On this edition of The Israel Show: Decades before the Mossad, the first modern Jewish espionage organization, known as the NILI, operated during WW I. Yesterday, Chaf Gimmel Tishrei (23rd of Tishrei) was the 103rd yahrzeit of Sarah Aronson one of the founders, leaders and heroines of the NILI. TIS remembers her and her colleagues' fascinating story. In honor of today - Isru Chag (in the galut), TIS replays a Meir Millim segment explaining the name of the day "Isru Chag" and the "not to be...
Published 10/12/20
On this episode of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten discusses "the Bar Kochba Revolt and the lulav" and what we learn from archaeology of the past few decades. Plus a great holiday-centric Israeli music mix. Moadim L'Simcha!
Published 09/28/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten discusses how for decades the naysayers warned that the Palestinian Arab problem is the key to Middle East peace and how last week they were proven wrong, as Israel signed peace treaties with the Gulf States - the first ever in history. That is probably why the media presented a somewhat subdued coverage. TIS shares clips from the live broadcast on Israel's most watched news station. and the weekly Israeli music mix featuring selections for...
Published 09/21/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: History will be made tomorrow, at the White House, as Israel signs normalization agreements with UAE and Bahrain. History of another kind will be made on Friday when the State of Israel will begin the celebration of R"H, Y"K & Succot in lockdown TIS discusses the "historic" details and a special pre Rosh HaShana selection of Israel music.
Published 09/14/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: The miracles keep mounting up. TIS focuses on the unnoticed details of the historic visit of a US-Israel delegation in the UAE. Yet again the Israeli government cowers before the Muslim Waqf on the Temple Mount and the weekly Israeli music mix will feature many new releases
Published 09/07/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Chanan Ben-Ari, Omer Adam & Ariel Zilber, all at the top Israeli artists, release new songs especially for Chodesh Ellul. Hear their debuts and explanations of each. Last week, Israeli air force fighter jets entered the air space of a certain country, for the first time in history. tune in for details including the cockpit recordings.
Published 08/24/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: - Thoughts on the announcement by UAE & Israel of peace and normalization between the two countries. - You'll be touched by audio cuts of Tehila Friedman's debut Knesset speech. Tehila is a religious Zionist woman, and a member of the Kachol Lavan party. and the "not to be missed" weekly Israeli music mix includes a new prayer for the parents of the Israelis being inducted into the IDF now.
Published 08/17/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Thoughts about Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, zt"l, who passed away last week. The continuing saga of the gap year programs in Israel, why aren't they being welcomed to Israel as would be expected? and more. Plus the "not to be missed" weekly Israeli music mix.
Published 08/10/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten commemorates the 15th anniversary of the Gaza expulsion via a personal reflection of journalist Akiva Novick� and presents a� "not to be missed" weekly Israeli music mix.
Published 08/03/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten discusses conflict of interest revelations in Israel's Supreme Court and presents a Three Weeks appropriate edition of his not to be missed Israeli music mix
Published 07/13/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten discusses the six curious explosions/fires that took place during one week in Iran. He also remembers the US president who, in 1819, supported the return of the Jewish People to their land. And as always, Meir presented his "not to be missed" Israeli music mix.
Published 07/06/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten pays tribute to one of modern Israel's greatest poets and composers, featuring some of her lesser known but not less inspiring songs, today, zayin Tammuz (7th of the month of Tammuz), the yahrzeit of Naomi Shemer
Published 06/29/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten presents a "seminar" on how good journalists don't cower to the PC tantrums based on fictitious "narratives." The "class" will dissect a recent Israeli TV interview, as a live example.
Published 06/22/20
On this episode of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten shares his thoughts on the exponential growth of Aliyah requests from the USA, he presents new music from Yonatan Razel and more.
Published 06/15/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: PM Netanyahu promises to apply Israeli law to the Jordan River Valley and parts of Judea & Samaria within the next month. Why is he getting strong opposition from - of all places - Israel's right wing? Sivan Rahav Meir has been sharing inspiring stories of Israelis returning home after years of living in America. Many personal accounts come to her mailbox every week, so why did she stop sharing them? What sci-fi sounding invention was envisioned by a...
Published 06/08/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: The impact of the ongoing riots in the USA on the Israeli - Arab conflict. How Israel and the Arab World are making Peace without a "peace deal" and the great weekly mix of new and nostalgic Israeli music.
Published 06/01/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Yesterday, PM Netanyahu appeared in court for the opening of his trial. But first he made a defiant speech in the halls of the very same courthouse. TIS has clips and analysis Aviv Gefen is not known for his love of Israel's charedi community. Yet, in a live performance last week, he dedicated a song to the people of Bnei Brak. Meir has the audio and the explanation - which holds out hope for the future. and the "not to be missed" weekly Israeli music mix.
Published 05/25/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Hear the heartbreaking words of a father whose only son was murdered last week during a military operation in the Shomron. 404 days after the first of the three elections, finally, Israel's emergency unity government was sworn in yesterday. Meir will give his analysis and insights. and the "not to be missed" weekly Israeli music mix.
Published 05/18/20
On this edition of The Israel Show Drama in real time - Yet another showdown: Israel's Judiciary v.s. the legislature & executive branches. Celebrating 100 years of the San Remo Conference is nice, but what was the San Remo Conference and why is it worthy of celebration?
Published 05/04/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten explores "Why don't we say full Hallel after 1st holiday of Pesach?" Also, Meir shares his thoughts for Erev Yom HaShoa and presents his weekly not to be missed Israeli music mix
Published 04/20/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: Meir Weingarten explores "Why don't we say full Hallel after 1st holiday of Pesach?" Also, Meir shares his thoughts for Erev Yom HaShoa and presents his weekly not to be missed Israeli music mix
Published 04/20/20
On this edition of The Israel Show: - Some thoughts, anecdotes and sounds of this unique Pesach in Israel - While flights into Israel from almost every other country are banned, What's going on with flights from the USA to Israel ? - An appreciation of Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron ztz"l former Chief Rabbi of Israel. and the special Pesach Israeli music mix.
Published 04/13/20
On this edition of The Israel Show - Why does Israel have one of the lowest Corona death rates in the world? - PM Netanyahu victory - analysis of political genius - Inspiring words of Rabbi Marc Penner and the "not to be missed" weekly Israeli music mix.
Published 03/30/20