Hide yo' kids, because this is a raunch-fest! Jay and Kim try to explain to Melissa what certain sex toys not only are supposed to do, but what they look like. She is SHOCKED!, SHOCKED! at this debauchery but she quickly decides to turn to the internet to see for herself. SHOCKED! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!:...
Published 11/20/16
  This is a total drunk-fest solely for Kim as she stumbles her way through the show giggling and telling all about recent dreams she has had.  We try to interpret those dreams for her, but we soon suspect she fell asleep half way through. Who knows?! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!:...
Published 11/20/16
  The subject quickly turns serious as we discuss little white lies. Have you ever told one? Have we? Tune in to find out! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!: twitter.com/IBC_Podcast Send us an e-mail!: [email protected]
Published 11/20/16
  Melissa first samples a rare cider that she found at a recent conference then she tells the group about what her dog Sumo decided to snack on for lunch. Did she mention there was blood? Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!: twitter.com/IBC_Podcast Send us an e-mail!:...
Published 11/20/16
Kris has had surgery since we last met so she tells us what exactly she had done. Jay can hardly contain his horniness since his boyfriend is out of town and Melissa and Kim throw in hilarious comments throughout the show! Enjoy! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!: twitter.com/IBC_Podcast...
Published 11/20/16
Jay is bursting at the seams (.....) in this episode and Kim's connection keeps cutting out.  Melissa tries to keep it all together but GAAHHH! Stupid technology! But, the show gets out and it's one you won't want to miss! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!: twitter.com/IBC_Podcast Send...
Published 11/20/16
The Duggars would TOTALLY endorse this show. Maybe. We think, but we’re not sure, because we are totally turnt! Why? Because we just finished our 30th episode LIVE at Pride48.com! This is a super drunk-fest, so take a shot, sit back and enjoy the chaos! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!:...
Published 11/20/16
Lots of changes are happening to our show so tune in to this short update to find out what is headed your way! We didn't want you thinking we've forgotten all about you, so Jay & Melissa took a few moments to fill you in on the goings-on with the Inked, Blind & Confused Podcast.  Thank you for listening and we hope to be back on schedule soon! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!:...
Published 11/20/16
  Jay, Melissa and Kim gather together (finally!) to tell you what we've been up to these past several weeks.  A lot has changed and a lot is happening, so sit back, grab your adult beverage and listen in as we spend the next 40 minutes or so dishing on our lives.  We've missed you! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!:...
Published 11/20/16
This is a total girls-fest! Kim and Melissa find themselves all alone and quickly find ways to entertain themselves! (Duuuurrrrtttty!) Or is it?  Nah, we just listen to a sample of the newly released "50 Shades of Grey" audiobook. And of course we give our own audio throughout....Enjoy! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!:...
Published 11/20/16
  This one is about to get H-O-T, because Jay is back to tell us all about his fun visit to the Horrah Convention! (Think lots o' leather!)  Kris is back with us and we all sample some new beverages and live to tell the tale!  Jay of course makes us do lots of shots, because he thinks Melissa needs some boozing practice before our big Vegas trip next month.  Anyone got a spare liver laying around?! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes...
Published 11/20/16
A mini-episode! All for your listening displeasure! Melissa has plenty of blonde moments (THANKS, booze!), Kim lets us live vicariously through her active social life and Jay throws it off the tracks by playing music where it just don't go.  Oh, and Melissa's neighbor chimes in with his table saw blasting throughout the entire show.  Did we say this was good?  No?  Awesome! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give...
Published 11/20/16
  Jay, Melissa and Kim give updates about the upcoming Pride 48 Vegas blowout and then begin reminiscing about their favorite childhood treats.  Ice cream trucks and candy; does it get any better?  Oh yeah, booze.  It does get better! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!: www.facebook.com/inkedblindconfused Follow our Twats!:...
Published 11/20/16
  After a rocky start and a bit of Golden Girls, Jay finally gets us off the ground so we can tell you all about our boozy weekends!  Melissa doesn't quite fit in with the uber-rich, Kim talks about the awesome Vegas buffets & Jay fills us in on his deliciously sexy dessert from the weekend.  Banana with nuts....nuts.....nuts...... Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our...
Published 11/20/16
  Jay, Kim & Melissa talk about their hectic weeks leading up to their big trips and Melissa reads out some Top 5! We hear some fun music and then move on to the big headline of the week: Cheaters! Do you care, or not?  We lean more towards the "not" category.  Enjoy! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!:...
Published 11/20/16
To gear up for the possibly last Vegas Pride 48 event Melissa asked our listeners to call the show and share some of their favorite Pride 48 memories!  Tune in as one by one listeners call and tell us all about their best times with the Pride 48 gang in Las Vegas.  We had a ton of fun recording this one and hope you enjoy listening! We'll be with you LIVE Saturday, August 29, 2015 5:30 pm PST, so set your dials and join us in the chatroom. We look forward to seeing you there! pride48.com -...
Published 11/20/16
  Motorboating, drinking, laughing; Oh My! Listen in as we hit the stage for our live Vegas show for the big Pride48 2015 event! Games are played, bourbon is downed and laughs are had as we spend an hour performing live with some of our favorite-est people in the world! We hope you have as much fun listening as we had recording it! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our...
Published 11/20/16
Jay, Melissa & Kris share their favorite memories of the recent Pride48 blowout in Las Vegas and tell you what we've been up to since returning to our hum-drum lives at home.  We have a lovely voicemail from the Voice of the Future and Melissa decides to podcast while sober.  SOBER, people!  The world just might be ending.... Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail...
Published 11/20/16
When the girls are away the boys will play! Or so says Jay as he brings in Super-Special Guest Host Marcus into the fold while the rest of the gang is too busy to record.  What will they discuss?  The Fun Hog Ranch? Lurker Will?  Vegas? All of the above?  Tune in to find out! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line! Like us on Facebook!:...
Published 11/20/16
Your favorite-est Inked host has returned from travelling through Europe and with her she brings the plague! Well, some sort of plague, maybe not THE plague.  But she's sick nonetheless! As she tells you all about her grand adventures you'll soon realize that the Confused is missing! *Gay Gasp* We'd say call the authorities, but, meh, who cares? Kim has the PLAGUE. That's the exciting stuff, right there, folks! Kris and Jay drool as Kim talks all about her boozy trip (they're probably booking...
Published 11/20/16
Melissa's finally back and there's a whole lot to catch up on! Jay tells us all about his dead seal encounter and our Special Guest Host Marcus the Reliable decides the dead seal's name shall be Petunia. So, Rest In Peace, Sweet Petunia! *DRINKING GAME IDEA FOR THIS SHOW: Listen as Jay keeps announcing Charming's real name during the show! Melissa later tried to cover it up, but he did it so much that there might be some slips in there.  Drink when you hear the "Oops" sound effect, and take 2...
Published 11/20/16
  Melissa had to miss this one, but your Inked, Blind & Sin City Siren hosts definitely made sure she had her work cut out for her! Kim loses her connection and Jay scrambles to find her.  But all is well, because, well, there's plenty of booze for everyone!  We can survive anything, as long as there is alcohol nearby! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail line!...
Published 11/20/16
Jay, Melissa and Marcus gather together one lonely Saturday night for a LIVE show and all hell breaks loose.  Melissa starts out drunk and Jay takes the opportunity to teach Melissa a new sexual act: Edging.  Do you know what that is?  If not, tune in to find out!  Marcus makes the fatal error of admitting to never seeing pretty much ANY 80's movie, so Jay and Melissa spend quite some time gay-gasping until they pass out.  Dirty Dancing?  Really, Marcus?  DEAD.TO.ME. Leave us a review, or...
Published 11/20/16
  Jay and Kim talk about special life memories and of course, booze, while the Confused is (once again) absent and your Sin City Siren is out planning this little thing called a wedding.  Not just any wedding: HER wedding.  Oh, the tales she will surely have for you! In the meantime, enjoy this chat between the Inked and the Blind! Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!: 916.538.9940 – Our voicemail...
Published 11/20/16
The whole gang is together again as we come together to celebrate a Sin City Siren Wedding!  Your very own Kris got hitched over the weekend and your hosts decided to throw her an online wedding reception.  Which means Melissa was drunk right off the bat.  Just right off the bat she f*cks it up.  Oh well; every wedding needs the standard drunk, right? Leave us a review, or subscribe to our show!: We’d love your feedback! Find us on iTunes or any major Podcast app! Give us a call!:...
Published 11/20/16