Do you worry about becoming a sloth? The ladies think each other could be a good sloth. People like sloths, they take care of them and cater to them. Perfect lifestyle change for Lisa! Does resisting a new fancy Apple watch show personal growth and should there be a Christmas do-over when the snow finally arrives? Lisa's curiosity has gotten her unwanted attention and what comes after Hallmark holiday movies? Which is better: the King's Christmas message or the Queen's Christmas message?...
Published 12/29/23
There is a new addition to the Boom Baby franchise, it's a backyard skating rink and boozy cocoa stand! Booze and skates what could go wrong! Does your chapstick, chapstick and who knew we needed a tampon song. Can Lisa stick to her resolutions this year and still celebrate the dutchie coming back to Tim's? Is a Dollar Store better or worse than Walmart or Superstore? Would you make a good juror? What are your top three favourite ISMH episodes of 2023? Are they the same as Lisa and Sam's? Are...
Published 12/22/23
Lisa claims Sam is copying her look, the subtle side bang. Its hard to see that side bang as it's a bit more nonexistent rather than subtle. #subtle side bang The weather is more spring than winter and its wrecking Christmas traditions. Yikes! Is a mocha coffee the ugly baby of hot chocolate and coffee? Should candles look like real desserts and is anyone up for one man pickleball? Can you shame a cookie based on nothing? Is Hidden Valley Ranch-candy cane flavoured salad dressing real and if...
Published 12/15/23
In the hierarchy of hoarding, where does a reusable bag hoarder land? Sam thinks those who hoarded plastic bags have now become a reusable hoarder. It's a vicious cycle we can’t escape! See ya Mariah there is a new gal in town, right Peggy! Will Lisa find the McRib in Toronto and are ugly Christmas sweaters still trendy? Will Sheila save Christmas baking and has Lisa mastered the cake mix? Will McDonald’s screw up the Big Mac refresh and why do ashtrays bring back fond memories? Dear After...
Published 12/08/23
Lisa asks, 'do you think we could work together in Santa's workshop'? Sam's response is no because she would end up doing all the work! This leads both to declare 'no I'm the boss'! However, Sam does have a solution; work in different areas of Santa's workshop. Perfect! Lisa is concerned about Sam's sheepdog bangs and has figured out why she is always late. Are you time blind? Should the airlines charge flyers for carry-on luggage and what's up with the sugar shortage? Do you fondue and can...
Published 12/01/23
Lisa wonders if there is any plausible response to a message that ends with 'thanks for understanding'. What if you don't understand but realise thats code for don't ya dare reply back! WTF Sam is concerned that donuts are going to drive Lisa to boycott clothes. Sam proves you can appreciate sports from afar and still know who won the game! Did you know Starbucks is witchcraft and 90's home decor could be making a comeback. Would a GenX parent put up with elf on a shelf? Should there be an...
Published 11/24/23
Lisa has her judgement pants on as she declares Sam is obsessed with finding decorations for her Christmas tree. Does your tree need a tree? Yes, yes it does Lisa if it makes Sam happy! Do you remember the Christmas oranges of your youth, what happened to them? Will Sam watch the Eagles vs Chiefs game this Sunday? No, it's not for TSwift, it's for the Kelce brothers! Why do we make noises now when we get up? Did you miss nugget day like Lisa and Sam? What are you eating, nuggets or strips?...
Published 11/17/23
Lisa thinks they need to start working on the 'pod' part of their friendship. Sam disagrees! To start that process Lisa wants to give Sam the gift of friendship which is a t-shirt with her face on it! Ummmm, no! Have you talked to bananas recently and does anyone wordle anymore? Do your pillows have you in pillow purgatory? Is the puffy coat designed to make you feel puffy? Are bagels and V8 a brillant diet combo and shouldn't we all just wear underwear? Pickle flavoured Ketchup yay or nay?...
Published 11/10/23
Do we know if a pig is happy in shit? The phrase 'happy as a pig in shit' seems to suggest they are but Lisa is not convinced they are. If shit does make them that happy, is there something to it? Does your mood affect your walking speed and are you pro new Holiday songs? Does it matter if Wendy's fries are better than McDonald's? Did you wear plastic bread bags inside your boots to keep your feet warm? If you had an extra wish would you want self maintained fingernails? The HHG has banned...
Published 11/03/23
What do you find cringe worthy? Lisa thinks it's talking to dogs in a baby voice and Sam cringes at how some people pronounce the word important. Did you know that you can gauge the weather by how fast Lisa walks? Did you know that static electricity is the cousin of lightning? Can you become a godparent for a pigeon's babies? Does God have time to message you and look after the big things? What GenX Halloween costume did you wear because your Mom said so? Was hamburger helper a staple in...
Published 10/27/23
GenX we have a question for you, did your bathroom contain carpet and a dressed up toilet? If you said yes, you had an 80s Bathroom too! Every available inch of that toilet was covered in fuzzy fabric, and we can't forget the dribble mat! Lisa blames the Wiggles for ruining 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes'. Do you think Saskatchewan has more weed shops or Tim Hortons? Do Brittany and Jada go too far in their memoirs? Is a $5 Walmart pillow a good investment and have you heard of...
Published 10/20/23
Lisa tempts Sam with a pumpkin carving contest. It starts as an innocent conversation about cheating, use of stencils when it takes a sudden turn and Lisa declares it a pumpkin conspiracy! Sam's plan has finally worked! How do you sing the song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes? Would you shake your head at an email signed only with an initial or how about unnecessary small talk in an elevator? GenX do you remember walking your dog incessantly as a kid? We don't! Could eating with your less...
Published 10/13/23
It's never a good day when you get a water slide wedgie. Ouch! The take away from this is to follow the rules so you don't have to get your vagina replaced! However, a warning sign indicating women might lose their vagina might be helpful! Is Tay Tay and Travis for real or for show? Do cool temperatures make you a fierce fall walker? Is someone else's mail your responsibility? Was picture day the best or worst of times for you? Are you too nice to complain about bad food? Do you experience...
Published 10/06/23
Lisa is shaking her head at crocs with socks! All she does is judge, judge no matter what! Lisa has a cold and hates that she has to justify her cold while Sam shames Lisa's handwashing tendencies. Both have I shake my heads about public washroom etiquette, and as Sam says were they born in a barn? Jerry Seinfeld was good but can you guess what they both remember in great detail from the show? One guess it involves judgement pants! Is there texting etiquette and do you pee as soon as you get...
Published 09/29/23
Lisa is a jump in and judge kinda gal while Sam is more of a let's see what happens gal. Sorry Sophie Turner but Lisa is taking Joe's version of events! Will the Russian Twist exercise get rid of your menopausal belly? Do you shake your head at cars with dirty back windows and big pockets on a woman's blouse? Would you try out a two bite diet and is a cross body really a cross booby? Could you cut out the morning coffee run and if you were rich would you want a fancy toilet? Who would name...
Published 09/22/23
When Lisa starts off 'I need you to be open minded' nothing good comes from that statement. She is concerned that Sam doesn't have pictures on her walls so let's paint some! Hard pass for Sam! Do you give a shit or don't give a shit about how you look? Lisa is shaking her head at fighting the urge to go pee at night. Do you text or scroll through Tik Tok in bed? Do you pay attention to the back of your hair and would you tape your mouth shut at night? Could you travel with your ageing...
Published 09/15/23
Hypothetically if you can see the folds of one's butt cheeks in their leggings are they too tight? Lisa has discovered that there are two types of gals who wear leggings vs leggins. Lisa is back riding the bus and it truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Do you shake your head at protective coverings on condiments or do you shake your head at Michael's promoting Christmas Collectables in September. Guess who got her pictures hung up already and bragged about it! What is Burning Man and...
Published 09/08/23
Hey friends of the podcast Sam is still on holiday so the audio is a bit different but the funny is still the same! It has been a tough few weeks for Lisa, as her life got packed up and relocated. She declares 'Never Again' because moving is a bitch! Do you pay attention to the move out checklist and are you an interrupter? How desperate do you have to be to pee in a golf course parking lot? Are you ready for Pumpkin Spice season and sweater weather? Would you have a snack drawer under your...
Published 09/01/23
Something smells and it could be dirty period. Yes, there are certain smells that you just can't forget even though you wish you could! Lisa believes that fruit flies come from inside the fruit and Sam finally asks Lisa how her week has been after 361 episodes. Are people honking unnecessarily and should you tip if a robot brings you your food? Why don't people say excuse me when trying to get by you? Mouth breathers, we can smell what you last ate and that isn't good! Is there an uglier...
Published 08/25/23
Lisa now has evidence that water will kill you! She believes water needs a warning label! It's only mini sips of water for her! Lisa wonders what is the point of tube socks and Sam ponders a phrase used by her parents growing up. Dear Stayner, why aren't you open past 8pm? How does someone at our age not know the difference between regular gas and diesel? Does anyone remember the crazy diet pills of the 80's? If you're over 40 does wearing jeans and having long hair make you classless? Would...
Published 08/18/23
Lisa and Sam are up in arms over aeroplane aisles, not returning shopping carts, and the non blinker users. So many I shake my head moments as they realise they are going to be cranky old ladies shaming people in parking lots near you! What would you throw out if you were moving and will Sam hold up a sign at the Jann Arden concert? Frozen Oreos, yay or nay? Is there anyone else who thought the hobby horse championship wasn't real? Who is the HHG and did everyone have a lemonade stand growing...
Published 08/11/23
Why do we associate the smell of fish with a woman's private region? Is it something we learned from our 70's mom? Why is fish so fishy anyways!? Lisa wonders if you can get away with scratching your privates in public. Does the TV show Alf need to come back even if Ryan Reynolds is behind it. Are we ready for people dressing up as real life canines? Would you eat only one thing for a month if it helped you lose weight? Are you one of the 83% of people who snoop in medicine cupboards? Do you...
Published 08/04/23
So many things in this episode seem questionable. The origin of the bumble berry seems questionable and so does Lisa's transition to her sketcher years. Does the view lying down give you body confidence? Cottage cheese with mustard questionable? Is it time to question the old Disney cartoons and Elon Musk's renaming of twitter? Should we name pets with human names and what's your take on Jason Aldean's song? Hair policies yay or nay? Do you stash goodies in your desk drawers and what should...
Published 07/28/23
Kids birthday parties are super fancy compared to the parties of our youth when we were excited to get money in the birthday cake. Yes, we were overjoyed with the dirty cake money! Think of all the hands that touched those coins before you popped it in your mouth. Ah, good times! When you get older will you need handlers to cater to your every whim? Do you know the rules around offering to get something for someone? Yay or nay to selfies during a concert? Does Lisa deserve empathy for...
Published 07/21/23
Sam doesn't want to do it but Lisa needs to have a pillow talk. It is new pillow angst! Sleeping isn't happening and the Carpenters are on repeat! Are we getting password lazy and which Spice Girl are you? Dear McRib, Lisa misses you and wants to know if you miss her. Are we in our shrinking years and which celebrity drama has you on obsessed? Does being tired equal not pooping and do you believe in ghosts? Do you know what cuckolding is because it's a hot trend in the UK. Who's up for...
Published 07/14/23