Designed to explore common coaching dilemmas, Georgetown coaches Mike McGinley and Kirsten Olson -'The Coaching Sugars'- offer soulful, compassionate and REAL coaching advice for coaches and leaders.
Published 09/12/16
Designed to explore common coaching dilemmas, Georgetown coaches Mike McGinley and Kirsten Olson -'The Coaching Sugars'- offer soulful, compassionate and REAL coaching advice for coaches and leaders. Inspired by Cheryl Strayed's 'Dear Sugar' advice column, The Coaching Sugars, Mike and Kirsten will drawn from the coaching files of their friends, colleagues and own experiences to explore those intense, real, supremely tangy coaching dilemmas that coaches feel, yet sometimes hesitate to...
Published 09/12/16
At a time when leaders are mostly living (dying) according to the well-known template called “Push, Drive, Get Results,” this radio hour with leadership coaches Jim Anderson and Dan Holden will be rich with provocative conversation about the framework they call “Rest, Release, and Allow” – a container that flies in the face of typical leadership development work. Both Jim and Dan are authors of books and articles, and they founded The Refiner’s Playground, a now sustainable “experiment” with...
Published 08/29/16
If you are like most leaders today, you face complex and unpredictable challenges. Often, people engage coaches to help them navigate unfamiliar territory for which they feel unprepared.
Published 08/15/16
If you are like most leaders today, you face complex and unpredictable challenges. Often, people engage coaches to help them navigate unfamiliar territory for which they feel unprepared. Join Host Kate Ebner and ITL faculty member, author and renowned leadership coach Doug Silsbee for an in-depth conversation about how leading complexity can actually enable significant personal growth. Learn about new ways of 'seeing, being, sensing and doing' that can help you to take new actions and...
Published 08/15/16
For most organizations, diversity is a deceptively simple label that masks a great deal of uncertainty and frustration.
Published 08/08/16
For most organizations, diversity is a deceptively simple label that masks a great deal of uncertainty and frustration. A Harvard-educated lawyer whose TED talk, “How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them” has inspired almost a million viewers, Vernā Myers’ driving mission is to help law firms and other organizations succeed at diversity: to help them transform diversity from a painfully elusive human resources goal into a real, positive, invigorating fact of life – a feature that...
Published 08/08/16
In today's world of increasing interdependency and complexity, leaders must utilize problem solving as well as 'both and thinking' to address the most strategic challenges and opportunities.
Published 08/01/16
In today's world of increasing interdependency and complexity, leaders must utilize problem solving as well as 'both and thinking' to address the most strategic challenges and opportunities. Often, these challenges and opportunities take the form of polarities, which might be described simply as 'wicked problems' or 'chronic tensions' or 'dilemmas' or 'paradoxes.' The research is clear: leaders, teams and organizations that leverage polarities well outperform those who don't. Join Host...
Published 08/01/16
Join Host Lee Ann Wurster-Naefe for a conversation with Holly Williams, author, coach, entrepreneur and member of the ITL faculty, as they explore the transformational nature of group and team coaching.
Published 07/25/16
Join Host Lee Ann Wurster-Naefe for a conversation with Holly Williams, author, coach, entrepreneur and member of the ITL faculty, as they explore the transformational nature of group and team coaching. Going behind the scenes of her book, Being Coached, Holly will share her thinking, wisdom and experience in working with groups of leaders across business, government and the non-profit sectors. You’ll learn what group coaching is, how it works, and what it brings to leaders and...
Published 07/25/16
Every day, executives confront high stakes situations that require both strategic decision-making and efficient organization, but how do leaders know which paths will lead to success? Join Host Kate Ebner for a conversation with Larry Hirschhorn, acclaimed author and recognized expert on the internal psychodynamics of organizations. He was the 2008 recipient of the Eliot Jaques award from the Society of Consulting Psychology, and is a founding member and former president of the...
Published 07/18/16
The words "transformational leadership" sound magical, but what does it really mean to lead transformation? How does lasting change happen? What toll does it take on leaders? What happens when the leader changes, but the organization doesn't? Join Host Lee Ann Wurster-Naefe for an in-depth interview and a look behind the scenes with Kate Ebner, Executive Director of Georgetown's Institute for Transformational Leadership. Discover what building an institute has taught Georgetown about...
Published 07/11/16
Join Host Kate Ebner for a conversation with Alicia Rodriguez, an entrepreneur, writer, author and coach, who challenges women to be fierce in their leadership. An adventurer and global traveler, Alicia is an expert on Conscious Living, which she practices and teaches to others. Discover ten leadership lessons that may surprise and inspire you to think differently about how you lead -- and live. Through her coaching and leadership work, Alicia teaches professionals how to thrive at work...
Published 06/27/16
Headquartered in Baltimore, MD, Miles & Stockbridge was founded in 1932 by Clarence Miles and Seymour O'Brien, later merging with a firm founded by Enos Stockbridge. From the beginning, the firm based its approach on values. The firm's founding leaders played an integral role not only in building a great law firm, but also in tackling the social issues and concerns of the day. Today, the firm has grown far beyond Maryland and,once again, its leaders are engaging in important work to...
Published 06/20/16
Jim Hollis is one of the greatest Jungian psychologists of the modern era. Join us for today’s program during which ITL faculty member Neil Stroul will talk to Dr. Hollis about a wide range of ideas regarding the developmental journey all of us travel in our lifetimes. Dr. Hollis will share a wide range of ideas drawing upon many themes unique to Jungian psychology such as the role of individuation, archetypes, and shadows as well as his more recent writings regarding the developmental...
Published 05/02/16
Giving and receiving timely accurate feedback is essential for leaders, especially as complexity increases - and yet we know that many leaders have a really hard time giving - and receiving - feedback. Join Beth Greenland, faculty member of Georgetown’s Institute for Transformational Leadership, for an insightful conversation with Dr. Jennifer Garvey Berger, internationally recognized leader and author of “Changing on the Job: Developing Leaders for a Complex World”, as they discuss how...
Published 04/25/16
The four-year college experience is as American as apple pie. So is the belief that education offers a ticket to a better life. But with student-loan debt surpassing the $1 trillion mark and new and accessible online learning options, people are beginning to question that value. Is a college diploma still worth pursuing at any price? What is the future of higher education? Join Host Kate Ebner and award-winning columnist and author Jeff Selingo for a conversation about the future of higher...
Published 04/18/16
We’ve come to expect a lot of our leaders; we can help people become better leaders by helping access new ways of thinking about leading. Deb Ancona and her colleagues at MIT have developed a model of leadership that leaders of every stripe can relate to. Join Guest Host Neil Stroul for a conversation with Deb Ancona, director of the MIT Leadership Center, for a discussion of what great leadership looks like. Drawing on her recent article in the Harvard Business Review, Deb will share the...
Published 04/04/16
We speak ourselves into transformation – or we don’t. Language does far more than just describe or communicate - this is only half of the story. Host Kate Ebner explores the relationship between language and leadership, as well as how your language can actually transform your future with Chalmers Brothers, acclaimed coach and author of Language and the Pursuit of Happiness. Join the conversation to examine how leaders sustain and cultivate workplace culture and create structures of...
Published 03/28/16
Join us as we welcome back Brigid Schulte, author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time. Brigid is a former Washington Post reporter and now directs The Good Life Initiative and The Better Life Lab at New America, a non-partisan think tank. In her book, Brigid asked the important questions: Are our brains, our partners, our culture, and our workplaces making it impossible for us to experience anything but "contaminated time?" Is there anything we can do about it? Now,...
Published 03/21/16