Dr. Phil's "Floppy Hairy Ones" Buy a set for your favorite member of the House or Senate NOW!
Published 08/29/07
Dr. Phil's "Floppy Hairy Ones" Buy a set for your favorite member of the House or Senate NOW!
Published 08/29/07
Offering incompetent and bloviating fools job opportunities since 2000.
Published 05/04/07
Offering incompetent and bloviating fools job opportunities since 2000.
Published 05/04/07
Darfur and Immigration - After a long, and unexpected delay, Indirect Democracy is back. On this Podcast, I will cover a personal story involving a friend’s final step towards citizenship. It is important to remember all the people who come here to work and struggle to attain the American dream and be part of our collective experience as a nation. Sharing that moment with her is something I will not soon forget. I received an essay regarding Darfur that I am proud to share. It...
Published 05/04/07
Darfur and Immigration - After a long, and unexpected delay, Indirect Democracy is back. On this Podcast, I will cover a personal story involving a friend’s final step towards citizenship. It is important to remember all the people who come here to work and struggle to attain the American dream and be part of our collective experience as a nation. Sharing that moment with her is something I will not soon forget. I received an essay regarding Darfur that I am proud to share. It...
Published 05/04/07
No, I have not podfaded. I have to post these ads to pay my bills. Will be back soon but these ads may date themselves if I don't post them soon.
Published 04/18/07
No, I have not podfaded. I have to post these ads to pay my bills. Will be back soon but these ads may date themselves if I don't post them soon.
Published 04/18/07
Signing Statements (Part Two) - On this podcast, I will cover part two of my discussion regarding Signing Statements. This portion will discuss the dangers and legal validity of Signing Statements. I will also cover the American Bar Association's Task Force Recommendations regarding the future use of Signing Statements. I received a listener contribution entitled, Us vs. Giuliani. A great read and hope you enjoy it. The music for this podcast is by Megaphone. The song is called Freak...
Published 03/04/07
Signing Statements (Part Two) - On this podcast, I will cover part two of my discussion regarding Signing Statements. This portion will discuss the dangers and legal validity of Signing Statements. I will also cover the American Bar Association's Task Force Recommendations regarding the future use of Signing Statements. I received a listener contribution entitled, Us vs. Giuliani. A great read and hope you enjoy it. The music for this podcast is by Megaphone. The song is called Freak...
Published 03/04/07
Signing Statements (Part One) - On this episode, I will share with you part one of my review of Presidential Signing Statements. From President Monroe to President Bush, Signing Statements have been used. Although once considered ceremonial and innocuous, I will explain how their use has grown and been abused. I will explain what they are, why they are used, their role and place in history, and how this President has placed them in the forefront of our national attention. I also want to...
Published 03/01/07
Signing Statements (Part One) - On this episode, I will share with you part one of my review of Presidential Signing Statements. From President Monroe to President Bush, Signing Statements have been used. Although once considered ceremonial and innocuous, I will explain how their use has grown and been abused. I will explain what they are, why they are used, their role and place in history, and how this President has placed them in the forefront of our national attention. I also want to...
Published 03/01/07
My Inner Conservative - No big news or discussion points on this podcast. I am fighting a cold but I wanted to share a NyQuil dream that brought out my Inner Conservative. I found a new song by an independent band called, Boy Howdy. The song is called Righteous Fool. You can find their music at www.myspace.com/countrygrunge. Please also enjoy the podcasts of the 24 Weekly Debriefing at www.twentyfour.podomatic.com Plus, there is a Global Warming Update, the President's Horoscope, a...
Published 02/17/07
My Inner Conservative - No big news or discussion points on this podcast. I am fighting a cold but I wanted to share a NyQuil dream that brought out my Inner Conservative. I found a new song by an independent band called, Boy Howdy. The song is called Righteous Fool. You can find their music at www.myspace.com/countrygrunge. Please also enjoy the podcasts of the 24 Weekly Debriefing at www.twentyfour.podomatic.com Plus, there is a Global Warming Update, the President's Horoscope, a...
Published 02/17/07
We Are Being Played! The increase in violence in Iraq has caused an increase in the rhetoric and actions against the Iranian government. Yet, the majority of the violence directed at Americans is not from the Shia extremists - it is from the Sunni extremists - funded by the Saudis. We are being played. Told that violence is coming from one enemy yet ignoring the ally that pays to kill our soldiers. The government will not allow the truth because oil and money is involved. Yet, what is...
Published 02/09/07
We Are Being Played! The increase in violence in Iraq has caused an increase in the rhetoric and actions against the Iranian government. Yet, the majority of the violence directed at Americans is not from the Shia extremists - it is from the Sunni extremists - funded by the Saudis. We are being played. Told that violence is coming from one enemy yet ignoring the ally that pays to kill our soldiers. The government will not allow the truth because oil and money is involved. Yet, what is...
Published 02/09/07
The State of Our Union - This week saw the President give a State of the Union. In his speech, he lays down the framework for a war against Iran. He failed to keep us up to date with Katrina recovery. He also offered a plan to make health insurance tax deductible. On this podcast, I will discuss each of those issues. At the end of the week, cities across the nation held protests against the War in Iraq. I attended that event and recorded speeches from the key speakers, spoke with...
Published 01/28/07
Music by Sir Paul McCartney - "Pipes of Peace"
Published 12/08/06
Massachusetts v. EPA - The United States Supreme Court heard this landmark case that is the first that may affect Greenhouse Gas emissions in new cars and trucks. It is a Global Warming first and will be watched closely by environmentalists and the industrial sector alike. Will the states be able to prove their case? I will read to you portions of the most interesting questions and arguments by the court. Pay special attention to what Justice Thomas has to say. Also, this week sees the...
Published 12/07/06
Civil War & The N-Word - NBC finally took the plunge that many people already knew. They have taken a "courageous" claim in declaring the war in Iraq as a Civil War. It's about time. Glad they joined the club of many people who have called this a civil war. Now, find out what that means and why the government is refusing to acknowledge this fact. The incident with Michael Richards has sparked controversy, but has it caused us to go down the wrong road to censorship. Maybe George...
Published 11/30/06
The No-Fly List – On this Podcast, I will review the history, purpose and dangers to American travelers found in the government’s No-Fly List. Did you know there are actually two lists? Surprised – well, this information at times will shock you at how the names are compiled, how people are subjected to the list, the major loopholes in the list and what to do if you are kept from flying. Is it a government plan to keep liberals and progressive opposed to this administration from flying? ...
Published 11/25/06
The 2006 Midterm Elections The Elections are over and the ripple effect has begun. Although, there is much to enjoy about the end of the One Party Rule, we still have much work to do. From Election Reform to Accountability, we need to hold this new Democratic House and Senate in check. There are a myriad of problems left unaddressed by the 109th Congress and the White House. It's now time to fix them. Plus - A Global Warming Update, the President's Horoscope, a Word from Our Sponsor...
Published 11/10/06
Iraq Without any doubt, Iraq is the key issue of our times. It will define our strategy and discussion for years, perhaps decades, due to how it was mishandled and the incredible amount of government waste. I will try to cover the history of the Iraq War in a five minute song. However, our strategy, as progressives, should be to take the debate from the point of the start of the war and how this government must be accountable for its failures. Even the conservatives amongst you have to agree...
Published 10/26/06
Iran & The Torture Bill - Oct. 18, 2006 On this podcast, I will cover the possible upcoming war with Iran, the Torture Bill signed by the President and the volunteer work I did for the Brandt campaign. Our civil rights and their continued use of fear are in play making this election even more important. Do what you can to win back the House and Senate. Vote! Plus, there will be a Global Warming Update, a new sponsor, the President's Horoscope and the What a Weinie Award. (Melting of...
Published 10/19/06
The Foley Scandal & Hacked Elections On this podcast, I was not sure - but couldn't help it - had to talk about the Scandal involving Mark Foley and the GOP reactions. Also, Robert Kennedy has written another incredible article about the Election Process and the use of Electronic Voting Machines. It's a must read. As always, there is a Global Warming Update, a Presidential Horoscope, a Word from our Newest Sponsor and the What a Weinie Award. Thanks for Listening. (I linked this as...
Published 10/05/06