This time we have outstanding guests for an outstanding topic – The ART behind THIEF - I had the pleasure to be joined by Daniel Thron – who had a major role in the creation process of the Art for the original Thief Games – Also I was joined by the amazing, Thief inspired artist, Dominus and  Skacky who added so many questions and material to the discussion. I’m personally very proud of the episode – my amazing guests made this possible – Thank you so much! You will find all the links...
Published 09/20/20
Authors: prepare for your master - FireMage - who was so kind to spend some time with us to give us some inside view on his 2nd Place Contest Mission "The Builders Paradise". After listening to, what he has achieved in terms of design, programming, reusing stock sources etc. you might rethink your rating - we sure did. Thanks to FireMage for your interesting views on your outsanding work! Get the mission HERE Visit us on YouTube Visit us on Twitter
Published 08/08/20
The TMA20AContest is over and here are the winners - RANDOM TAFFER & MARBLEMAN where so kind to discuss their contest winning mission "FEAST OF PLIGRIMS" Download the mission HERE! Follow us on Twitter! Visit us on YouTube!
Published 07/11/20
CONTEST TIME! We share our thoughts and opinions about the Thief 2 – 20th Anniversary Contest and discuss all the missions that were released for that contest. It was a very interesting discussion and it’s the longest episode so far. We are aware that maybe some of our opinions might seem a bit unfair, but please taffers, listen to our explanations. We appreciate every entry of the contest but a contest has to have ratings and individual opinions. Please share your thoughts about the contest...
Published 06/27/20
Does this man really need an introduction? We don’t think so. If you are one of the few lost souls that don’t know who STEPHEN RUSSELL is, it’s even more important to get to know him in our newest episode where Stephen – the Voice himself answered our questions about his outstanding work on Thief (Garrett, Karras, Benny, etc.) and his huge portfolio in the games industry. It was a pleasure to talk to you Stephen. Thank you for being so kind to give us some of your time and your very...
Published 05/09/20
Do you taffers have time? Maybe around 3 hours? Because PUKEY BRUNSTER had and was so nice to spend it with us to talk about her first released FM: MORBID CURIOSITY. Thank you Punkey Broomster :P to share this discussion and giving us so many interesting infos about that outstanding fanmission. Please enjoy Taffers 😊 (we did have some technical issues while recording so a lot had to be cut (no worries, it wasn’t any content just us saying “hello? Can you hear me? Ah okay I reconnect”) so...
Published 04/19/20
SPOILERALERT: if you didn't play "Godbreaker" we advice you to do before listening - you've been warned ;) Back in 2020 and even with an amazing guest. Random_Taffer was so kind to gift us some of his time to talk about his outstanding FM-series "GODBREAKER". We had interesting point of views, opinions and discussions. Thank you Random_Taffer for being part of this and we might see you around another time ;) Enjoy listening!
Published 02/22/20
I just wanted to thank you taffers! Alex (Supremcee)Thanks to NEX and PSYCH0SIS for doing this with me.Thanks to SKACKY, PURAH and KLATREMUS for being such amazing guests!Subscribe to our YOUTUBE CHANNELFollow us on Twitter for all news and Random Video StuffVisit our MEGATHREAD at the TTLG Forums
Published 12/19/19
This time we have a very special guest....the SupremeGhoster "Klatremus" who gives us a very interesting view on the ghosting play style. Thank you klatremus for joining us and your time, this is by far the longest episode!Visit klatremus on his page Visit klatremus YouTubeVisit us on the TTLG forumsFollow us on Twitter @ThiefPodcast
Published 11/27/19
Since a bank heist takes alot of preperation it took us a while to get ready for this episode but here we are (back). First City Bank & Trust - T2 OM 6. You can tell, that we really needed to do the episode since there is so much stupidity in our heads...but find out on your own. Please enjoy!(At the end my voice is really distorted by some techincal issues (even more then in former episodes, I couldn't figure it out yet, it's a bit distracting but not ruining the conversation, sorry for...
Published 11/16/19
Finally! This time we not only talk about Calendra’s Legacy – this episode is more about its creator: PURAH who joined us. Not only that he is such a great personality, he also told us interesting details about the creation of this FM and what impact it had on his life. Hope you taffers enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed talking to Purah a.k.a. Anthony Huso. So thanks again for joining us and all the best with all the great stuff you’re creating. Since Psych0sis was hit by a pagan...
Published 09/21/19
Thief 2 - Orignial Mission 5: EavesdroppingAgain we have very different opinions on a mission and have amazing ideas how it would have been better :P someone should hire us. join us, JOIN US NOOOOWWWPodcast MEGATHREAD at TTLG
Published 08/29/19
Thief 2 - Orignial Mission 4: Ambush!Now the story really starts and gets personal! Thanks to GALAEL for your sherlock holmes like thought on all the connections that lead to this mission. This gave us a good start for a  mission that had devided impressions on us.Pictures:The sparkling thing at the market placeThe hovering arrowVisit the Podcast Megathread on TTLG
Published 08/17/19
Thief 2 - Orignial Mission 2: FramedWe mentioned THIEF 2 GOLD in this episode: https://thief.fandom.com/wiki/Thief_II_Gold
Published 07/31/19
We talk about the Thief Gold FanMission - "Endless Rain" by skacky released in 2014 and also some of his other creations. Thanks to a miracle SKACKY joined us while we were recording.Forum Thread for "Endless Rain": https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144452Inside At Last Megathread: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/poll.php?pollid=1511&do=showresults
Published 07/18/19
Thief 2 - Orignial Mission 2: Shipping & Receiving
Published 07/06/19
Hello again fellow taffers, In this episode we have a conversation about speedruns of Thief. To fill this topic with expertise we are joined by no other than the speedrun legend for Thief - "Psych0sis". Enjoy it and have fun! join us, Join us now! And as always, let us know what you think. You can get the podcast on spotify, iTunes and every podcast app. Or you can download it directly here: https://ghqvsl.podcaster.de/download..._Psych0sis.mp3 Interesting Links from Psych0sis to check...
Published 07/01/19
We talk about "Seven Sisters" by Lady Rowena. Besides that we mostly try to concentrate on Lady Rs legacy and try to put her art into perspective with an passed away artist that she is until today.
Published 06/14/19
We are talking about the first missions of the different THIEF games and what they did to the player, how effective they were to teach you of the game mechanics. That was the idea, and we tried to stay on that path ;)
Published 06/08/19
This is a teaser/placeholder, so you get the idea what we are aiming for. Enjoy it! the quality in future episodes will be way better :)
Published 06/06/19