Indirect Democracy #29 - February 8, 2008
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Primary Season / Stimulate This! Super Tuesday has come and gone and we are now left with History in the making. Barack Obama versus Hillary Clinton in a campaign I never thought I would see in my lifetime. When this podcast was recorded, Mittens (Mitt Romney), was still in the race. He has dropped out but it does not change my opinion about the conservatives' view of McCain and how independents will look on it. As well, I will review why the current economic stimulus plan will not save us unless we invest in ourselves and not continued debt. I would like to thank Dan Coyle for allowing me to use his song, “Break Me Into Pieces,” as the featured song for this episode. You can find his music at: You can also purchase his music at: Indirect Democracy is holding a contest to win a copy of Dan’s new album, “Briar Street – The Acoustic Sessions.” Please listen in the last 4 minutes of the podcast to hear the details. And of course, there is the Global Warming Update, the President’s Love Horoscope, a word from our newest sponsor and the What a Weinie Award. Thanks for listening.
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