Three engineers return to Edwin Murray’s abandoned factory, haunted by his tragic past and the mysterious events following his son’s death. Fazbear Entertainment is looking to recover any salvageable assets, but when the workers start to uncover the presence of a previous reclamation team, they...
Published 11/04/24
In this thrilling episode of Into The Night, Edwin Murray uncovers Fazbear Entertainment's shocking plan to bring back a sinister force. CEO Mr. Burrows is secretly reviving The Mimic—a dangerous and long-lost AI contraption. With Freddy Fazbear engineers now installing its unregulated...
Published 10/09/24
Why is Edwin Murray so deeply troubled by Mr. Burrows' latest project for the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex—The Storyteller? To uncover the answers, we must delve into Edwin’s mysterious past.
In this episode, we rewind the FNaF timeline to a time before Five Nights at Freddy’s 4, when Edwin...
Published 09/09/24