But in the background, there are companies adding MILLIONS in revenue by executing on amazing SEO-focused blog content. Yea, blogs. It's not dead and in fact, when done right, it's THRIVING. Damon Burton is here to break down how to create blog content that converts!
Published 02/16/22
There is a 3 part framework that you can follow to ENSURE that your videos convert MUCH higher than ever before. Anthony Ambriz is on the podcast today to break down the 3-part strategy that he has used to grow his business and his client's businesses.
Published 02/09/22
Most YouTube creators focus on the video aspect of their content and neglect two things that are MORE IMPORTANT than the actual video. The video thumbnail and title. If you can't get someone to click into your video, what the hell is the point of it. Jake Thomas is breaking down how to write KILLER titles that get more views on your videos.
Published 02/02/22
Do you think it's possible to build an entire company from just posting organic content on LinkedIn? Jason Vana did exactly that and he is sharing what's working and what isn't in terms of getting MASSIVE exposure on LinkedIn. Hint: It's NOT video...
Published 01/26/22
Most DTC companies go all-in on paid ads but is it possible to scale to a multi-million dollar company WITHOUT it? Beardbrand has grown a huge YouTube channel to break their dependency on paid ads. Let's unpack how they've done it.
Published 01/19/22
Sometimes you have to take risks. You might call the experiment Wistia undertook a risk but Chris Savage, CEO of Wistia, knew it was something he wanted to do. On the surface, a SaaS company creating an animated series sounds crazy --- but is it?! I guess it depends if Gear Squad or Dr. Boring wins...
Published 01/12/22
Your 2022 social media strategy NEEDS to hear this episode! Mike and the BVIRAL team manage social accounts on Instagram, Snap, and YouTube that get more than a BILLION views per MONTH and he is sharing what the data shows in terms of what you should focus on in 2022 and how you can ensure you get the results you're looking for.
Published 01/05/22
Would you spend the time creating YouTube content if what you got back was 40,000 customers? 3 years ago Sam Oh took over the Ahrefs YouTube channel with the goal of helping SEO's get better. A lot of people appreciated it and they signed up for the SaaS tool, Ahrefs to help implement what they were learning. We are unpacking how they approached the strategy in this episode of Content Funnels
Published 01/04/22
Welcome to the Content Funnels™ podcast!
Published 10/07/21
Brodie Sharpe quit his day job 6 months ago to dive head first into his side hustle, which is online coaching for runners needing physical therapy. In this episode, we talk about how Brodie has been getting leads for his business purely from his niche podcast and how he plans on growing his business to the moon!
Published 03/18/21
Shirag Shemmassian comes on the podcast for the second time. We originally talked to him on episode 68 and at that time it was still a side hustle for him but doing over $500k in annual revenue. AS A SIDE HUSTLE! In this episode, we are going to hear what happened when he jumped ship and went all-in to grow this business.
Published 03/11/21
I'm sitting down with Chris Gronkowski to talk about his journey of getting his side hustle funded on Shark Tank. After spending 4 years in the NFL, Chris left the league to help run his wife's bustling Etsy business. At that time he didn't know it would grow into one of the biggest stores on Etsy. After a few years of helping run that business, he got the idea for Ice Shaker. And, that's what we will dive deep into. How he got the idea, how he grew it from the initial concept, challenges...
Published 02/25/21
In this episode, I'm sitting down with Chelsea Clarke, the founder of Her Paper Route and BlogsForSale.co to talk about the world of niche sites. This was an especially interesting episode for me because I've been dabbling in building my own in my "spare time".
Published 02/18/21
In this episode, I am chatting with Toni Panea about how he created Crmble, a SaaS CRM built on top of Trello. He dives into how he took it from an internal tool with a company he was managing and turned it into public SaaS product serving over 30,000 users. Oh, and he grew it from 0 to 30k users in just 9 months!
Published 11/27/20
In this episode, I'm sitting down with Austin Church to talk about his journey into the freelance world and the lessons he's learned along the way. This is a long episode, but if you apply what we talk about, it can change your life, I'm sure of it.
Published 10/29/20
In this episode, I chat with Chris Myles about his journey of failing, then failing, then failing again -- and how he eventually figured out the business of affiliate marketing. In fact, he figured it out so well that about 1.5 years ago he was able to quit his day job and provide for his wife and son solely from this income.
Published 10/22/20
In this episode I'm chatting with Marc Summe, one of the owners of Minute7, an expense and time tracking platform. In this conversation, Marc shares about his journey of working in the finance industry to transitioning into the startup world, and ultimately how he bought a minority stake in the SaaS, Minute7.
Published 10/15/20
In this episode, I get to sit down with Brad de Comarmond to have an amazing conversation about how the whole pandemic shut down led to him revitalizing an old hobby after watching some Gary Vaynerchuk videos. That hobby? Sport Cards.
Published 10/08/20
In this episode, I'm chatting with Oxana Romanyuk about her journey of jumping ship from the corporate to building Remote Rockstars. We dive into how she's structured her business, got her first customers, and scaled her internal team to serve awesome clients at a high level.
Published 10/01/20
In this episode, I chat with Mike Begg about how he got into the world of side hustles with his two best friends and how they eventually all quit their jobs to pursue it full time. We dive into how they've pivoted multiple times and how they've taken their business AMZ Advisers to a million-dollar business.
Published 09/24/20