ITT 192: How to Bootstrap a Summit with Abdo Riani
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Abdo Riani is the founder of StartupCircle where aspiring and rising entrepreneurs can connect with and learn from successful founders over daily live Q&A sessions. He also mentors and guides entrepreneurs to their first paying customers and beyond. Abdo helps entrepreneurs design a plan to market under the condition of the unavailability of the product and by doing things that don't scale.   During today’s conversation, I talk with Abdo Riani about his Bootstrapping Summit. We discuss how he came up with the idea, what he did to implement it, what this idea did for his business, and the ins and outs of what worked really well and what didn’t. We explore what Abdo would improve and where he would double down next time. This conversation is great for those of you who are interested in running a virtual summit to get a feel for what it takes to execute a successful summit. My big takeaway from this conversation is to get out there and follow your virtual summit ideas because they don’t have to be a huge time investment or cost a lot of money.   In this broadcast, Abdo and I talk about:   What led Abdo to what he is doing today What were the results of Abdo’s initial launch How are virtual summits one of the fastest ways to meet your business goals Why is it important to leverage other people’s audiences to grow your own audience What are the short-term outcomes of knowing your audience What is Abdo’s launch process How long does it take to launch a successful summit Why you should be willing to invest time into organizing your virtual summit What were the strategies or tactics Abdo implemented that worked really well In what ways can you pitch speakers Why are people usually hesitant to commit to speaking at a summit How to leverage relationships to book in speakers What impact did the virtual summit have on Abdo’s business Why should you start with the end result when you’re planning a virtual summit How has RightMessage increased Abdo’s conversions What did Abdo personalize in RightMessage to drive his increase in subscribers   How to Connect with Abdo:   Get the Latest Broadcasts of In The Trenches   Subscribe to In The Trenches on iTunes   How You Can Support In The Trenches   Did you enjoy today's broadcast of In The Trenches? Please click here to leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review helps me spread the word of this podcast, which allows me to line up amazing guests and continue to produce this podcast ad-free. Thanks so much in advance for your support.