Every organisation has had to embrace the digital world in some way. Here's our story about how we've done just that. 
Published 07/27/20
A change strategy is a people strategy All organisations are facing unprecedented changes in their competitive environment. Whether the disruptors are political, environmental, down to consumer expectations or unicorn start-ups, organisations need to be adaptive, agile, creative, innovative and more. The necessity for organisational transformation is critical. The more people are involved in the Why, What and How of organisational change, the more they will own the future of their...
Published 07/20/20
Is your team a high performing team? What does your team need in order to achieve its purpose? Impact's Team Performance Inventory (TPI) is an assessment tool which helps a team see its performance clearly. Using the 6 domains of our trademarked Team Performance Model, we can help you equip your teams and their leaders with the tools, mindsets, self-knowledge and reflective capacity to build teams that are a joy to work in and that will boost the productivity of your organisation. It works....
Published 07/07/20
It's no secret that COVID-19 has brought many challenges to our working world. With the increase of remote working, leadership is being tested. What can we do to stay more connected? What can we learn from this experience? Scott and Sue join Dan to share their experience and best practices. 
Published 05/29/20
“I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the f***** car!” -  Winston Wolf, Pulp Fiction Extraordinary times call for extraordinary teams and potentially extraordinary leadership. That can be confusing when you have an established culture, but we all know in times of rapid change we don’t have long to make decisions. The better a team functions and the better clarity it has of its purpose the more...
Published 05/20/20
What is coaching? Why do we need it? What are the benefits of coaching?  Using our experiential learning approach, we partner with leaders to inspire, develop and maximise potential. We offer a unique set of leadership coaching services that are designed to support leaders, managers, teams, project groups and networks. We see in organisations everywhere that the skills and expertise that created success over the last 10 years are not the same as the ones that will create success in the...
Published 05/15/20
What do we need as individuals in order to thrive? Greg Bartlett joins Dan to explain what we can do to give us the tools to help us thrive.  To find out more, visit https://www.impactinternational.com 
Published 05/04/20
When was the last time you properly stopped? Took the time you needed just for you? To really notice what's going on with you? In this episode, Impact's Charlotte Messervy shares her story and a couple of mindfulness exercises that you can do when you feel you need them most.  To learn more, or to get in touch, please visit https://wwwimpactinternational.com 
Published 04/29/20
Our energy levels fluctuate more than the stock market in a pandemic! So how do we stay energised when we need it most? Whether you're a remote working veteran or rookie, Manny Larenas joins Dan to discuss what he does to keep his energy levels high! What do you do to stay energised? To learn more, please visit https://www.impactinternational.com
Published 04/22/20
Wellbeing is not just about helping individuals to manage the increased pressures of today's working environment, it's also about organisations looking at their working culture and environments. In this podcast Dan and Sports and Performance Psychology expert Stuart Kelly explore practical tips we can all apply to ensure we are working and living at our full potential. To learn more, please visit https://www.impactinternational.com
Published 04/16/20
Is your remote working environment working for you? From desk decor to house plants, Dan and Carrie explore how you can get more from your remote working environment, in Impact's first ever podcast. To learn more about Impact and to get in touch, check out our website at https://www.impactinternational.com
Published 04/08/20