To hear your views aired on Should I Fly, please fill out our short survey: https://imd.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZ3MoMg51bvCLWK  From passengers to investors, there's not much love lost for Airlines. But why? Airlines provide us with the opportunity to easily, and cheaply see the world. They give us the ability to broaden our minds, reunite us with distant family members and facilitate the modern world of work. Now there is the real risk of losing what connects us, as the financial...
Published 10/06/21
Airports are portals to other worlds.  You walk into a building, enter a metal tube, and sometime later you arrive in another city, country, or even continent.  It all seems seamless, but most don't notice the thousands of moving parts that get them from point A to point B. In episode 3 of Should I Fly, Jim and Patrick look into Airports. How they operate, and what the future holds for these magical gateways. ————————— Credits: Produced by JohnJo Devlin Written and presented by Professors...
Published 09/23/21
2020 was the year that travel companies crumbled. But while transport executives winced, others saw a silver lining.  COVID gave the world a much-needed break from CO2 and sparked a deeper conversation about our reliance on flying. In episode 2 of Should I Fly, Jim and Patrick speak to environmentalists and executives alike about the need to reset the aviation industry. Highlights include an insight into the renewable fuels of the future, whether carbon capture could revolutionize the way we...
Published 09/09/21
Flying used to be about glitz, glamour and, of course, getting places. But in a post-pandemic world of global warming and zoom calls, those days may be firmly behind us.  The international travel shutdown left many unanswered questions: Has video technology made conferences redundant? How far should governments go to save airlines? Is a foreign stag-do worth all that CO2? The aviation industry is at a turning point, and Professors Jim Pulcrano and Patrick Reinmoeller want to find out what...
Published 08/25/21
As an explorer, Bertrand Piccard has always had a strong sense of purpose. But now he finds he has a gift for helping other people to find theirs.  In this conversation with Alyson Meister, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at IMD, Piccard speaks openly about his life and achievements - including his search for meaning, the ways in which he overcomes fear of failure, and the three key values he wants to pass on to his children.  —————————— Links: Discover more...
Published 06/24/21
Democratize AI and create the notion of the citizen data scientist, says Bertrand Bodson, CDO of Novartis  AI has begun to perform lie detection, play complex games like “Go”, diagnose diseases and even create art. But IMD Professor of Leadership and...
Published 07/14/20
Gilbert Ghostine is CEO of Firmenich, winner of the inaugural 2019 IMD Pictet Sustainability in Family Business Award. Firmenich is the world’s largest privately held manufacturer of fragrances and flavourings for consumer goods. Ghostine talks to...
Published 04/09/20
The outbreak of coronavirus, which to date has killed nearly 500 people and infected thousands more, has rattled global markets. What are the implications for Chinese businesses and the global economy? What next for global trade? What does the ongoing...
Published 02/05/20
With the Lunar New Year celebrations in progress - against the backdrop of the deadly coronavirus – IMD professors Howard Yu and Stephane Girod get together to discuss some of the key business trends likely to dominate the headlines in China this...
Published 01/27/20
Leadership OS: The Operating System You Need to Succeed
Published 12/20/19
LEAP: How to Thrive in a World Where Everything Can Be Copied
Published 12/03/19
Lifelong learning with IMD Prof. Katharina Lange & Alain Dehaze, CEO of The Adecco Group
Published 11/26/19
IMD World Talent Ranking - What are the drivers of talent attraction for countries?
Published 11/18/19
IMD Annual International Alumni Event Panel discussion on Careers with Purpose
Published 11/05/19