As a freelance writer with decades of experience, I've witnessed many changes in the industry. One of the most significant changes is the rise of AI-powered content creation tools, which are now being used to detect the authenticity of the content. However, the accuracy of these AI content detectors remains a major concern. In this short editorial for Two Minute Freelancing by Idleminds, I discuss the limitations of current AI content detectors and their potential impact on the content...
Published 03/12/23
In this episode of Two Minute Freelancing Tips, Idleminds' Gino Borlado, a top-rated content writer, editor, and proofreader on Upwork, discusses the importance of feedback for clients and freelancers. From overcoming common barriers to providing constructive criticism, this guide offers practical tips to help build strong partnerships with your freelance team. Tune in to learn how feedback can improve work quality, build positive relationships, and lead to repeat business.
Published 03/12/23
Are you tired of struggling to land clients as a freelancer? Maybe you have the wrong mindset, and your thinking is holding you back from success. This episode explores how to shift your freelancer mindset from a job hunter to an entrepreneur. We discuss typical attitude traps freelancers fall into and provide practical strategies for overcoming them. Whether you're just starting or looking to take your freelancing business to the next level, this episode will help you unleash your full...
Published 03/03/23
Looking to up your freelancing game? Tune in to Two Minute Freelancing by Idleminds for quick tips, tricks, and insights that will help you succeed as a freelancer. Hosted by [Your Name], this podcast is the go-to resource for freelancers who want to stay on top of their game. In each episode, we cover a range of topics, from how to negotiate a fair rate to building a strong portfolio, and everything in between. Join us for actionable advice and inspiring stories from successful freelancers....
Published 03/01/23
If you're a freelancer, you know how tough it can be to stand out in a crowded market. With so many other freelancers vying for the same clients, it's crucial to have a strong marketing strategy in place to set yourself apart and land more work. In this episode, we're discussing effective strategies for marketing yourself as a freelancer. We'll cover topics like identifying your unique selling proposition, building a strong brand image, creating an effective portfolio, using social media to...
Published 02/28/23
Unleashing Your Freelancing Potential: The Art of Discovering Your Niche. In this podcast, we'll explore the benefits of finding your niche and how to identify it. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and learn how to make your unique skills and strengths work for you in the competitive world of freelancing.
Published 02/27/23
Click this link if you want to read the article: Article How AI Tools Can Help Clients Achieve Their Content Goals: A Content Writer’s Perspective. 
Published 02/26/23
This episode is the audio of a full article found here. In this article, you can explore the negative impact of Upwork's recent changes to the bidding system and the introduction of the boosting feature on freelancers. Learn about alternative platforms & strategies for success on Upwork.
Published 01/21/23
Hello, and welcome to two-minute freelancing by Idleminds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "They say that when you ask for a rate increase, you become a liability to the client. What does this mean?" 
Published 01/06/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idleminds. In this episode, I will answer the question, “I can feel that my Upwork client is not very happy with my performance as a VA. What can I do or say to the client that will perhaps salvage the situation and keep the business relationship going?”
Published 01/06/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idleminds. In this episode, I will answer the question, “How do you spot a scam data entry job?”
Published 01/06/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idleminds. In this episode, I will answer the question, “I don't know how to write an Upwork profile description. Can I just copy what I saw and make some changes to make it mine?”
Published 01/06/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idleminds. In this episode, I will answer the question, “What does an excellent Upwork profile look like? How can I catch the attention of potential clients?”
Published 01/05/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idleminds. In this episode, I will answer the question, “Upwork terminated my account for violating the terms of service. Can I create a new one?”
Published 01/05/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idleminds. In this episode, I will answer the question, “What happens if I failed to accomplish the W8BEN tax form on Upwork?”
Published 01/05/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "What are the requirements to meet the Rising Talent Badge on Upwork?"
Published 01/03/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "What are the red flags of an Upwork job advertisement?"
Published 01/03/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "Why is it a bad idea to charge too low on Upwork?"
Published 01/03/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer a question from a freelancer from Pakistan. He asked, "A colleague told me that the words I use in my Upwork proposal are weak. Can you help me choose the right power words to entice a client to invite me for a discussion?"
Published 01/03/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer a question, "How do you behave professionally during a video interview with a client?"
Published 01/03/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer a question sent to me by James from Davao, Philippines. He asked,  "I'm scared my client will give me a bad review and a star rating lower than 4, so my question is, what is the best way to end a contract if you are no longer happy working for your Upwork client?"
Published 01/02/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "I'm a content writer on Upwork, and I'm having a hard time managing my schedule. How do I use the Pomodoro technique?"
Published 01/02/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "I am a single mom with a toddler working from home. How do I manage my time between caring for my baby and my work?"
Published 01/02/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "I want to know how I'm doing as a freelancer. Is it all right to ask a client for an evaluation? When is the best time to do this?"
Published 01/01/23
Hello, and welcome to Two-minute freelancing tips by Idle Minds. In this short episode, I will answer the question, "A client on Upwork wants to hire me. I was informed that I wouldn't be doing anything, but he will send me money via PayPal, of which I must return 90% while saving the remaining 10%. It sounds like money laundering to me, but I'm not sure. Can you help?"
Published 01/01/23