Uncle Marv and guest Dave Scott, President of Scott Growth Strategies, discuss the challenges MSPs face with ineffective marketing and share practical tips for mastering marketing to grow an IT services business. They explore the common pitfalls MSPs encounter and provide guidance on how to develop a successful, personalized marketing strategy.
Published 04/25/24
Uncle Marv sits down with Shawn Walsh and Dave Cava, authors of the new book "The Pumpkin Plan for Managed Service Providers." They discuss the process of writing the book, the key lessons it teaches, and how MSPs can apply the principles to grow their businesses.
Published 04/24/24
Uncle Marv interviews Colin Knox, the co-founder and CEO of Gradient, about their new product called StackTracker. StackTracker is a tool that helps MSPs gain deep visibility into their technology stack, including usage, costs, and profitability.
Published 04/22/24
Uncle Marv interviews Lori Hardtke, a solo MSP owner who has found great success by implementing the Profit First system in her business. Lori shares her journey of how Profit First transformed her business and how she is now helping other MSPs achieve profitability through her Profit First Academy.
Published 04/19/24
Uncle Marv recaps his experience at the recent Channel Pro Live event in Orlando, Florida. He also shares a story about a client who wanted additional services but was unwilling to pay for them, highlighting the importance of setting clear expectations and pricing with customers.
Published 04/18/24
Say goodbye to the days of wasted resources and hello to strategic marketing that spotlights your MSP's unique strengths. Uncle Marv sits down with Tim Fitzpatrick, founder of Rialto Marketing, to discuss the importance of developing a strategic marketing plan for MSPs.
Published 04/17/24
Brook Lee and Tim Coach discuss best practices for running an effective help desk for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Streamed during Channel Pro Live in Orlando, Florida.
Published 04/12/24
Uncle Marv sits down with Jeff Bishop, the Chief Product Officer at ConnectWise, to discuss the company's recent announcements and innovations around robotic process automation (RPA), workflow automation, and their new AI assistant Sidekick.
Published 04/04/24
Join us as we raise a glass to celebrate the monumental 40th anniversary of ASCII, a cornerstone in the IT community. Uncle Marv sits down with Jerry Koutavas, Jessie Devine, and Sue Trahant to discuss the history and impact of the ASCII group.
Published 03/27/24
Uncle Marv welcomes Paco Lebron and Rick Smith from MSP Unplugged. They discuss their experiences in the IT industry, the growth of their businesses, and the importance of community support in the managed services sector.
Published 03/21/24
Rayanne Buchianico joins us again to discuss the importance of preparing a business for the future, focusing on key aspects like valuation, exit planning, and organizational readiness.
Published 03/20/24
Rayanne Buchianico, an expert in MSP accounting, shares valuable insights on managing finances for IT businesses. From setting up accounting systems to understanding revenue streams and profit margins, Rayanne provides essential advice for IT professionals looking to optimize their financial operations.
Published 03/20/24
MSP Raffi Jamgotchian shares financial tips for IT professionals, emphasizing the importance of financial acumen and operational efficiency in running a successful business.
Published 03/19/24
Uncle Marv discusses the concept of "bill for everything" in the context of MSPs and their billing practices.
Published 03/16/24
Have you ever found yourself tangled in the complex dance of cash flow versus profit in your business? Join me as I sit down with Heather, a savvy CPA and profit strategist, for a critical examination of cash flow in business.
Published 03/14/24
When clients understand what they're paying for, they're likely to pay faster. I received a cryptic hospital bill laden with undecipherable codes and a staggering total, highlighting the frustration of unclear billing. Today's podcast gets into the art of invoice detail.
Published 03/09/24
Welcome to the star-studded Super Ops Super Show, where community leaders gather to discuss the importance of community in the managed services industry.
Published 03/07/24
Ever considered adding cyber warranties to your arsenal of client offerings? Nick Wolf from Cork Inc. discusses the concept of cyber warranties as an alternative or supplemental coverage to cyber insurance, highlighting the benefits for MSPs and their clients.
Published 03/06/24
Uncle Marv discusses the National Society of IT Service Providers (NSITSP) with Amy Babinchak
Published 03/05/24
The Florida Man Games really happened. Syncro has a new CEO. Someone actually answered the Q and will get an Amazon gift card. And I talk about almost dying.
Published 02/29/24
We welcome Amy Babinchak, a seasoned IT community leader, to discuss the evolution of her involvement in the tech industry, her recent transition after selling her MSP, and the various ways she continues to support IT professionals.
Published 02/28/24
Uncle Marv discusses the Florida Man Games, a wild sporting event, and then delves into a heartfelt discussion on diversity in the tech industry, prompted by the departure of Emily Glass, CEO of Syncro. Uncle Marv shares his thoughts on the importance of diversity and challenges listeners to do better in understanding and embracing diversity in the workplace.
Published 02/24/24
Guest: Eric Anthony with the All Things MSP Community Group. Eric is an MSP (Managed Services Provider) veteran and the MSP Enablement Director at Egnyte.
Published 02/22/24
Ever found yourself chuckling at the quirky quirks of IT newbies? Join me for a special weekend podcast with a humorous and insightful story about our friend CJ.
Published 02/17/24
I'm joined by Karen Knab, an executive leadership coach, to discuss the importance of communication and conflict resolution for IT professionals. We tackle the challenges techies face when dealing with people and not just machines, aiming to enhance leadership skills within the IT business landscape.
Published 02/15/24