In The Mean Time - Radio Show Season 1 Episode 5 The Relation-Ships We Sink Pt.3
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In the meantime is yet another brainchild of Patrick Curly Loxx Gaynor that is written, recorded and produced by him. With this program, he attempts to fill the void left when #stiritup is on break for its next episode. Going back to his original concept, it is a parody of a radio show centered around the satirical discussion of serious social topics that affect the average person and their daily life. Today's topic in episode 5 entitled (The relation- ships we sink p 3) is the continuation episode 3 which is centered around the demise of relationships and how everything is connected to every other thing on every level. Patrick shows humans forget all the titles they think are real when confronted with threats to their lives when he touches on the effect of the carona virus. Overall , he continues to address the subconscious egocentric inner realities of the human being that separates them from the things the believe they want. He continues to go deep in explaining the human tendency to fantasize and base their desires on ideas while ignoring the processes that bring them into fruition.