Lorena nos comparte sobre su historia de cómo llegó a conocer Bitcoin y que la inspiró a co-fundar la Bitcoin Embassy en la ciudad de México y co-hostear no uno, sino dos podcasts. Admiramos su tenacidad y perseverancia para encontrar ese balance entre los retos generales de vida y  crear una plataforma de opinión y educación hispanohablante. Su perspectiva indudablemente incendia a todo aquel dispuesto a escuchar. Comenten, compartan y suscribanse.   Visit our website for more educational...
Published 11/15/22
Ben is one of the most prolific educators in the Bitcoin space. With an endless amount of videos on how to be the best Bitcoiner you can be. In this chat Ben shares with us his origin story, his biggest motivators and what he sees in the Horizon for this space. An insightful interview based on proof of work. Please share your comments, hit the like button and subscribe.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:   https://ibexmercado.com/...
Published 10/31/22
An in person interview full of insights into the Latinamerican remittance and Bitcoin market. Piero's story is compelling and demonstrates the advantages of a laser focused approach. With the line in the sand drawn OSMO has a clear direction: Hyperbitcoinization. Share your stories below and don't forget to hit the subscribe and like button.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:  https://ibexmercado.com/  Host / Esteban de la Peña:...
Published 10/21/22
Waxwing is a true OG in the Bitcoin space, his story is relatable and we hope it inspires you as much as us to go deeper into the rabbit hole. We go into remittances, improving privacy properties onchain. Bitcoin's onchain fingerprint is inevitable thus it is on us to understand how to interact with it and Waxwing's guidance here is pure gold. Hit the subscribe button, share a like and your thoughts on the matter....
Published 10/10/22
Nicolas is the founder of Galoy, a bitcoin based bank infrastructure company. In this epic interview we go into his origins story and how the jump started Bitcoin acceptance in  El Salvador by releasing a lightning wallet in El Zonte. The results are history. Towards the end Nicolas also explains the inner workings of Galoy's stable sat. A lightning based stable dollar. We think we can all agree this is something the market urgently needs.  Share your thoughts and comments and don't forget...
Published 10/05/22
Aleks Svetski is one of the prolific Bitcoin educators and philosophers with a an amazing track record. He has not only catapulted Bitcoin companies to market but has also educated many Bitcoiners and soon-to-be bitcoines through his countless blog posts, contributions to Bitcoin Magazine, podcasts and recently as co-writer in his first book: The Uncommunist Manifesto. An interview full of philosophical tangents and personal insights that hopefully motivate you as much as it did us to keep on...
Published 09/27/22
Ben is without a doubt a Bitcoin Superstar, our admiration for his work is hard to describe. In this interview he shares his background story as an educator and how Bitcoin came to change his perspective. From educator to builder, his continuous code-tinkering and relentless pursuit of perfection have catapulted him to ultimate OG-Status. He recounts a story of a lightning enabled slapping machine, may this be the slap to get you building! Don't forget to like and subscribe and please don't...
Published 09/14/22
An epic conversation filled with deep philosophical insights from Robert Malka, board member of the Bitcoin Today Coalition, collaborator in Mi Primer Bitcoin and Bitcoin Magazine contributor. He shares his Bitcoin journey paved with conviction and deep thoughts on the subject. An inspirational interview retelling personal crossroads and orange pilling anecdotes with US Policy makers.  https://ibexmercado.com/   Host / Esteban de la Peña: https://twitter.com/yengmo  Guest / Dalia Platt:...
Published 09/02/22
Dalia tiene una gran historia, pues hoy se dedica a educar sobre Bitcoin en diversas plataformas. Entre sus colaboraciones se encuentra Mi Primer Bitcoin y nos comenta como durante la estructuración del curriculum para el Diplomado de Bitcoin decide enfocarse enteramente a Bitcoin. No todos los héroes usan capas, pero después de esta entrevista argumentamos que todos tienen Bitcoin. No olviden darle like y subscribirse. Compartan sus historias y comentarios abajo.    Visit our website for...
Published 08/26/22
Paul's story is filled with proof from his work. As the co-founder of Sphynx Chat and Stakworks he has lots to share. A true pioneer in the Bitcoin space pushing the boundaries of the lightning network. We go through a broad spectrum of topics around building a lightning focused service as he shares many anecdotes. An inspiring conversation that hopefully motivates you as much as it did us. Don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button and as always please share your views and opinion in...
Published 08/22/22
The links between IBEX and SHIFT run deep, in fact they are our first liquidity provider. Michael has been elemental to this relationship, in this interview he shares his Bitcoin story. As a native New Yorker and Wallstreet career maker his insights are invaluable. He also shares SHIFT's story, very much linked to his personal one, we hope you enjoy and learn from this as much as we did. Don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button.  Visit our website for more educational resources and...
Published 08/16/22
Muun Wallet es quizás una de las billeteras no custodiales más usadas actualmente. Nico nos comparte su historia de cómo llega a conocer Bitcoin y a integrarse recientemente al equipo de Muun. Siendo una "empresa" argentina es sumamente interesante la perspectiva que les otorga el caos monetario y económico nativo. Compartan sus comentarios y experiencias con Muun abajo. No olviden darle like y suscribirse al canal.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about...
Published 08/08/22
An amazing in-person episode recorded in Guatemala City. Jay Bluestine shares his Bitcoin story, the reason why he only focuses on Bitcoin and his opinion on the Lightning Network. His background is traditional wealth management in some of the most esteemed institutions, his unique journey takes form after founding and running his own successful wealth management firm for some years with which he now offers a proprietary risk managed approach to Bitcoin. An incredibly insightful interview!...
Published 08/04/22
En este episodio le damos la bienvenida a Dulce Villareal creadora de una gran proyecto llamado "La Librería de Satoshi" ¡Una plataforma educativa con Seminarios sobre Bitcoin y el Lightning Network! Su meta es capacitar a hispanohablantes a poder ofrecer servicios profesionales en la industria. En la conversación con Dulce hablamos sobre su historia y cómo llega a dedicarse enteramente a Bitcoin siendo su pasión el impulsor principal a salir de su zona de confort y aprender inglés para así...
Published 07/31/22
New IBEX Podcast! We have the pleasure of sharing with Gloriana, a member @myfirstbitcoin and teacher at "la Pacheco" school. She shares with us the experience of bringing #Bitcoin education to the youth of El Salvador.  Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services: https://ibexmercado.com/  Co-Host / Daniel Toledo: https://twitter.com/danieltc85?s=21&t=DLHPhcLk-kqtKmMmrHIM9w  Co-Host / Juan Lemus: https://twitter.com/floreathaiku  Guest /...
Published 07/23/22
Moritz is the founder and CEO of Specter, a first class wallet solution that has raised the defacto standard of cold storage. In this interview we dig into his orange pill moment, why he decided to dedicate his endeavors to Bitcoin and why cold storage is so important. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did. Leave your comments and questions and don't forget to subscribe!   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:...
Published 07/07/22
Dax es uno de los educadores en @MyFirstBitcoin - Su curso de grado avanzado es sobre nodos de lightning, creación, balanceo y todo lo que conlleva una administración exitosa. Iniciamos como siempre con su viaje personal y profundizamos en el contexto cultural e histórico de El Salvador para adoptar Bitcoin como moneda de curso legal. Compartan sus comentarios y opiniones al respecto.  No olviden darle like y subscribirse.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more...
Published 06/24/22
A former law inforcer now bitcoiner par excellence. Seed's engaging story takes us back to 2012 and then warps us forward at lightning speed to ponder about the importance of a proper Bitcoin cold storage security protocol. We hope you find this interview as entertaining and informative as did we. Share your comments and let us know if you have any questions around the topic we're happy to help.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:...
Published 06/17/22
For all who want to #GetOnZero this is a must. Brian Harrington shares his personal journey into Bitcoin, the uniqueness in which he finds his conviction to get on a Bitcoin Standard gives his advice and pointers practical clarity. What is holding you back to #GetOn Zero FIAT? Are you there already? Share your thoughts and comments and don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button.  Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:...
Published 06/11/22
An in depth interview with John founder of the Mi Primer Bitcoin foundation through which he created the first ever Bitcoin Diploma for a Public School in El Salvador. La Pacheco's student will graduate on June 25th - This Diploma shows potential to become part of the national curriculum! Please help with Bitcoin donations here (https://tallyco.in/s/l7epvu/) and share your thoughts and comments.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:...
Published 06/01/22
A special interview with a special release! Danny Scott the OG from Isle of Man and CoinCorner's founder talks to us about his path to Bitcoin, his views on adoption and Lightning's amplifying role. He also introduces The Bolt card, a lightning enabled NFC card for easy one tap payments just like 90% of all UK payments. Share your thoughts on the comments and hit subscribe.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:...
Published 05/20/22
The leitmotif of this interview is "make nodes easy" - In his words, Arvin plumbs bits at GaloyMoney, a company we admire greatly. Arvin shares his journey as a Bitcoiner in Trinidad & Tobago and how he got involved in building out the BitcoinBeach wallet. In-between we also go in-depth into Lightning: Hyperbitcoinization at its finest. Give him a follow on twitter and share your thought in the comments.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our...
Published 05/13/22
Igor is the founder of Bluewallet, arguably one of the most popular Bitcoin-only wallets. We admire his focus and thoroughness when implementing code. Bluewallet was one of the first wallets to implement Lightning. In this conversation he shares his origin story and his thoughts on Bitcoin adoption and code implementation. Let us know what you think of Bluewallet in the comments.    Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:...
Published 04/28/22
En esta conversación Cristian nos comparte su historia, nacido en El Salvador criado en Vancouver Canada y ahora de vuelta en su tierra natal en busca de libertad y oportunidad. Una impresionante historia de vida.   Visit our website for more educational resources and to learn more about our services:  https://ibexmercado.com/  Host / Esteban de la Peña: https://twitter.com/yengmo  Guest / Christian Blaze    Bitcoin Block Height:  729,986
Published 04/21/22
An amazing one on one interview where we start with the "origins" story of Bastian co-founder of Lipa, a Lightning Payment provider based out of Switzerland. Followed by the Swiss regulatory environment around Bitcoin and Bitcoin Lightning payments, Bastian also shares many field anecdotes and his views on hyperbitcoinization. We also get technical and talk about current protocol suggestions that can improve the Lightning Network, solidifying its position as the best payment rails in...
Published 04/08/22