We've built the In Flow platform to over 100k in less than 8 months... that's the power of building a BRAND! In this episode I, (Ani B) chat with you about how we built our quickly growing  social media presence and how we were able to turn our biggest passion into our job. So if you're over your 9-5 and ignoring your dreams, you're going to want to press play.  Support the show
Published 07/24/23
ITS FINALLY HERE!! An episode all about HOW and WHY our skin is always glowing! In this episode, we walk you through our full in-depth skincare routine as well as what we've switched up in our lives to heal our acne. From skin-cycling to nutrition, we walk you through it all! Support the show
Published 07/17/23
Bored of your same old life? Tired of running in circles doing the same things only to get the same results? BORINGGGG!! It's summer szn ladies and gentlemen which means its time to GET YOUR FKN ASS UP AND WORK **Kim K voice**. If you're ready to take that passion project off the back burner and bring it to the front of the stove, PRESS PLAY! Support the show
Published 07/10/23
If you're impressed by the BARE MINIMUM, that's your first mistake. Its Glowy Girl Summer y'all which means it is time to start expecting MORE for yourself and valuing your energy enough to spend it wisely. In this episode, we chat about the relationship and friendship standards that we have to filter out the people that are not in alignment with us. Your turn! Support the show
Published 07/03/23
Its Summer 2023 people!!! Which means its time for glowy cheekbones, tanned skin, abundance and FLOW! In this episode, we chat about what it means to have a GLOWY GIRL SUMMER and everything you can do right now to step into this beautiful energy and use it to manifest everything you want for yourself! Support the show
Published 06/26/23
Dare I say this is the BEST episode we've ever filmed.... In this episode, we chat about everything we do to manifest incredible things FAST AF! From our dream apartment to our dream career, we've been able to manifest everything we've ever wanted into our lives, and we're going to show you exactly how. WARNING: You're going to feel incredible after listening to this episode...THERE IS REAL MAGIC IN THIS!! Support the show
Published 06/19/23
Listen up... we are about to give you some of the best advice you've ever heard!! And it all starts here, with REACTIVITY. In this episode, we chat about having an expensive energy and how that should not be easily accessible to ANYONE in your life. You can't control the things that life throws your way, but you can control how you REACT to them. Having control over how reactive you are is one of best ways to level up in your relationships and in your quality of your life! Protect your...
Published 06/05/23
Let me let you in on a little secret...  Confidence is a CHOICE. If you want to be the most attractive person to walk into a room, you can be. RIGHT NOW! In this episode, we spill all of our confidence  secrets and dive into how we have become women who leave a mark. When you look people in their eye, when you trust in your words, and you believe in yourself, you are able to attract anything you want into your life. Confidence is an energy, and you can choose to wear it wherever and whenever...
Published 05/29/23
Today we are bringing you 10 minutes of extremely powerful affirmations to listen to every morning.. this is going to change your life! This episode was designed to be listened to  as a part of your morning ritual to open up your channel to all of the abundance, joy, and flow that is meant for you every day! Wether you're making your bed, getting ready for the day, or even driving your car, repeat these affirmations aloud with me and watch how your life transforms!  Support the show
Published 05/22/23
Unexpected abundance is coming your way this week and it's important that you know how to keep your mind and heart open to receiving it!! In this episode, we give you some big things to look forward to this week along with some ways you can implement flow in your day to day. Tune in to hear about  just how amazing this week is going to be for you and how you can claim it!  Support the show
Published 05/15/23
Ever feel like your life is all over the place all the f'ing time? Well... do you have a consistent morning/night routine that keeps you grounded and in flow? THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT! In this episode, we chat about our personal morning/evening routines and how much they've changed our lives. Wether working a 9-5 (Nadine) or going to school full time (Ani) we are both always making time for ourselves every single day so that we can go into the world being the happiest best versions of ourselves....
Published 05/08/23
BADDIES WHO NEED A PICK ME UP ROLL CALL!!! This one is for everyone who needs a weekly or even a daily dose of motivation. In this episode, we walk you through ways to stay motivated and what to do when that motivation is running low. You are the creator of your reality, let's make it the best in can be.  Support the show
Published 05/01/23
We're entering our small fish in a big pond era...and were so f'ing EXCITED ABOUT IT!! In this episode, we chat about our recent lifestyle switches and what we are doing daily to LEVEL TF UP! Wether you're working a 9-5 or off chasing your dreams; there are always areas in our lives where we can become better and find flow. We also dive into the importance of discipline and routine as well as the recent money mindset lessons we've learned. Tune in bestiesss! Support the show
Published 04/24/23
Hey bestie, we missed ya! In this episode, we have a chill couch convo about getting over ex's, our recently spiritual awakening, handling change, and much much more! Grab a tea, get cozy, and let's catch up!!
Published 04/17/23
If you're living through your ego, you are MISSING OUT on so much beauty in life! It's time to stop walking around with your eyes closed and wake TF UP!!  In this episode we chat about what it feels like to live life through your heart and not your head, tune in now! 3 
Published 04/03/23
Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed... ALOT? Most of our lives we walk around with old stagnant energy that no longer serves us. It's like we're carrying around a backpack full of bricks for NO REASON! In this episode, we go over ways to clear our your energetic channel, surrender to your life, and make way for new miracles and opportunities to happen for you!
Published 03/27/23
THE JOURNEY TO SELF SERIES: One of our most asked questions is how we started our spiritual journey and learned all the things we preach... In this episode we dive into our pasts and share the experiences that brought us onto this journey of loving consciousness! Through discovering yoga, battling depression, and connecting deeply with source, we've completely changed our lives! From feeling dull and directionless to full of passion and light, here's how we did it♥
Published 03/20/23
Ever feel like you want to pour into your passions, just don't have the time? Or maybe you do, but you just don't know where to start? Sounds like a sign to me sis! In this episode, we chat about what it means to go "all in". Wether that's in your business, your healing journey, your dreams...ANYTHING! Even if you are busy and have a life of chaos, there is always a way to commit to the life you deserve. Let us show you how. ♡
Published 03/13/23
Nothing feels better than a bestie that loves you deep and wants to see you succeed! It's time for all of us to do a little spring cleaning of our friendships and toss out the ones that are no longer serving our highest and best good. If they put you down, make you feel like you need to dim your light, or even just don't align with you energetically... THEY HAVE GOT TO GO SISTA! Divine connection is at the heart of our existence!  Without quality relationships with others, we are missing out...
Published 03/06/23
Hot girls have trauma too... but instead of letting it define us, we're taking back our power and using it as STRENGTH. Every single thing you've been though is a vital stepping stone to getting you to your highest purpose in this life. Even if you don't see it now, once you get to the top of this mountain peak you will be able to look down and understand why every challenge you've been faced with was placed in your life at the time it was. In this feelsy episode, we dive into our own traumas...
Published 02/27/23
Have you been stuck in a self sabotaging era? Maybe your limiting beliefs are still holding you back from what you really want in life.... WELL NOT FOR LONG!!  In this episode, we go over how you can put an end to your self sabotage and begin shifting your mind into become your biggest hype man. Let go of your old agreements about what you can and can't do, and reprogram your mind to align with your highest and best self NOW. 
Published 02/20/23
 Living in a world ruled by the masculine,  it is hard for us women to stay in touch with our divine femininity. Thankfully, it is still very much possible! By connecting with our intuition, tuning into our moon cycles, and learning to properly harness our energy; we are able to tap into the beautiful power we hold within us. In this episode, we chat about the incredible gifts we hold as women and how we can stay in constant harmony with our divinity. 
Published 02/13/23
Are you shy? Boring? Lazy? Well not anymore sis! In this episode, we will show you how you can rewire your mind and create a new identity based off of who you want to be. Who you are right now is built on agreements you've made with yourself for who knows how long.. its time to get rid of them! Break out of your shell and into the confident, outgoing, NEW VERSION OF YOU!  Eye-Opening Moments PodcastEye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...Listen...
Published 02/06/23
Tired of being broke? Yeah, so were we.... which is why we changed our relationship with money and became rich b*tches instead. Abundance starts with your energy and translates into your bank balance. So, how do you change your energy to start attracting money FAST? Tune in to this episode to find out! 
Published 01/31/23
Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back... were over that shit! In this episode, hosts Ani B & Nadine will break down the walls of "caring too much" and how you can transform yourself into the bad ass boss b*tch you are meant to be!!! 
Published 01/20/23