32. Maureen Josephine
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A software developer interested in developing both mobile and web applications geared towards making work easier and creating a positive impact, currently working with Carepay Limited in Kenya. Developed interest in Flutter from 2018 to date and working towards improving the Flutter Tech community in Kisumu in collaboration with GDG Kisumu. I believe in Flutter and future of Flutter is great!!! # How to get started on fun Flutter https://medium.com/podiihq/how-to-get-started-on-fun-flutter-699c81c89a8f # Setting up Lint Rules in Dart-Flutter https://medium.com/podiihq/setting-up-lint-rules-in-dart-flutter-1ebbed0418a6 # Understanding Hot-Reload in Flutter https://medium.com/podiihq/understanding-hot-reload-in-flutter-2dc28b317036 # Welinda • A flutter app cultivated during IWD (International Women's Day) Hackathon organized by GDG Kisumu where we emerged the winners. The app aims to link Gender-based violence victims with rescue centers, hospitals, and doctors and provide chatroom for sharing experiences and testimonials. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.podii.welinda_app Discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/ekrr8m/maureen_josephine_its_all_widgets_flutter_podcast/
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Verry is a Flutter freelancer and an active member of the Flutter community. She has a master's degree in computer science and has been working professionally as a software engineer for more than 12 years now. In her free time, she manages the German-speaking Flutter DACH community and works on...
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Senior Developer Relations Engineer on the Solutions team at Google. # Signals https://pub.dev/packages/signals # Previous Episode https://itsallwidgets.com/podcast/episodes/34/rody-davis # YouTube https://youtube.com/rodydavis # Medium https://medium.com/@rody.davis.jr Discussion:...
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