Before joining Google, Chris was a contributing member of the Windows developer community for more than 20 years, including 3 years at Intel and 8 years at Microsoft. He’s written a number of books in this area and still maintains a blog that he started in 1995 about his various technical adventures, although he’s more active on Twitter these days. At Google, Chris is the Product Manager responsible for the Flutter developer experience. # Dart...
Published 03/13/19
1) Master craftsman certification as ships mechanic. 2) Bachelor of Science "nautical science" at University of Wismar / Germany. 3) Nautical officer with captains license for merchant ships of all sizes. 4) Student of computer science at University of Karlsruhe / Germany. My status is beginner with Flutter. # Fluro - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/fluro # Flare Profile https://www.2dimensions.com/a/Seemann-123/files/recent/all
Published 02/17/19
Emily Fortuna is a developer advocate on the Flutter team at Google. When not educating people about the awesomeness of Flutter, she can be found working on improving fairness in machine learning or acting on the stage and screen. She is an avid member of the nerdy joke appreciation society. Please reach out to her if you're interested in presenting about Flutter and want a nudge! # The Dog House https://github.com/efortuna/thedoghouse
Published 02/13/19
Matt works for Google on the Flutter team and is a pretty lucky guy: he gets to spend his days rummaging around Flutter, building apps, and messing around making YouTube videos. Seriously, that's his job. # Widget of the Week Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkF0TQJO0bA&list=PLOU2XLYxmsIL0pH0zWe_ZOHgGhZ7UasUE # Flutter Weekly https://flutterweekly.net # Flutter Force https://medium.com/flutterforce
Published 02/10/19
Been a Frontend Engineer for 15+ years. Worked on a variety of Platforms, Frameworks ranging from Java, .Net, macOS, iOS, React, Angular, Web and of late Dart and Flutter :-). I am a published author, speaker and mentor. Created QuickLens, a macOS app for UI Designers and Developers. Recently, started mobx.dart, a port of MobX from the JavaScript world to dart and flutter. MobX is a supercharged state-management library that drastically simplifies the experience of dealing with the...
Published 02/06/19
Nilay works at Flutter DevRel team as a program manager, mostly working with communities and events. She likes talking to people. If you are interested in running a Flutter event, want to be a Flutter GDE or have questions, reach out to her on Twitter!
Published 02/03/19
Salih is a Berlin based Android & Flutter Developer who follows all the cutting edge technologies for the mobile world. He also likes sharing his knowledge with the people by mentoring aspiring developers, creating study groups and blogging. # A Slider view for Before-After use-case for Flutter https://github.com/salihgueler/flutter_before_after_image # Flutter Animations project https://github.com/salihgueler/flutter-animations
Published 01/31/19
In everything I do, I believe in creativity and growing into excellence. The way I do this is by creating products and contents that are useful, beautiful and easy to use. I happen to create mobile apps! Currently an Android developer at Farmcrowdy Limited (No. 1 startup in Nigeria). I have 4 years experience developing Android apps, and I'm super excited to be part of the first people to launch an Android and iOS app using flutter in Nigeria. # Substack Newsletter...
Published 01/28/19
An avid 14 year old app developer using flutter and built piano exam prep, piano exam prep lite, community Seva and most recently Palam an educational platform for teachers and students currently being used by a medical professor for a class at UC Davis. Harish is currently in 9th grade and a self taught app developer. # Android link Piano Exam Prep: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happssolutions.pianoexamprep # IOS link Piano Exam Prep:...
Published 01/21/19
Simon loves Flutter and believes its the future of Mobile development. Co-founder Flutter Study Group on Slack. He's been writing code for 18+ years, of which the last 10 years has been professional Android development. He discovered Flutter in Oct 2017 and since then has not looked back. # Medium https://medium.com/flutter-community # rebloc https://github.com/redbrogdon/rebloc
Published 01/17/19
Deeply in love with Flutter, Remi spends a lot of time exchanging with the flutterverse. He particularly stands out with his presence on StackOverflow, with well over 500 answers to Flutter questions. # Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/users/8394265/r%C3%A9mi-rousselet # flutter_hooks https://github.com/rrousselGit/flutter_hooks # functional_widget https://github.com/rrousselGit/functional_widget
Published 01/14/19
Scott is the organizer of GDG Cleveland & NE Ohio Flutter Developers Meetup, co-founder of the Flutter Study Group Slack and an editor for Flutter Community on Medium. He is also the creator of “#HumpDayQandA” (A.K.A. “FlutterQandA”). He is fond of travel and available for talks, workshops and “Kickstart” training intended to get a team productive with Flutter in only a few days. # Learn Flutter https://learnflutter.io # Windy City DevFest https://windycity.devfest.io Note: Windy City...
Published 01/09/19
Student. Discovered Flutter in January 2018, been releasing a bunch of articles and open source packages since then. Currently involved in building a Flutter desktop embedder & experimenting with the idea of a Flutter IDE.
Published 01/07/19
Martin Aguinis leads Marketing for Flutter. He is part of the Google Developer Marketing group based in Mountain View, California. Before Flutter, Martin founded his own companies and also worked in the YouTube team on Virtual Reality. Martin is originally from Buenos Aires and loves to travel. # Introducing Flutter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq4N0hgOWzU # Official assets https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KXNtO9My2AMpDOF9A9Y_4aj4_BcgmDDT
Published 01/03/19
Parth is a guy who is trying to grow up and do mature stuff and work but ends up designing, playing games (most of the time) or watching Movies/TV Series. Parth has lots of experience in designing user interfaces & front-end development. Parth uses Angular for Creating frontend, ionic and Flutter to create hybrid apps. Parth has mastery over some of the adobe creative suite apps.
Published 12/30/18
Spanish engineer lost in Chicago. I am the organizer of the Chicago Flutter Meetup. I work for the BMW Group, where we craft the Android apps for BMW, MINI and Rolls Royce. When I am not coding, you’ll likely find me playing guitar, and trying to sing at the same time, although we can all agree that singing is not one of my strengths! - https://www.meetup.com/Flutter-Chicago/ - https://github.com/jorgecoca/ozzie.flutter - https://github.com/felangel/bloc -...
Published 12/23/18
An Android Test Engineer turned Developer. Currently working as Flutter Dev for a startup and enjoying each and every day I spend learning, exploring and implementing features using Flutter. I like to write articles on new things I learn on Flutter and occasionally publish articles on sports websites on Cricket. # Medium https://medium.com/@darshankawar # LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/darshank15
Published 12/19/18
I am a Google Certified Associate Android Developer, Having 1.5+ years of experience and now a Flutter enthusiast, I love creating projects and making it open source. Also, love to speak what I know about.
Published 12/16/18
Hello! I am an accidental altcoin founder who became a software developer through trial by fire. I love Flutter, Typescript, ReactiveX, and Oxford commas. A showcase app for Flutter Developers: https://github.com/lukepighetti/flutter-developers
Published 12/12/18
I am open source enthusiast from India, Currently working as an Application developer at Technogise in Pune. I have been working on Android and kotlin from past 3.5 years and Exploring flutter as well. I am movie freak and big-time Marvel and game of throne fan. I try to learn and share my knowledge by writing on medium or speaking at conferences. - Medium blogs: https://medium.com/@burhanrashid52 - Stackoverflow : https://stackoverflow.com/users/5301119 - Linkedin :...
Published 12/09/18
Rohan is a mobile apps enthusiast who loves talking about the latest in the mobile world, with Flutter being his most recent love affair. He works as a Software Engineer at Delivery Hero in Berlin. He talks about Flutter at conferences, writes blogs on Medium and mentors students on various e-learning platforms. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prlK_QL_qOA - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohantaneja/
Published 11/30/18
A computer developer and entrepreneur currently occupied with ventures in the ed tech space with over 8000 subscribed students, the home automation space with over 5000 completely automated homes using wireless switches and a Flutter app to control them from anywhere in the world, and the blockchain space with an upcoming cryptocurrency exchange in Canada
Published 11/27/18
I'm 26 and I like to make flutter apps in my free time. By day I'm a COBOL developer. I'm married with a 2 year old, and I teach guitar in the evenings.
Published 11/27/18
Freelance Software Developer interested in desktop and mobile app development embarcadere MVP since 2015 and now Flutter/Dart enthusiast
Published 11/27/18
Marco is the founder of Pixolini, Inc. an iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Enterprise and Client Server Development Company. Marco wrote his first native iPhone app in 2008. The current focus is on mobile app development especially iOS, Android, Web, and Desktop. Marco founded MLN Enterprises, a Software Development company for Mortgage Banking, Processing, and Marketing. MLN was bought out by his largest competitor. Cannot code without Espresso, Cappuccino, Coffee and loves Martial Arts. Did I...
Published 11/27/18