2: The Mueller Report (Volume 2)
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Volume II of  the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election,"addresses the President's actions towards the FBI's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and related matters, and his actions towards the Special Counsel's investigation. This volume consists of four parts. Section I provides an overview of obstruction-of-justice principles and summarizes certain investigatory and evidentiary considerations. Section II sets forth the factual results of our obstruction investigation and analyzes the evidence. Section III addresses statutory and constitutional defenses. Section IV states the conclusion. Introduction to Volume 2 (1:24) Executive Summary to Volume II (6:37) Background Legal and Evidentiary Principles (27:13) Legal Framework of Obstruction of Justice (27:18) Investigative and Evidentiary Considerations (34:06) The Campaign's Response to Reports About Russian Support for Trump (41:01) Press Reports Allege Links Between the Trump Campaign and Russia (42:03) The Trump Campaign Reacts to WikiLeaks's Release of Hacked Emails (43:24) The Trump Campaign Reacts to Allegations That Russia was Seeking to Aid Candidate Trump (45:52) After the Election, Trump Continues to Deny Any Contacts or Connections with Russia or That Russia Aided his Election (50:11) Incoming National Security Advisor Flynn Discusses Sanctions on Russia with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak (55:58) President-Elect Trump is Briefed on the Intelligence Community's Assessment of Russian Interference in the Election and Congress Opens Election Interference Investigations (1:00:23) Flynn Makes False Statements About his Communications with Kislyak to Incoming Administration Officials, the Media, and the FBI (1:03:01) DOJ Officials Notify the White House of Their Concerns About Flynn (1:06:11) McGahn has a Follow-Up Meeting About Flynn with Yates; President Trump has Dinner with FBI Director Comey (1:08:34) Flynn's Resignation (1:13:02) The President Discusses Flynn with FBI Director Comey (1:16:21) The Media Raises Questions About the President's Delay in Terminating Flynn (1:19:43) The President Attempts to Have K.T. McFarland Create a Witness Statement Denying that he Directed Flynn's Discussions with Kislyak (1:21:07) The President's Conduct Concerning the Investigation of Michael Flynn Evidence (54:37) Attorney General Sessions Recuses From the Russia Investigation (1:35:54) FBI Director Comey Publicly Confirms the Existence of the Russia Investigation in Testimony Before HPSCI (1:41:19)  The President Asks Intelligence Community Leaders to Make Public Statements that he had No Connection to Russia (1:46:35) The President Asks Comey to "Lift the Cloud" Created by the Russia Investigation (1:51:35) The President's Reaction to Public Confirmation of the FBI's Russia Investigation (1:35:01) Comey Testifies Before the Senate Judiciary Committee and Declines to Answer Questions About Whether the President is Under Investigation (2:02:16) The President Makes the Decision to Terminate Comey (2:05:32) Events Leading Up To and Surrounding the Termination of FBI Director Comey (2:00:44) The Appointment of the Special Counsel and the President's Reaction (2:32:55) The President Asserts that the Special Counsel has Conflicts of Interest (2:36:52) The Press Reports that the President is Being Investigated for Obstruction of Justice and the President Directs the White House Counsel to Have the Special Counsel Removed (2:42:36) The President's Efforts to Remove the Special Counsel (2:31:37) The President Asks Corey Lewandowski to Deliver a Message to Sessions to Curtail the Special Counsel Investigation (2:58:18) The President Follows Up with Lewandowski (3:01:06) The President Publicly Criticizes Sessions in a New York Times Interview (3:03:09) The President Orde
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